On the first day of the new semester, Levin got up early and faced the new semester's courses with full preparation.

But when Levin arrived at the auditorium, he discovered that his first breakfast of the new semester was a mess.

At this moment, countless owls are circling over the auditorium, the spectacle is comparable to the day Levin forced Lockhart away.

Owls will throw things down when they find an opportunity: letters, feathers, or whatever Ollie gave them, and the whole table will be ruined.

To make matters worse, a large proportion of the letters that were sent were red howler letters.

Levin experienced the horror of this kind of letter last semester.

I still remember that it was also the first breakfast of the new semester.

Thanks to them, only a few warriors in the whole auditorium are still enduring the violent storm (referring to bird droppings) and lightning and thunder (referring to the roaring letter), and hide under the long table to eat.

Everyone else was forced into the foyer.

"How is this going!?"

Levin couldn't help but said.

Seeing Levin, Zhang Qiu ran out of the crowd excitedly and shared gossip with him.

"These are letters of complaint from parents about the dementors' illegal search of the Hogwarts Express yesterday. It's actually pretty good here, Marietta said, her mother told her

The Office of the Minister of Magic is now inundated with howling letters.

The girl quietly covered her mouth, looking gloating.

She also handed Levin a copy of today's Daily Prophet.

Levin took a look and found Fudge's figure on it.

On the screen, he no longer had the templated smile of the past, replaced by a nervous look on his face.

The accompanying text below is quite telling:

First of all, it was mentioned that the cause of the matter was Sirius's escape from Azkaban, and Biji had to send dementors to hunt him down.

The text highlights the accident of the prison escape and Fudge's unpreparedness, making it appear that sending out the dementors was a last resort - there is no mention that some people escaped from prison because of poor management of Azkaban, and in the end it was the incompetence of the Minister of Magic.

Continuing to read on, Levin was not mentioned in the report. It was only said that the students at Hogwarts resisted tenaciously and minimized the losses. No young wizard went to the Holy Land.

This is about digging out good things from bad things.

If you think about it carefully, you will understand that it is a glorious thing that no one is hospitalized. Isn't that a matter of course?

This kind of thing that should be done in the first place is very rare in this article. It seems that if you can do this, Fudge should be awarded the Order of Merlin.

And even if there is credit, it should belong to the Levin people who actually expelled the dementors.

How shameless.

Levin put down the newspaper angrily.

"Fudge should be in big trouble." Marietta sneered beside Zhang Qiu. "My mother told me that he was the direct orderer of the Dementors stationed in Hogwarts. He has to take full responsibility for this!" "

Levin's mind moved and he thought of Jaina and others from the Ministry of Magic.

Even before the start of school, Levin hinted to Jaina that she would be opposed to sending out dementors.

Even if he and Fudge temporarily become enemies, he would not hesitate to do so.

As the dementors cause more trouble, the Fudge government will lose more and more points.

By that time, it would become rare for Gianna to insist on opposing opinions.

Her status in the Ministry of Magic can only rise further.

See, foresight is also very effective in political speculation.

You know, Fudge's mentally retarded operation this time offended not only ordinary wizards, but also a lot of pure bloods, as well as high-ranking officials and dignitaries.

This is the only good thing about the magical world, because the population is not large, and the children of the rich and the common people have to go to the same school.

In short, it is impossible for Fudge to fool him so easily this year.

Since he had to rush to class, Zhang Qiu left in a hurry after chatting for a few words.

Levin looked around the crowd and suddenly found Hermione greeting him excitedly,

Levin walked up and found her with Harry and Ronald,

The three of them were enjoying a pile of breakfast they had rescued from the owls.

This is also a rare occasion for little wizards to have something to eat for breakfast.

"What are you talking about~"?"

"Here you are, Levin! Haven't you had breakfast yet? Hurry up and eat!" Seeing Levin coming over, Hermione piled all the remaining food on the plate in front of Levin without hesitation.

"Oh, thank you!"

Levin nodded, grabbed the bacon, eggs and toast from the plate very naturally, put a sandwich in his mouth.

Harry and Ronald protested loudly: "We're not full yet, Hermione!"

"You are too partial to Levin."

Faced with the complaints from her companions, Hermione crossed her arms and said matter-of-factly: "You just haven't eaten enough, but Levin is completely hungry."

"But, you gave him too much!" Ronald looked at Levin's sandwich and swallowed, "This food is enough for two people.

"But Levin has a big appetite." Hermione said naturally, "In the past, this small amount of food was enough to make him full.

The words are full of knowledge of Levin's appetite.

Harry sighed as he watched the girl holding her chin with one hand and admiring the boy as he devoured the food.

He understood that in front of such a girl who fell in love, nothing could be said.

People just turn their elbows in the opposite direction, just to harm their friends and benefit their loved ones. What can you do?

He had to change the subject.

"We were talking about class selection. By the way, Levin, do you know what it's like to take advantage of get out of class?"

"You've asked the right person. I was planning to take a divination class, so I did some research." Levin swallowed the last bite of bacon and stacked the sandwich with the remaining ingredients.

"Then Levin, tell me." Hermione urged.

Ronald on the side was surprised when he heard this:

"Aren't some people very confident in their own choices? Why do they still need to refer to Levin's opinion?"


Hermione was furious, blushing and about to throw the pen at Ronald.

Levin stopped her and then said:

"Actually, I don't like divination classes very much. Professor Trelawney is extremely unreliable in this regard. Her class content is nothing more than asking you to make tea leaves, look at the crystal ball, and then start talking nonsense that you will soon break out of. Stories about bad luck and so on. She just likes to scare students with this kind of thing, every year.

"But everything has its pros and cons. Because of this, it is generally easy to pass the divination class exam. According to the experience of previous seniors, you only need to make up a prophecy about your own encounters to pass. If this prophecy is about your misfortune, Then there is still a chance to get high scores."

"To sum up, this is a course for bastards. It has no use except for good-looking transcripts. On the contrary, arithmetic divination is a bit difficult, and mathematical formulas are quite challenging for students from wizarding families."

"How come there is such a professor in Hogwarts!?" Hermione was immediately dissatisfied. She hated such professors who misled students the most.

"In fact, I have to be fair to Professor Trelawney. Divination is about metaphysics and talent. People without talent are useless no matter how much they learn, and most people in the magic world have no talent. If you want me "Courses like accounting should not be offered in the third grade," Levin explained to her.

He could understand the eagerness of a top student like Hermione to learn, but some things just depended on talent.

Seeing that Hermione was still aggrieved, Levin had no choice but to suggest: "If you want to learn some less metaphysical divination spells, I can teach you some prophecy school magic in private at that time, which is guaranteed to be more reliable than this Laoshizi divination spell."

"Really!" Hermione was immediately happy when she heard that she had learned something new, "It's a deal!"

Ronald, on the other hand, shook his head: "I don't understand why you are so excited when you hear that there is knowledge that does not require examinations and you need to learn it?"

Harry also agreed. After listening to Levin's words, he had already made up his mind to take a divination class.

Sure enough, no matter what you say, Hermione is better than these two ordinary people.

Suddenly, Harry thought of something else and asked, "Levin, you also took the Care of Magical Creatures class this semester, right?"

"Of course," Levin nodded, "but that's just out of support for Hagrid. To be honest, I don't have high expectations for his class."

Listening to Levin's answer, the smile on Harry's face became awkward.

Thinking back to the textbook Hagrid chose - the book about biting monsters, Harry suddenly felt that Levin's judgment was quite reliable.

Since breakfast was all eaten by Levin, Levin and Ronald left early and tried to find a way to go to the Hogwarts kitchen for food.

Levin was left sitting with Hermione.

Levin finished all the food, and before the two of them were about to leave for class, he suddenly said: "Hermione, you really should learn how to manage time from me."

"Yes, yes, no one is better at time management than you: you can become good friends with three or four girls at the same time, and seduce a few girls in the lower grades." Hermione said in a sour tone.

Obviously, she knew everything about what happened on the carriage yesterday, and she didn't know who the bastard was who revealed it.

Levin said speechlessly: "`.I mean, even if you want to surpass me in grades, you have to be more realistic and take classes selectively instead of taking all the classes at once.

"For example, if there are Divination, Arithmancy, and Muggle Studies courses at the same time... you only need to choose one. My suggestion is Arithmancy."

"Ah, you've discovered it already?" Hermione looked surprised. "How did you know I applied for a time-turner?"

"Not only do I know, I also understand that you have already used that thing."

He saw Hermione looking at him curiously with a look like a little girl.

Levin pushed up the non-existent glasses on the tip of his nose and said calmly: "Details can reveal your behavior. For example, you know in advance that you have to prepare breakfast. For example, you are doing homework after class even though there is no class... I need All you do is reason.”

"That's it!" Hermione suddenly realized.

Levin glanced at the amulet that was still around Hermione's neck, and continued: "If you insist on using the time turner, my suggestion is to eat more and bring more food with you. You know, you go from breakfast to lunch There are not one, but three classes in between. The total time is actually equivalent to breakfast to dinner, if you don’t prepare in advance.

It's like going to class all day without lunch. It feels really uncomfortable. "

When Hermione heard this, she suddenly understood. She hurriedly left, following the example of Harry and Ronald, and went to the kitchen to look for food.

Levin's proposal was indeed important to her. Without this reminder, she would have been hungry all morning.

Looking at the girl's retreating back, Levin smiled strangely.

In fact, just now, Hermione also made the same mistake that Harry and Ronald made on the train.

The reason why Hermione revealed her use of the time-turner in front of Levin was not because of any details or reasoning.

It was because she was wearing the amulet Levin made for her last semester.

You know, that amulet has the [Teleport Rune] drawn by Levin himself.

Levin could sense it from a long distance away.

Now, Levin can

Three identical runes were sensed.

One seemed to be in the direction of the kitchen, the other in the direction of the Gryffindor lounge, and the third.........at the door of the Great Hall.

It's rare for Miss Know-It-All to be rash and perform a difficult operation like triple conversion using the time converter for the first time.

Then something went wrong.

Levin hurried towards the kitchen and met three people inside waiting for the elf to cook.

"Hey, Levin, why are you here? Are you not full yet?"

Hermione looked at him in surprise.

"I'm already full," Levin replied while ordering food from the elf, "I'm already full, but some little fool hasn't been full yet, and I'm here to make up for her mistake.

"Little fool? Her?" Hermione frowned when she heard this, "It's that girl you deceived before again? She actually came to prepare meals for her in person."

Listening to the strong jealousy in the girl's tone, I felt angry and funny:

"Haha, if you can, come back and tell me this at noon today."

"Why, you can do such a thing, why don't you let me say it!" Hermione immediately got angry, "Just wait, I will talk to you like this even at noon!"

"It's a deal, lying is just a puppy!"

Not far away, Harry and Ronald suddenly became excited as they listened to the two parents-in-law arguing.

It seems there is something good to watch at noon. .

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