Even though the chocolate frogs are jumping around on the ground for a long time, that doesn't make it any more unpalatable.

Soon, Harry and Ronald, who were devastated by the dementor attack, now looked much better.

"I don't understand...what happened just now?" Harry wiped the cold sweat from his face and asked.

He still couldn't figure out why he fainted.

"It's the Dementor, Harry, it sucked away your happiness," Hermione looked at Harry and his friends worriedly, "And Ronald, are you really okay?"

Everyone looked at the two of them. The dementors had the greatest impact on them. One of them fainted on the spot, and the other might as well have actually fainted.

They both shook their heads.

So Hermione briefly explained what had just happened.

"I feel weird," Ronald shivered and sniffed uneasily, "It's like I can't be happy anymore..."

"But none of you - fell off your seats?" Harry said awkwardly.

"But my reaction is not as good as "987" falling down." Ronald was even more embarrassed, "Holding your hand or something..."

The two looked at each other and turned away at the same time.

The tacit understanding made Hermione and Levin feel a little redundant.

"You are overreacting, not because you are weak!" Levin saw through their thoughts at a glance, "Dementors can evoke the most fearful things in people's hearts. The reason why we have not been so seriously hurt is because we have not experienced it. That level of fear.”

"Everything you said is right, Levin." Ronald nodded, "...I...recall the experience last semester...it was really bad."

Harry was also thoughtful, he even recalled what happened to him as a baby.

Then, their car became silent as Harry and Ronald silently healed their inner wounds.

During the rest of the trip, except for a few words when Ginny came to visit after hearing about Harry's experience, they did not speak.

Finally, the train stopped at Hogsmeade Station, everyone got off the train, and the scene was chaotic.

The heavy rain that was bone-chilling kept falling, and it was freezing cold on the platform.

"Freshman, go this way!" a familiar voice shouted.

Hagrid's huge figure was at the other end of the platform, calling the frightened first-year students to come over and cross the lake in the traditional way.

"Students from other grades, come this way!" Percy and Penello fulfilled their duties as student union presidents and organized the little wizards from other grades to move towards the other side of the platform.

From a distance, Levin greeted Penello and was pushed to a rough muddy path outside.

There were at least a hundred carriages waiting for the remaining students.

There were some Thestrals standing between the front of the carriage.

There is no flesh on their bodies at all. The black fur is tightly attached to the skeleton, and every bone is clearly visible. Their heads are very much like the heads of fire dragons. Their eyes without pupils are white and stare intently. Wings grew out of the ridges between the bones—big, black, leathery wings that looked like they should belong to a giant bat.

In order to facilitate the care, Hermione rode in a carriage with Harry and Ronald, and she also took Neville Longbottom as a coolie.

Levin and Shirley got into the next car.

"Sorry, is there any room here?" When Levin got into the car, a trancelike voice behind him said.

A girl with blond hair and dripping wet poked her head in from outside the carriage and asked. Behind her stood a red-haired girl, looking at him secretly.

It's Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley.

"Of course!" Levin pulled the two of them into the carriage.

After this summer vacation, they wrote that Luna has become a very familiar friend.

Ginny also has a good relationship with them because of what happened last semester.

"Beware of colds..." Ciri pointed her thoughtful wand at the two of them, helping them dry their wet robes and hair.

As all the little wizards got on the carriage, the carriage lined up in a queue, creaking and swaying on the road.

Sitting with familiar friends, Ginny became lively and asked curiously: "I have always been surprised that the carriage can move forward by itself. I wonder what the magic is? Can we learn it?"

"That's not a curse. You're lucky. You just can't see the puller yet..." Luna replied in a sing-song tone without knowing how to do it.

Levin couldn't help but look at Luna. Her big silver eyes reflected the Thestrals with bat wings.

"Really, Levin?" Ginny couldn't believe it and subconsciously asked Levin for confirmation.

In her mind, what Levin said was basically correct.

Seeing Levin nodding, the girl became even more panicked: "Why can't I see?"

She almost thought she was going crazy.

"You are not crazy, your mind is as clear as mine." Luna then turned to stare at her companion, her expression became dazed again.

But Ginny obviously misunderstood what she said.

Although the two are good friends, Ginny is very aware of her partner's reputation.

Luna, the crazy girl, is just as sane, which is not good at all.

"That animal is the Thestral, a type of Pegasus. Only people who have directly witnessed death can see it." Levin looked at Ginny's tangled expression in amusement, and then thought about Luna who could see the Thestral, and couldn't help but feel a little confused. Apology, "I'm sorry... you..."

"Don't worry, it's my mother." Luna answered the question before Levin asked the question.

Levin nodded, secretly surprised by her insight into people's hearts.

Although the crazy girl is crazy, she is not just crazy.

As the carriage jolted, Ginny soon no longer cared about the Thestral.

She had to hold on to the armrests of the carriage and try her best to maintain her balance. Although falling into Levin's arms was romantic, it was also too embarrassing.

The little girl is still thin-skinned.

But Luna didn't care about this. She and Ciri took turns bumping into Levin due to the shaking, as if they regarded this as some fun game.

As the carriage got closer and closer to Hogwarts, there was a cry of surprise from the little wizards in front.

I saw the carriage driving towards two extraordinary wrought iron gates with stone pillars on both sides and a winged warthog on top of the pillars.

Two hooded and terrifying dementors stood guard at the door. Suddenly, another cold and uncomfortable feeling hit them.

Ginny was so frightened that she quickly shrank into the uneven seat. She didn't care about being reserved anymore and leaned directly into Levin's arms and closed her eyes.

Levin didn't stop the little girl from rubbing against the warmth. He looked at the two dementors guarding the door and couldn't help but frown.

Don't tell me, these dementors are really good at playing. They say they are guarding the gates of Hogwarts, but they are actually here to collect tickets.

What kind of ticket is it specifically... Of course, you will be sucked in when you enter the door.

Many young wizards ahead were charged tolls.

Seeing that it was their turn, Levin held down Cirilla's hand that wanted to draw the sword and cast the spell himself.

"[Extended Anti-Evil Array]!"

In the process of jointly casting spells with Jaina during the summer vacation in 1.8, Levin stole two metamagic techniques from the Dalaran mage (Spell Powerful Spell Expansion).

Now, with the effect of spell expansion, Levin cast a huge [Anti-Evil Magic Circle], enough to cover a large area near the Hogwarts school gate.

Just as the two gatekeepers were about to open their doors, they immediately flew around as if their feet had been burned (if they had any), flying very high until they flew outside the anti-evil magic circle.

At this time, they have been consumed to only one-third of their original size.

Well, this whole day's tolls were collected in vain, and the money was lost. It was a big loss.

The angry dementors could only hover above the [Anti-Evil Magic Circle] and dared not go down.

Levin can guarantee they won't get another chance.

Even if he doesn't actively maintain it, his [Anti-Evil Magic Circle] can last for at least one or two hours, which is enough for all the little wizards to enter the campus.

He could hear many young wizards behind him applauding him. .

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