In fact, Levin and Hermione didn't have to wait until lunchtime to meet each other, because Ravenclaw and Gryffindor had their second period Transfiguration class together.

As soon as the two of them looked at each other across the classroom, the girl lowered her head in shame and did not dare to look at him.

She had understood everything and realized that she had misunderstood the boy.

Whether it's hooking up with others or cuddling, what she has been doubting all along is actually herself - her future self.

She brought this whole thing on herself.

Today’s lesson is Animagus. Of course, it’s just a brief introduction.

Professor McGonagall did not expect a third-year wizard to learn such a complex spell.

The professor transformed in front of the class into a tabby cat with traces of glasses around his eyes. This demonstration caused thunderous applause in the classroom. The little wizards were all motivated and geared up to study Animagus seriously, hoping that they could do it in the future.

But soon, they realized that they were still far away from becoming a real Animagus! This kind of transformation was not something that a student could complete in school.

For example, just taking the first step of Animagus is something that ordinary little wizards cannot do.

Because for a whole month, the little wizard must continue to hold a single mandrake leaf in his mouth - if the leaf leaves the mouth or is swallowed, the process must start again.

Even if you complete this and meet a series of other demanding conditions, you are still far from successful.

"527" users must wait for a suitable thunderstorm before they have the opportunity to try their first transformation. This is an almost impossible task for a school student.

From this point of view, Harry's father and his gang are really defiant.

Although Levin had already learned the prototype of Animagus and the druid's wild transformation,

At this time, he was still studying relevant knowledge seriously,

After all, he still wants to help several of his female friends become Animagus like the "Predators".

But he can't expect them to all have druid talents.

After class, Levin immediately blocked Hermione,

The girl, who knew she was guilty, reluctantly agreed to fulfill the contract at Levin's urging, but proposed to change the dog's barking to a cat's barking.

She just got a new cat this semester, and the cat’s meowing seems to be more acceptable?

So, under Levin's excited gaze, Hermione called out "meow" in a low voice, which almost made his face bleed.

The price was that Hermione didn't dare see him all afternoon.

It wasn't until after dinner that Hermione had to follow Harry and Ronald to find Levin because she was so proud of the rag.

The girl came up and said: "Have you heard?"

Levin was confused when he said this: "What did I hear? I heard that there is a strange guy wandering in the Benlang Territory?"

"What's the Wolf Leader? Who's wandering around?" Hermione didn't get Levin's clue at all and explained seriously: "The thing is like this, Malfoy was injured in Hagrid's class.

We are going to visit Hagrid, will you go?"

"Of course I want to go, Hagrid can be considered my friend." Levin looked at the three pairs of anxious eyes and nodded, "I remember that Slytherin took Magical Zoology with Gryffindor. You have to tell me what happened. .

"But, Harry?" Levin glanced at Harry.

Sirius, who escaped from prison, was imprisoned for informing and killing Harry's parents, so many people believed that his first target after escaping from prison was Harry.

More than one professor has asked Harry to stay in Hogwarts and not leave the castle.

In this regard, Hermione also agreed with this idea, "Harry, I think you should stay, we will tell you everything when we get back, after all-"

"The edge of the Forbidden Forest is also within the scope of the castle." Harry found an excuse and said, "This is also within the protection range of the Dementors. Although they are annoying, they can really block Sirius Black, right?"

"Okay, if you insist!" Levin nodded. He also knew that the betrayer was not Black, and there was no way this black dog could be harmful to Harry. "If we leave now, we should have enough time to talk to him.

The four of them hurried to the door, telling Levin everything about the class.

"From the moment he took out the textbook, Malfoy has been looking for trouble for Hagrid. Even though the store clerk told everyone how to open the "Monster Book of Monsters", he pretended to be ignorant and mocked Hagrid." Harry started from the beginning.

"He also teased me and Harry about fainting on the train." Ronald also added.

"Oh, can't you get to the point?" Hermione said impatiently.

"Hagrid prepared for the hippogriff for the first lesson, which is a magical creature with a danger level of The Hippogriff said hello to Harry, and Harry stepped forward voluntarily. Who knew that Malfoy also wanted to participate in order to fight with Harry, and then he was scratched by Buckbeak for being disrespectful."

"Actually, this is all Malfoy's own responsibility," Ronald reminded. "Harry did a great job! I bet that if it weren't for jealousy, Harry would have successfully ridden Buckbeak."

Malfoy didn't dare face Buckbeak at all.

Levin believes this.

With Malfoy's shrewdness, he would never rashly try to cause trouble in front of such a dangerous creature.

Unless jealousy goes to your head.

"Malfoy is stupid, that's true, but I don't think Hagrid should have prepared such a dangerous creature in the first place!" Hermione said her thoughts unceremoniously, instead of facing Levin's soft cuteness, "Harry didn't How lucky you were to have your neck broken by Buckbeak!"

"That's why Malfoy shouldn't have provoked Buckbeak and called him a big ugly beast! He deserves it!"

Ronald and Hermione were now at odds with each other, neither giving in to the other.

Harry, on the other hand, was sandwiched between the two friends with a troubled look on his face.

They weren't so noisy just today.

In addition to the Malfoy injury incident, Ronald and Hermione had quarreled several times because of their incompatibility with each other's pets.

The four people quickly crossed the wet grass and came to Hagrid's hut. They knocked on the door and a voice shouted: "Come in.

Hagrid sat at his scrubbed wooden table wearing only his shirt, his hunting dog Teeth, and his head resting on Hagrid's lap.

The four of them knew at a glance that Hagrid had drunk a lot of wine. There was a single-handled wine glass in front of him that was as big as a bucket.

"I'm afraid this is a new record," Hagrid wandered for a long time, then said angrily after recognizing the person, "I don't think Hogwarts has ever had a teacher who only worked for one day.

"You haven't been expelled, Hagrid!" Hermione asked in surprise, not wanting to blame Harry and Ronald.

Hogwarts shouldn't be so quick to fire professors, Dumbledore is not that kind of person.

"Not yet," Hagrid said sadly, taking another sip of wine from the single-handled wine glass, "but it's just a matter of time, isn't it, in Malfoy..."

"How is he now?" Ronald asked after they all sat down. "Is the injury not serious?"

"Madam Pomfrey tried her best to treat him," Hagrid said dully, "but he still said it was in pain... bandaged up... and still moaning... ..."

"He's pretending," Harry said immediately, "Madam Pomfrey can cure anything. She made half of my bones grow back last year. Malfoy will try his best to make trouble out of it."

"Needless to say, the school directors must have known about it," Hagrid said sadly, "They think I've trespassed. We should let the Hippogriff come on stage later... Complete the Flobber Caterpillar or something else." What to do next... I thought I could get the first lesson done... This is all my fault..."

"Malfoy deserves it all | Hagrid | Hermione said honestly.

"We are all witnesses," Harry said. "You said that if the hippogriff was offended, it would attack. Why did Malfoy not listen carefully? We need to tell Dumbledore what happened at that time."

"Yeah, don't worry, Hagrid, we'll all support you." Ronald said.

"Cheer up, Hagrid! We are all looking forward to your class tomorrow!" Levin also encouraged.

Tears flowed from the crow's feet of Hagrid's small black eyes, "After this happened, you are still looking forward to my class - ugh

"Of course, I'm interested in magical creatures. In fact, I'm also interested in Buckbeak." Levin smiled and patted Hagrid on the arm.

"But, Hagrid, you can't drink anymore. I think you need to make some preparations, such as sending Buckbeak away or changing your courses. Malfoy will definitely not give up." Levin suggested.

"Hagrid, Levin has a point. You've had enough to drink, Hagrid," Hermione said firmly.

She took the tankard off the table and went outside to pour the wine.

"Ah, you may be right." Hagrid said, struggling to stand up from the chair and following Hermione to the outside of the library. They heard a loud splash of water.

"What is he doing?" Harry asked nervously, just as Hermione came in with an empty wine glass.

"What did he do?" Harry said nervously.

Just then Hermione came in, holding the goblet.

"He's got his head in the bucket," Hermione said, putting the tankard away.

Hagrid came back, his long hair and beard were soaked, and he wiped the water from his eyes.

Levin subconsciously took a few steps back.

Facts have proved that his move was extremely wise.

"It's much better now." Hagrid said, shaking his head like a dog and splashing water on Harry and Ronald. "I said, it's great that you came to see me. And Levin, your suggestions are very good." Okay. Maybe, I could start with the Flobber's Armyworm. They're very safe.

"No, I don't recommend using Flober's adhesive band either." Levin quickly refused after hearing this.

He himself also chose the class of Protecting Magical Objects. If he had to face a group of disgusting Flobber armyworms in a daze for a class, he would just be shooting himself in the foot.

" should I choose?" Hagrid asked humbly. After experiencing the blow of the Malfoy incident, he seemed to be less willful.

“I personally think that for a popular class, safety is the first factor, and the second factor is attraction,” Levin said. “Especially if you have just gotten into trouble and need to prove your ability quickly to open up the situation quickly. In this regard, I recommend creatures such as ball escapers, moon-crazy beasts, and fairies. They are not only safe, but also look cute and lovable.

"You should listen to Levin, Hagrid." Hermione said with some pride, "After Lockhart was captured last semester, Levin personally gave us several Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. His classes were welcomed by everyone. He is very experienced in this area.”

"Thank you, Levin. I think I can go to the Forbidden Forest to search to see if there are any of these magical creatures you mentioned." After receiving the clear instructions, Hagrid's confidence returned, and he slapped Levin with his big hand. shoulders.

Suddenly, his movements stopped,

Staring at Harry blankly, as if he had just realized that he was here.

"Ah, what are you doing?" He suddenly thought of something, startling the four of them, "I just remembered that you can't run around after dark, Harry! And you three!"

Hagrid strode up to Harry, grabbed his arm, and pulled him to the door.

"Sorry, I have to send you back to school!" Hagrid was worried and guilty at the same time, "You don't want to see me again after dark. I don't deserve this! 11

After returning to the castle, looking at Hagrid's retreating figure from the door, Harry was still a little worried: "What do you think Malfoy will do to him?"

"If you are really worried, you might as well look up the relevant laws and cases about magical creatures harming people. I guess it will be used soon." Levin said goodbye to the three of them and replied.

Arriving at Ravenclaw's lounge.

Update [5/4], additional update [35/68].

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