My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 179 Feathered Serpent, Lion And Flying Eagle

"[Dancing Light Technique]!"

As Hermione chanted a spell, a small ball of light rose from the tip of her staff, illuminating the entire carriage.

There was a harsh squeaking sound in his ears. It was Ronald. He was trying to wipe a clean spot on the car window and looked out:

"There's something moving outside," Ronald identified carefully, "It seems like someone is getting into the car...

But he didn't need to say it. Several people in the carriage had already seen one of the uninvited guests.

A tall figure wearing a cloak slowly emerged from the carriage door.

Its face is completely hidden under the hood, making it unclear.

It was floating quietly at the door. A gray-white claw that looked like a mummy stretched out from the tattered cloak. It nodded at Levin and others a few times, as if counting the number of people.

Then, it slowly retracted its paws and took a deep breath.

"Cackle, cluck..."

A series of strange sounds came from its throat, and as it inhaled, the surrounding temperature also dropped suddenly.

This is not the psychological effect of Levin et al.

Because a layer of frost visible to the naked eye has appeared on the surfaces of the surrounding tables and chairs!


Harry fainted instantly, and Ronald shivered.

Hermione originally wanted to raise her wand to resist, but as the other person inhaled, all the positive emotions in her body were sucked away, resulting in her being unable to use any strength at all.

Cirilla was stronger, but her arcane sword enchanted with the scorching ray was swung empty and did not cause any damage to the dementors.

This is the dementor, the guardian of Azkaban.

They are a unique life form unlike any magical creature and are impervious to most forms of harm.

They feed on the positive emotions of intelligent creatures. After taking in too much happiness, they will split and "give birth" to a new dementor.

And once people are sucked in too much by them, they lose any positive emotions and end up like a dead fish.

This point is actually similar to how ancient demons took negative emotions.

Dementors will also starve to death if they don't get "eating" for a long time.

So for the Ministry of Magic, Azkaban must have enough prisoners.

In this regard, the Ministry of Magic and the Dementors have an agreement - the Dementors are responsible for guarding criminals and promise not to go out to cause trouble, while the Ministry of Magic is responsible for providing sufficient food.

Once the dementors run out of food, they lose control.

For example, now, several dementors who have been living on the food and clothing line for a long time, after seeing the "delicious food" in this carriage, became so greedy that they left the main army and planned to start a small business.

But Levin clearly didn't want them to.

"[Anti-evil magic circle]!"

Even if he hasn't learned the [Patronus Charm], Levin still has ways to deal with them.

Creatures like dementors are born in the evil camp.

As soon as the [Anti-Evil Magic Circle] came out, it was immediately isolated from the box. Anyone who tried to break in would immediately feel like being burned and writhe in pain.

The helpless Dementors could only fly around the anti-evil magic circle, not daring to get close.

But Levin wasn't satisfied yet.

Although ordinary spells and elemental magic have no effect on dementors,

But force field magic is an exception,

This kind of magic can not only cause physical damage, but also fight against incorporeal bodies such as ghosts.

And Dementors are obviously incorporeal creatures.

"[Missile Storm]!"

Levin waved the magic spell, and arcane missiles flew out from the tip of his staff like a violent storm, shooting directly at the Dementor in front of him, causing it to collapse and flee.

The threat was finally lifted.

Levin picked out a few chocolate frogs from the pile of snacks he bought before and quickly distributed them to everyone in the cubicle.

"Eat, it will help if you eat some of this!" Ye Wen also stuffed a piece into his mouth.

There seemed to be a pleasant heat flowing to the tips of his toes and fingers, relieving the uneasiness caused by the dementors.

At this time, a scream full of terror suddenly sounded from the car outside the compartment. After hearing this, Cirila immediately ran out. Levin also dropped the chocolate and followed after seeing this.

After regaining consciousness, Hermione wanted to follow, but she had just been sucked accidentally and was temporarily unable to do anything.

In the train corridor, several dementors were moving in and out of different compartments.

Their hazy figures look particularly haunting in the darkness.

"It's Penello!" Cirilla shouted loudly. She found that in the corridor, the female student council president Penello was surrounded by four dementors.

Cirilla wanted to help deal with it, but her arcane sword once again lost its effect.

"Use force field spells!" Levin warned, and then he stepped forward to meet him.

The threat of the dementors was too late, so Levin resorted to the quickest method, a psychic power that did not require cold spells:

"[Psychic Blast]!"

The terrifying spiritual power burst out, directly shocking all enemies in front,

This direct attack to the soul can cause more immediate damage to Dementors than force field spells.

The Dementor form in front of him was immediately shaken and dissipated,

After finally regrouping, they hurriedly flew away, trying to get away from this murderous man.

Levin hurried to Penello's side and placed a piece of chocolate so thin it was in the mouth of the girl who was stunned.

Penelo subconsciously grabbed Levin's hand as if he were grasping at a life-saving straw, feeling the power return to his body.

"The Dementors of Azkaban! Why are they here?"

"They were probably sent to catch Sirius who escaped from prison, but obviously, the little pets of the Ministry of Magic have some ideas of their own." Levin complained while watching the Dementors who were gradually gathering around him warily.

- There are more of them.

Perhaps Levin's [Psychic Blast] really hurt them and angered them;

Perhaps it was to avenge his compatriots...

The dementors all surged towards Levin, a mass of darkness.

"Levin, be careful!" Penello shuddered,

She felt that the car suddenly became very cold, as if she was in a Siberian cold wave.

"Don't be afraid, Penello! Think of happy things!" Levin clenched the wand with a firm expression.

But the chill penetrated his heart, and the fog began to blur his vision.

"[Force Field Ball]!"

Cirilla finally enchanted the right magic this time, and the arcane sword flashed with aura, ready to go.

At this moment, a voice came from behind Levin: "Go away! None of us are hiding Sirius Black under our robes, go away."

It's Professor Lupine!

He held the wand in his hand and scolded the dementors sternly.

The dementors were unmoved, however, and seemed determined to suck a bite out of Levin's face.

"[Call God Guards]!" Seeing that his advice was in vain, Lupin cast a spell decisively, and something silver appeared in Feng Village and shot at the dementors.

It was a wolf, strong and tall, full of power,

Wherever the patron saint passed, the dementors backed away,

But that was only a temporary retreat, and he still refused to leave.

At least the fog lifted from Levin's eyes.

[Calling God to Guard]!" Levin thought for a moment, then imitated Lupine and recited this spell.

With so many living targets around, it's just a good time to contact the magic spell.

An incompletely formed feathered serpent erupted from the top of the wand and rushed towards the dementor.

Beside him, Penello looked at Levin's patron saint Quetzalcoatl with great fascination. It spread its huge wings and circled and swam in the carriage. Wherever it passed, the dementors were avoiding each other.

"【Calling God to Guard】!"

Another lion-like patron saint joined the battle,

It was Cirilla, the young lion of Cintra who also successfully used this spell.

Unwilling to admit defeat, the female student council president also began to try to cast the [Patron Saint Curse]

She had actually known this spell for a long time, but had never successfully cast it.

"Calling God - Calling God -" Penello gritted her teeth and persisted, recalling the scene where Levin saved her just now.

"[Calling God's Guard]!" A wisp of silver mist floated out from Penello's wand, forming several almost shapeless white clouds.

This is already an initial success.

0.Please give me flowers…

Feeling inspired, Penello continued to hold Levin's hand, as if infinite courage was injected into her body from there.

"[Calling God to Guard]!"

This time, what escaped from the tip of her wand was no longer just a cloud, but a silvery animal——it flew nimbly away from them, followed closely by Kun, the lion and the wolf, Rush towards the horde of dementors...

The four patron saints attacked together, with astonishing power.

The dementors began a general rout, all disappearing into the darkness... and finally being driven out of the carriage.

Penello's patron saint turned around and ran slowly towards its owner through the calm corridor of the train.

They finally saw the whole thing clearly - a brilliant eagle.

"He is actually an eagle, and he is worthy of being the female student president of Ravenclaw!" Ciri praised with a smile.

Penello looked at his patron saint happily and stretched out his hand to touch the shining silver eagle, but it disappeared.

"What a good patron saint!" Professor Lupin looked at the three of them in admiration, but his eyes stayed on Caiwen for a long time.

"Professor, what's wrong with me?" Levin asked strangely.

"It's extraordinary that you can successfully cast the Patronus Charm at your age! And -" Professor Lupin paused, then said, "As far as I know, among the modern wizards who can use magical creatures as guardians, There is only one Dumbledore, but unlike you, his patronus is the phoenix!"

After carefully looking at Levin, he came to the conclusion: "Perhaps you will do great things in the future. Dumbledore is the greatest white wizard in history."

Xili on the side nodded repeatedly, showing a proud expression!

Even Penelo, who originally had a conflict with Lai Xiao, was like this.

At this moment, the Hogwarts Express made a long blast, the train started moving again, and the lights turned on again.

"Levin, thank you for saving me." Penello held Levin's hand tightly and expressed gratitude.

She seemed to be worried about Cirila being around. After she finished speaking, she thanked her best friend again and again, but her eyes still drifted to Laizai from time to time.

After what happened just now, the relationship between the two seems to be different.

"Nothing, your patronus is really great!" Levin waved his hands repeatedly.

"Without guys, I would not have successfully used the Patronus Charm." Penello said in a sincere tone.

Then she shook her beautiful curly hair and said, "Ciri, Levin, I still have to patrol the train and comfort the frightened little wizard, so I'll go first!"

With that said, she strode away with firm steps.

"She is very responsible and a good girl!" Professor Lupin admired as he looked at the girl's back.

"Of course, she is the female student council leader of our Ravenclaw.

seats. Levin replied casually.

The three of them walked towards the box.

In Levin's cubicle, Harry had woken up and sat back on the seat, but the cold sweat on his forehead showed that his condition was not optimistic.

Ronald was huddled next to him, looking as bad as Harry was.

He squeezed Harry's arm tightly as if it was his only hope.

Hermione had to take care of two useless men by herself, and was a little overwhelmed.

"Are you okay?" Levin asked strangely, "Didn't you eat those chocolate frogs?"

As he spoke, he picked up the chocolate frogs from the ground and fed them into their mouths - these little guys jumped around and spread all over the floor.

"Look away, you know how to handle this situation." Professor Lupin walked in and looked at Levin with more approval, "Excuse me, I can't stay here to help.

I need to talk to the driver..."

After confirming that Harry and Ronald were fine, Professor Lupin hurried past Levin and disappeared into the corridor.

Update【5/4】, additional update【34/68】

The move is over, and updates will resume from today.

The new month has arrived. I am asking for a wave of custom orders, flowers, monthly tickets, reviews, and rewards. If you have any tickets, please give them to me as the author. This is really important to me!


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