The next day, it was Levin's turn to take Magical Creatures class.

He was very happy to see that Hagrid was no longer depressed and had regained his liveliness.

He greeted the little wizards Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff with his usual loud voice.

"Everyone come to this fence and make sure everyone can see me!" Hagrid led everyone to an open space outside the Forbidden Forest. "Now, what we need to do is open the textbooks!"

He gently touched the spine of "The Monster Book of Monsters" with his hand, and the sinister book opened its mouth obediently.

The little wizards followed suit, and all the "Monster Books" were at their disposal.

"That's great! You all mastered the correct way to open this book. I think it is very interesting." The smooth start gave Hagrid the confidence to start the class.

However, many young wizards looked curiously at the Hippogriff in the paddock in the distance.

The news of Malfoy's injury had spread throughout the campus.

Hagrid cleared her throat and said loudly, "Today we want to introduce to you - the fairy."

A little thing less than five inches tall, like a miniature human with wings, crawled out of Hagrid's pocket and flew to the tips of his fingers.

If you look closely, you will find that it has a delicate face and the wings on its back are similar to those of insects, but much more colorful.

Hagrid's thick fingertips are enough for it to sit down, and the little guy's wings are flapping gently, looking very cute.

At least the little witches in the class had their attention immediately.

"Fairies are not very intelligent and generally live in woodlands or forest clearings. They are vain creatures and often allow wizards to use them as decorations. In fact, at Christmas time, fairies often come forward to volunteer. Serves as a Christmas tree decoration.”

Hagrid introduced fairies to the little wizards.

"Actually, it's very easy to catch some fairies. You can make a beautiful tree house and put it in the forest to trap the hidden fairies. They are so vain. As long as you let them live in it, they will be very happy. obedient."

After Hagrid said that, he pointed to the forest not far away.

The girls all wanted to raise one of these cute creatures, so they happily made their own tree houses.

The enthusiasm of the little wizards also made Hagrid very happy. He took the little fairy and walked around among the little eagles and little badgers, constantly showing them this little cutie: "What a beautiful little guy, isn't it?"

The boys also enjoyed the present, but they were more interested in the hippogriff in the distance,

But with Malfoy's lessons learned, no one dared to challenge and tame this ferocious magical creature.

Levin quickly completed the making of the tree house - he didn't even have to do it himself, as a druid he just had to wave his hand, and the branches and vines would grow into a beautiful fist on their own.

When he went into the forest to look for fairies, the bushes and trees soon told him where they were.

These little creatures cannot speak and can only communicate with their companions by making high-pitched buzzing sounds, so it will be very lively when a group of fairies gather together.

When Levin followed the sound and walked over to the monkey, the group of fairies with wings of various colors were silent for a moment, and then there was a buzzing noise.

The natural scent of the druid is very attractive to them,

Levin didn't even need to take out the bookstore, they flew to Levin and circled around her, vying to show off their beauty.

So Levin showed them the exquisite castle woven from branches and vines.

The fairies immediately understood what Levin meant - there was a castle here that was in desperate need of the most beautiful fairies.

So a small beauty pageant started in front of Levin.

After a fierce election, seven of the most beautiful fairies, whose wings corresponded to the seven colors of the rainbow, happily entered Levin's castle.

Levin completed the task and won the envious eyes of everyone. The little witches rushed to get close to each other and wanted to borrow Levin's castle to see.

No way, although fairies are cute, they also have very high aesthetic standards.

Generally, the tree houses made by little wizards are too rough to attract fairies to settle in.

Levin walked up to Hagrid and showed him his wooden castle.

"Great! Levin! You are the fastest to complete the task." Hagrid clapped his hands, thought about it and said, I want to award Ravenclaw 10 points!"

"Professor, can I change the reward?"

In class, Levin addressed Hagrid as professor, which delighted him.

This is an honorific title for a genius from Ravenclaw.

Among his friends, even Harry still calls him by his original name. Levin was the first person to call him professor!

"What do you want?" Hagrid said enthusiastically,

Judging from his appearance, even if Levin wanted a fire dragon, he would catch one.

"Professor, I want to get up close and personal with Buckbeak." Levin thought for a while and said.

It was a choice he made after careful consideration, although he did not support Hagrid teaching such dangerous creatures in the classroom.

But now that something has happened, we must make amends.

Levin hopes to set an example by himself and let other young wizards know that hippogriffs are actually very friendly, and Malfoy is solely to blame.

"Well——" Hagrid was a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Professor. I can protect myself - not even the Chimeraru and the Basilisk can do anything to me." Levin assured.

"Okay! But you have to be careful." Levin's request was indeed difficult for Hagrid to refuse.

So he went to the paddock under the leadership of Hagrid.

Many little wizards who were secretly paying attention to the paddock also gave up looking for the fairy and followed them.

"How beautiful, isn't it?" Hagrid praised in front of the Hippogriff.

Levin could tell that his tone was different from when he praised the fairy before.

Hagrid obviously likes this hippogriff even more and thinks it is beautiful from the bottom of his heart!

After all, in terms of Hagrid's aesthetics, the more powerful it is, the more beautiful it is.

The animal has the body, hind legs and tail of a horse, but its front legs, wings and head are like those of an eagle. Its cold sharp beak is the color of steel, and its big bright eyes are orange. The talons on its front legs are half a foot long and look formidable. There was a thick leather collar around his neck, tied by a long chain, which was tied to the fence.

Although it looks majestic, it is the only one staying here alone in the huge paddock, which looks very worrying.

Hagrid threw a fresh big fish in front of the fence. Buckbeak in the fence opened his mouth, caught it accurately, and ate happily.

"Originally there were many of them here, but you are right. In order to prevent Malfoy's revenge, I sent them all back to the Forbidden Forest. Only Buckbeak refused to leave."

Hagrid thought no one was paying attention and secretly wiped his eyes with his big palm.

"It's really beautiful." Levin nodded.

The little wizards who were watching also agreed with this view. Once they overcame the fear of seeing the half-horse, half-bird monster for the first time, they would begin to admire the hippogriff's shiny fur.

"Professor, can I take a closer look at it?" Levin asked. With so many people watching, he thought it was time to show off.

"But...Levin!" Because something had just happened to Malfoy, Hagrid was still a little worried.

But before he could speak, Levin had already taken a step forward,

At the same time, he secretly released the Druid's breath.

Buckbeak was immediately attracted. He raised his head, looked at Levin curiously, and then walked towards him gracefully.

"Buckbeak, this is my friend." Hagrid thought the other person was angry and wanted to step forward to stop Levin's recklessness.

The students standing outside the paddock seemed to all 227 hold their breath.

Unexpectedly, the hippogriff suddenly bent its scaly front knees and took the initiative to make an unmistakable bow to Levin.

It seems that during the first meeting between the two parties, Levin was the one who was flattered.

"Oh, my God, he seems to like you very much!" Hagrid was a little unbelievable. He had never seen Buckbeak be so proactive.

After all, before Levin, he had never seen any child of nature like a druid.

In reciprocity, Levin bowed slightly to Buckbeak.

Buckbeak was very excited about Levin's reaction. He took this as recognition from the other party.

Before Hagrid could untie it, the eagle happily came to Levin and rubbed his big head against Levin's chest.

"Oh, good boy, good boy."

Levin also stroked its head comfortingly. ,

"It really likes you." Hagrid wiped his tears with emotion as he took off Buckbeak's chain and leather collar.

All the students cheered, "Levin succeeded!"

"I knew he could tame this monster!"

"He is the man who conquered the Chimaera."

"I remember the newspaper mentioned in the summer vacation that Levin also participated in a dragon-slaying operation."

"Even Gryffindor Harry Potter can do it, of course Levin can't fail!"

"It seems that Malfoy was injured because he was too self-righteous!"

"I really want to give it a try!"

As Levin successfully conquered the Hippogriff, the young wizards' views on Buckbeak and yesterday's accident instantly changed 180 degrees.


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