Next, Lupine chose Morag McDougal.

"I think it's because there are so many of us, it has difficulty choosing and doesn't know what shape it should take." Morag expressed his thoughts.

"Very true." Professor Lupin said, and then added two points for him.

"When dealing with a boggart, it's best to go in a group. This confuses it: does it turn into a headless skeleton, or does it turn into a flesh-eating slug? I saw a boggart once Te made this mistake - he wanted to scare two people at the same time, and ended up turning himself into half a slug [not scary at all.

Then, he picked up his wand: "The spell to repel the Boggart is very simple, but it requires strong willpower. You know, what really makes the Boggart completely destroyed is laughter. What you need is to force it to change. It will become an image that you think is funny. Let’s practice the spell without taking the wand first. Please say with me... [Funny]!"

"[Funny]!" the whole class said together.

"Very good," said Professor Lupin, "very good. But this is the easy part. You know, this spell alone is not enough. Who wants to try it for the tenth time?"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. No one wants to be the first to expose their weaknesses.

Levin sighed when he saw this, and wanted to be the first to go up and give everyone a demonstration.

But Professor Lupine shook his head and said: "No, Mr. Green, I have no doubt that you can defeat the Boggart. But I think you are more suitable as the person who finally ends it.

"Except Levin, no one is willing to be the first to try?" Professor Lupin frowned slightly.

"Okay, I want you all to take a moment now to think about what you're most afraid of, and then imagine how 287 you could make it ridiculous..."

The classroom suddenly became quiet.

In fact, Levin himself is thinking back: "What is my greatest fear in this world? If I let go of [Hidden Thoughts], what image will the Boggart have?"

Thinking about it this way, he didn't seem to know himself that well, and he was very curious about what he was afraid of.

Maybe a boggart can help him.

After a while, Professor Lupin asked: "Is everyone ready? Who comes first?"

The first person to stand up was Levin's roommate, Steve Kornford. This boy is a carefree person in Ravenclaw, and naturally he does not lack courage.

"Very good, Steve! Let's all step back," Professor Lupin said, "and leave a space for you, okay? At that time, I will call the next classmate to come forward... Okay Okay, everyone, step back and make room for Steve

Levin realized something and glanced at Lupine in surprise.

If Professor Lupin could call him by his name, it was because of a chance encounter on the train.

So, now that he can call Steve's name, he is definitely prepared.

As a professor, Lupine memorized the names and appearances of the young wizards in advance. From this point of view, he was indeed a good teacher, and was even their best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor so far.

And this evaluation may not be outdated even if it continues for three years.

The classmates all retreated to the wall, leaving Steve standing alone by the closet. His face was a little pale, but he did not retreat.

"I'm counting to three, Steve," Professor Lupine said, pointing his wand at the closet, "—two—three—go!"

A burst of sparks shot from the end of Professor Lupin's wand, which hit the handle of the closet door.

The closet door suddenly opened, and a green monster crawling on all fours crawled out of the closet, stared at Steve fiercely, and made bursts of "hissing" sounds.

Like a dynamite fuse being lit.

It dragged stiff movements and slowly crawled towards Steve step by step. The hissing sound became more and more rapid, as if it was about to explode at any time - and Steve seemed to be stunned by fright. The bar didn't move.

"Steve, chant the curse!" Kevin, another roommate, reminded loudly.

After being distracted for a while, Steve took a step forward, pointed at the skeleton with a pale face, and yelled: "Funny!"

The next moment, the crawler suddenly sprouted a pair of cats, with cat tails coming out from behind its buttocks, crawling around on the ground, as if it was frightened by its own appearance.

"Good job! Next, Padma!" Professor Lupine shouted.

Padma Patil seemed to be inspired by Steve's courage, gritted her teeth and rushed forward from him.

Snap! The mummy disappeared and a giant cobra appeared.

The cobra coiled on the ground, raised its head high, exposed its fangs, stared at Padma, and mouthed a message.

before it bites an indian girl

Padma screamed and cast the spell: "[Funny]!"

The cobra lunged at her, stumbling and tying itself in knots before Padma fell to the ground screaming.

Seeing the cobra trying to untie itself and getting more and more tangled, the students burst into laughter, and Professor Lupine shouted: "Draco Malfoy.

Seeing the two classmates in front of him going so smoothly, Malfoy seemed to rush forward impatiently. As a result, a Hippogriff appeared in front of him, and it raised its sharp claws towards Malfoy.

"Afda funny!" Malfoy stumbled as if he was frightened.

The Hippogriff was immediately beheaded by the executioner, but it seemed that Malfoy's spell was not powerful enough, and the Boggart changed again.

This time, it was Levin Green himself who appeared in front of them. He stared at Malfoy fiercely, as if to say: "Do you want to be turned into a toad by me again?"

Everyone was immediately surprised, and their eyes wandered between the two Levins.

At this moment, another hand patted Malfoy's shoulder,

He turned around. Levin was standing behind him.

"Am I really that scary?" the two Levins said in unison.

Malfoy's face turned red, and he screamed and ran out of the door.

Malfoy's farce caused a burst of laughter, and now everyone knew that the person Malfoy feared the most was Levin Green.

Ravenclaw and Slytherin's little wizards continued to try, so Boggart transformed into spiders, mummies, giants and other forms.

The scariest one is Terry Boot, whose boggart is a dementor:

The strangest thing is Daphne Greengrass. Her biggest fear is that her sister turns into a fox.

Levin glanced at Daphne meaningfully. Other young wizards didn't know, but he knew that this was because the Greengrass family inherited the blood curse, and her sister Astoria Greengrass unfortunately became infected. By.

Those infected by the blood curse can transform into blood curse orcs, transforming into an animal.

But unlike normal Animagus, the transformation of the blood-cursed orc is irreversible. As the curse deepens, the infected person will eventually turn into an animal forever.

That is indeed a very terrible fate.

Finally, Professor Lupine shouted: "Levin, come up and kill it.

All the little wizards looked at Levin with great anticipation,

They all want to know what Levin, who seems so good, omniscient and omnipotent, is afraid of.

Levin nodded and stepped forward.

With a "pop!" sound, the Boggart turned into a bloody eyeball, and then turned into a bomb, a spider, and a corpse. Next, the Boggart twisted faster and faster, Spinning on the ground in the middle of the classroom... But Levin remained unmoved, as if he was not affected by the Boggart.

Everyone looked at Professor Lupin, hoping that he could explain the situation at hand.

Lupine was also quite impressed: "Actually, I didn't tell you another way to deal with Boggarts, which is [Occlumency]. This is a complex and profound magic that can seal the brain to resist magical invasion and influence. , so the Boggart cannot read Mr. Green’s inner fear. Obviously, your Levin has superb Occlumency skills!"

Of course, what Levin uses is not [Occlumency], but whether it is [Thought Concealment] or [Thought Barrier], it can show similar effects.

All the little wizards looked at Levin with admiration. He once again demonstrated his omnipotence!

"Levin, you are indeed the most talented student I have ever seen." Lupine also looked at Levin and advised, "But why not try to see what you are afraid of? The best way to eliminate fear is to face your fear."

Listening to his serious words, Levin almost thought his next sentence was "Persistence is victory, come on, Oli!"

But what Professor Lupin said made sense. He was also very curious about the object of his fear.

Besides, everyone has exposed their own weaknesses, wouldn't it be bad if he was the only one hiding it?

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