"Okay, Hermione, eat slowly and don't choke... No one will compete with you."

Looking at Hermione who was devouring food in front of her, Levin whispered.

Before Levin could finish speaking, Hermione swallowed a mouthful of cake, then held her chest and made a "Uh-huh" sound.

Levin quickly patted her back, and it took a long time for her to calm down.

It was also his first experience interacting with someone who used a time turner.

This feeling was amazing. A few minutes ago, Hermione looked like she didn't have much appetite, but this Hermione ate even more exaggeratedly than Ronald.

.....Levin, how did you know I was here?" Hermione looked up and asked after taking a swig of water.

Levin smiled slightly: "Although I have never used a time turner, when it comes to time management, you are not as good as me."

"By the way, didn't I remind you before? Let you prepare more food." Levin asked strangely, "Why are you still so hungry?"

"It's not because of you," Hermione said aggrievedly, "I had an argument with you in the kitchen, and I was so angry that I left without even taking the food. Now I use the time turner to come back to look for food." "

"It was only after you came back that you remembered that you were already in the kitchen when you first used the time turner?" Levin said what she had not said.

Hermione nodded pitifully.

It's rare for a highly intelligent and academic woman to show such embarrassment, which almost made Levin laugh out loud.

Sure enough, if you plan how to use the time turner in advance, even a top student like Hermione will be confused.

In fact, the whole process is actually very simple.

Hermione came to the cafeteria in the morning. After discovering the chaos in the cafeteria, she realized that she was late and couldn't get breakfast, so she went straight to get out of class.

After the Divination class, Hermione used the time turner for the first time and returned before breakfast time. She rushed to the cafeteria in advance and quickly rescued a batch of food before the owls came. She met Levin while sharing it with Harry and Ronald.

After that, under Levin's reminder, she went to the cafeteria to prepare food, and then went to the number divination at the same time.

After the numerology get out of class, she had to use the time turner to go back in time because she was taking Muggle Studies.

After Muggle Studies, she would have to take another Transfiguration class before reaching noon and entering real lunch time.

If such a set of procedures were followed, it would be equivalent to her taking four major classes in a row - that is, a whole day of classes, but only eating one meal.

No one can stand this!

So after using the time turner for the second time, Hermione thought about going back to breakfast time, eating another meal, and then going to Muggle Studies.

However, after the change, she discovered that when there was still food in the auditorium, she came to the auditorium early in the last cycle, so she did not dare to go in now.

You must know that there is a basic requirement for using a time converter, which is that it cannot be discovered by yourself in different timelines.

This does not mean that it is possible to cause a tragedy in which one kills oneself...

Even if the person using the time turner is very rational and fully capable of communicating with himself, he cannot do so.

Otherwise it will cause confusion in the time flow.

Because there have been many tragic precedents for this kind of thing, the Ministry of Magic has now restricted the use of time turners on a large scale.

Hermione didn't have a deep enough understanding of this, but she had always followed the rules and strictly abided by the rule of "not being seen by yourself".

In fact, the reason why Levin stayed away from good things like time turners was because of this rule.

He knows himself too well.

With his powerful perception,

Whenever there is a slight intersection between yourself and action, you will be discovered by yourself from a long distance away.

Back to business,

When Hermione thought that she could still go to the kitchen, her self in the last cycle ran into the kitchen again, blocking her way again. She had no choice but to wait outside the kitchen, waiting for her last self to leave before going in.

However, considering that preparing food in the kitchen also takes time, if you delay it like this, you will probably be late for your Muggle Studies class.

Fortunately, Levin showed up at the right time with food, which prevented her from going hungry.

"Hermione, Hermione, I have always thought that you are the smartest little witch in Hogwarts. Why did you act stupid this time?" Levin couldn't help but tease.

"It's all because of you! Who asked you to hug people in public?" The girl rolled her eyes at Levin.

Levin was confused by what he said.

You said I seduced a little girl yesterday, but I reluctantly admitted it.

What the hell is hugging someone in public?

When did I do this?

Is it possible that my future self also uses a time turner?

Levin thought about it and immediately sensed the [Teleport Rune] on Hermione's amulet, and then he understood.

In fact, it was the first time Hermione used the time turner. Hermione didn't need to spend so long in the auditorium at all. She could just grab her breakfast and leave. This way, she could still leave time for her future self to have breakfast.

Instead of occupying the auditorium alone for so long and blocking out his future self.

In fact, the reason why she stayed in the auditorium all the time was to block Levin and find out who the girl he was hugging Lou Lou was.

But in the end she didn't understand it, and instead got angry with Levin, which led to her current predicament.

Just now, Levin also wanted to understand the general cause and effect. Previously, Hermione was being weird about him in the auditorium, "Becoming good friends with three or four girls at the same time, and seducing a few girls in the lower grades." The point is not the last half of the sentence, but The first half sentence.

However, Levin did not expose Hermione's little thoughts, but shook his head and smiled: "You will understand everything by noon, and then you will learn how to bark like a dog.

"Why is it noon again? What do you mean?!" Hermione curled her lips and wrinkled her little nose.

"The secret must not be revealed." Levin said, gently wiping the corners of the girl's mouth like a coaxing child.

The girl didn't move away, and while being rubbed obediently, she childishly stared at the boy in front of her who she loved and hated.

After sensing the position of the amulet for a while, Levin raised a new topic: "I previously suggested that you only stay in the number divination class. How do you feel about this class?"

"Much better than the Divination class." Speaking of this, Hermione immediately became interested and said happily: "You are right, this class is really amazing. The trigonometric functions you taught me before can also be used in this class. Because of this, Professor Septima Vector likes me very much. She said that few young wizards have such a high level of mathematics."

After that, she complained about the first course again.

"In comparison, the divination class is different. I was confused throughout the class. Many parts were based on guesswork... Professor Trelawney is not like a prophet, but more like a magician."

It's not advisable to step on someone, girl.

But Levin still agreed: "So I said, don't worry about her final exam and just make up a prediction.

Hermione was still aggrieved: "Professor Trelawney also said that the aura surrounding me is very small, my ability to accept future resonance is very poor, and I am a witch with little talent!"

0Request flowers…

As a top student, Hermione has always been liked by professors in various subjects. This is the first time she has received such evaluation, and the little girl feels extremely aggrieved.

"You must have contradicted Professor Trelawney in class." Levin asked.

"That's not even a backlash!" Hermione said angrily. "It's the pattern of tea leaves. She thinks Harry's tea leaves are a sign of something bad, but I don't think so."

"Oh...it's unknown." Levin felt very happy, "So, who does she predict will die this year?"

Trelawney predicts the death of one person every year, which is her specialty.

"It's Harry," Hermione said.

"It is indeed him." Levin nodded.

Just refer to Lockhart and you will know that the more famous a person is, the more suspenseful the prediction is, and the more likely he is to attract the attention of all students.

Trelawney's death prophecies every term are a gimmick in itself, an advertisement to attract young wizards.

After all, how can there be a death prophecy that doesn’t provide a date of death? That’s the same as no prophecy.

After all, people will die.


"I have now begun to consider not taking Divination classes in the future." Hermione said and became happy again: "But the next class is Muggle Studies, and I thought, "A wizard's perspective on Muggles must be interesting!"

"So you are conducting a 'research on wizards' research on Muggles' and how wizards study Muggles?" Levin couldn't help but complain.

She was a Muggle-born wizard who went to study Muggle Studies, either for water lessons or for this kind of matryoshka doll research.

.....If you think so, you're right. "Hermione always felt that Levin's statement was sweet.

But then I thought about it, and there was nothing wrong with his summary.

The two chatted like this for a while, and then Hermione decided to go to class.

But before leaving, she still wanted to figure out the problem.

"Levin, who was the girl who was hugging you before? Just tell me. I swear, I will never be angry." Hermione said with a kind expression on her face.

"Why haven't you figured it out yet with your smart mind?" Levin couldn't help laughing out loud: "But you will probably understand it soon."

As he spoke, Levin suddenly hugged it in his arms, then turned around, facing the corridor.

At the same time, a familiar voice sounded from the other side of the corridor.

"Levin, what are you doing there?"

Hermione's body stiffened suddenly, and she knew that voice all too well.

——That is her own voice.

Only then did she remember that this was her earliest self, when she had just left the Gryffindor lounge and was heading to the Great Hall for breakfast.

If Levin hadn't stepped between them in time, she would have been seen by her past self.

"This time you know the dangers of the time turner, right?" Levin said with a smile, "Remember to bark like a dog at noon."

With that said, he silently cast an [Advanced Invisibility Technique], causing Hermione's figure to disappear into the air.

Hermione, who was invisible in her arms, immediately left quickly,

Hermione from behind quickly caught up.

She looked around, but when she couldn't find anyone, she said, "Levin, where was that girl just now? Who is she?"

Of course, Levin couldn't break the time loop, so he had to say: "Sorry, our secrets at that time cannot be revealed for the time being."

Hermione snorted, lowered her head and was silent for about two seconds.

Suddenly he took out his wand and pointed it at Levin:

"Activated Rope Four!".

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