After leaving the gate, the carriage drove wildly to the front of the castle, then came to a screeching halt.

Following the flow of people, Levin, Cirila, Luna and Ginny walked towards the castle entrance.

There was a commotion ahead, and it sounded like Harry and Malfoy were having an argument.

Ginny hesitated for a moment, looked at Levin, then at Harry, and then quickly ran over when she discovered that Ronald was also involved.

"She has always admired Harry Potter before, but I didn't expect that she also admires you." Luna's singing voice sounded in Levin's ears, "I didn't know this originally. 17

As soon as she finished speaking, before Levin could answer, Shirley's teasing rang out:

"I didn't see it. Our great love saint is really good at attracting little girls.

"This kind of thing...isn't something I can control." Levin couldn't help but smile bitterly.

But I still feel a little proud inside,

He didn't even do anything, but the famous love brain in the original work started to get entangled, which shows his charm.

At this time, Malfoy's proud voice came from the front: "Did you faint too, Weasley? Did that terrifying dementor scare you too, Weasley?"

Levin ignored this mess because he knew Hermione could handle it.

Sure enough, when he caught up with Harry and others, he could see Malfoy standing there stupidly, his mouth gagged by his own clothes.

The quarrel is just a small episode before school starts,

Soon, everyone arrived in the auditorium - except Harry and Ronald, who were called away by Professor McGonagall.

As in previous years, thousands of burning candles floated over the Great Hall of Hogwarts.

The firelight they radiate warms every student present.

However, this year, the little wizards below were not as noisy as in previous years, and the auditorium seemed much deserted.

This is not surprising. First they were robbed by bandits, and then their tickets were collected. The gangsters suffered greatly from the dementors.

Not to mention that there are still a bunch of dementors floating above the auditorium,

Through the magic ceiling, everyone can clearly see them hovering in the clouds, greedily watching the students of Hogwarts, as if they will rush down at any time to have a feast.

This made all the students look sad and less interested.

During the entire sorting ceremony, everyone remained silent and there was not even a hint of applause.

This depressing atmosphere makes this year's freshmen dare not even express themselves.

After the sorting, Principal Dumbledore took the stage to give a speech as usual.

Looking at the frowning little wizards below, Dumbledore also sighed, the Dementors were just too much.

He clapped his hands,

A big red bird suddenly appeared from behind him and flew around the auditorium, singing cheerful songs as it flew.

Hearing the songs of the birds, the students immediately felt that a warm power was rising from their hearts, nourishing their pale hearts.

"That's a phoenix!" Levin heard Hermione's knowledge coming from the Gryffindor's table. "Their singing has magical power: it is generally believed that it can strengthen the courage of those with a pure heart and release fear for those with a dirty heart."

"Welcome everyone back to Hogwarts!"

Seeing that the students in the audience had relaxed a lot, Dumbledore said,

"I have a few very important things to inform you. The first is that our school currently welcomes several dementors from Azkaban, who are sent by the Ministry of Magic to perform official duties.

You all probably already know this, because they conducted a search on the Hogwarts Express. "

After saying this, the audience suddenly became commotion.

The students cursed and cursed, many cried in grievance, and some even clamored to complain to the Ministry of Magic.

This is easy to understand.

Think about it, you left home with your schoolbag, took the train, ate hot pot (no) and sang songs, and suddenly you were robbed by dementors.

Is there any royal law for this?

Is there any law for this?!

So, a day without dementors is a good day.

Regarding this situation, Dumbledore did not stop him. After all, the students still had to vent, and the students' complaints would also help him put pressure on the Ministry of Magic.

After everyone calmed down, he said: "It is true that the dementors did bad things during the search, but what makes me proud is that the little wizards in our school were able to successfully resist and even expel them."

Dumbledore didn't need to say much. Even if they hadn't heard of it, most people already guessed who this person was - Levin had done much more important things than just expelling dementors.

The little wizards in the auditorium all poked their heads in their seats and looked at Levin.

The Ravenclaws were no longer as indifferent to others as in previous years. Now they seemed to be proud, sitting upright.


Dumbledore's twist here.

"This doesn't mean that all our little wizards can provoke them."

"They are stationed at all entrances to the school grounds," Dumbledore continued. "During their stay here, I must make it clear that no one is allowed to leave the school without permission. Dementors are not to be subjected to tricks. Or the deception of disguise—not even an invisibility cloak.

Levin smiled, obviously speaking to Harry.

The reason why dementors can see through disguises is simple: their vision is different from ordinary people.

They can't see anything normal, they can only see the emotions coming from the soul,

This visual mode is more powerful than infrared detection devices.

Therefore, living creatures, without exception, are very conspicuous in their eyes, and the mere invisibility cloak cannot block them.

From this point of view, they are much stricter than the guards who check the QR code.

"Dementors don't understand requests or excuses by nature. So I warn each of you: Don't give them any excuse to hurt you. I'm counting on the prefects, as well as our newly appointed Head Boy and Head Girl. Chairman, you must ensure that no student will conflict with a dementor."

"More happily," Dumbledore continued to announce, "this year, I am pleased to welcome two new teachers to our team.

"The first is the Care of Magical Creatures class. Since Professor Kettleburn has retired, we chose Hagrid to take his place."

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of loud applause came from the direction of Gryffindor.

Haige's face turned red, his eyes were lowered as he looked at his big hands, and his big smile was hidden behind his messy and tangled black beard.

"Next up is Professor Lupin [who will fill the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor vacancy]."

There was only sparse applause in the auditorium.

After experiencing two unreliable professors, Quirinus Quirrell and Gilderoy Lockhart, the little wizards understood a truth.

Even professors can be bad people with malicious intentions or ignorant fools.

At the professor's desk, other teachers were wearing their best robes, but Professor Lupin looked ragged. This couldn't help but make the little wizards doubt his strength.

In the entire auditorium, only some well-meaning students and the little wizards who had seen Lupin's true abilities on the train were applauding.

Making matters worse was Snape.

The old bat was patrolling the auditorium with a look that was almost murderous, as if he wanted to record the faces of every applauding student, which made the already sparse applause instantly become more deserted.

Everyone is actually used to this,

After all, Snape had wanted to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for more than a day or two.

But Levin knows very well that the current incident does not stem from a position conflict, but from an old conflict from his student days.

"Okay! Then let's have a banquet!"

Following Dumbledore's order, the gold plates and goblets in front of everyone were finally filled with food and drinks.

The new semester has finally begun. .

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