After the trip to South America, Levin's summer vacation life returned to peace.

As usual, he lived a two-person world with Cirilla in the tower.

Hermione, who went on vacation in France, would sometimes send him letters to communicate with him about her experiences in France.

Their neighbor Luna occasionally visits,

Levin often visits each other through the Floo network and stays in each other's house for a few days.

This trip to South America made the relationship between the four participants much closer.

By the way, Onyxia also bought a manor near Jaina's home, and began to steadily develop her image as a descendant of the aristocracy.

As the days passed, Levin's comfortable summer vacation life gradually came to an end.

It’s the first day of school again.

Levin prepared his luggage early and headed to the platform with Cirila.

"Hi, Cirilla, and Levin!"

Penello, who had long curly hair, spotted the two people who had just crossed the partition wall at a glance, walked over quickly, and greeted them happily.

"Long time no see, Penello!"

"Hello, senior sister."

"I saw you guys in the newspaper again." Penello said in surprise, "You seem to be in trouble wherever you go...I mean you can have adventures."

"It's really not our fault this time. You know we were invited by the Ministry of Magic." Levin emphasized, but it was finally an experience...

Just as Cirila and Penello were chatting about their summer vacation in South America, an excited voice interrupted their conversation.

"Ah, Penello!"

It's Percy Weasley.

Percy smoothed his red hair as he walked and deliberately raised his chest so that Penello could see his shining badge clearly.

The expression was like a peacock spreading its tail.

Even Cirilla snickered.

Penelope gave them a scathing look, then turned to Percy.

"When did I allow you to call me by my name?" Penelo raised her head and read the words on the badge: "President of the Student Council?"

Percy smiled extremely brightly and puffed up his chest in front of Ye Wen beside him.

"I'm not the one competing for your girl." Levin glanced at Cirila beside him dejectedly, feeling that he was taking the blame.

Don't look at Ciri acting like a coward next to Levin,

With her beautiful face, sassy personality and heroic temperament, she will definitely be evaluated as "Jiquan Tiancai" online

Just like a copper human-shaped trap.

Seeing Levin deflated, Shirley covered her mouth and looked gloating.

Fortunately, Percy had someone to deal with.

"Congratulations, Percy, but I also have this thing." Penello took out an almost identical badge from his pocket, "So it's nothing to show off."

Percy didn't refute, but smiled even more happily.

At this time, the train's whistle happened to blow for a long time, which seemed to urge them to sneak into the army.

Percy picked up his salute, looked at Penello, and wanted to take the initiative to carry her salute onto the train before Levin and Cirilla.

But he picked up Penello's luggage and immediately put it down with a blush on his face.

"This salute is really too heavy. Penelo, what did you put in it?" Percy rubbed his arms vigorously.

"Is this thing heavy?" Cirila glanced at Percy strangely, lifted her suitcase with one hand, and boarded the train lightly with Levin and Penello, leaving Percy alone. His eyes widened and his face turned red.

"Am I not as strong as a girl?" He murmured.

Sure enough, it was the kind-hearted Cirila who was gloating to Levin just now, but when she found the opportunity, she immediately embarrassed Percy and avenged Levin.

Why are you, Percy Weasley, competing with a woman who dares to slash a black dragon head-on with a sword?

Seeing that the mortal flies were dismissed, Penello also laughed,

But she soon became less happy.

"Sorry, Shirley, I can't sit with you. I have to go to another box, and then I have to inspect the train!" Penello said bitterly, and she suddenly felt that being the president of the female student union was not entirely satisfactory. a good thing.

"It's okay, we can stay with them." Levin raised his head and happily greeted Hermione, Harry and others who were looking around in the distance.

He wished that the man who had stolen his wife from him would leave as soon as possible.

"Okay! Then I'll leave first."

Penello looked at the frowning people walking in the distance, shook his beautiful curly hair, and turned around and left without any hesitation.

Shirley waved goodbye to her best friend, and then walked towards Hermione and the others with Ye Wen.

There were only four empty seats in the cubicle, and there were five of them in total.

If you insist on sitting together,

Ronald would have to sit on Harry's lap,

If it hadn't happened last semester, Harry might have been willing to accept it. After all, Ronald was his best friend.

But since he accidentally cast "Love Protection" on Ronald, rumors began to spread that the two of them had some kind of relationship that went beyond friendship.

Then everyone looked at them with strange and understanding eyes.

After all, this is the Kingdom of Yin.

From that moment on, Harry knew to avoid suspicion.

Since his friend felt embarrassed, Naifen had no choice but to sacrifice himself.

No way, he is such a warm-hearted person.

So he chose to squeeze in with Cirella and Hermione.

A man, two women, and three people were sitting right next to each other on a sofa that could only accommodate two people.

This slightly ambiguous scene made Hermione's neck turn red, and she was anxious to find a topic to ease this embarrassing situation.

Then he discovered that in a separate compartment next door, a strange man sleeping soundly by the (abeh) window aroused her interest.

This man was wearing a tattered wizard robe with many patches on it. Just looking at his face, the man was not too old, but his short light brown hair had turned white, which made him look sickly and without energy at all.

You know, the Hogwarts Express is usually a student train.

Except for the witch pushing a cart selling snacks, they had hardly seen any other adults in the car before.

"Hey, look over!" Heqi gestured to his companions to look over.

"Do you know who he is?" Ronald asked in a low voice.

"Remus John Lupin." Levin and Hermione said in unison.

"How do you know?" Ronald was stunned, "Is it prophecy magic? Did you prepare for the divination class in advance? This is amazing, as expected of you [文!"

"No, I think it's logical reasoning." Harry adjusted his glasses and joined in the topic, "I remember when I was in elementary school, Levin once recommended a book called "The Sherlock Holmes" to me. The Sherlock Holmes in it Being able to deduce the truth of difficult cases one after another through observation of details and rigorous logical reasoning, I guess they just used this technique - Levin can do this."

Levin was both happy and embarrassed to be blown away by two friends.

"Well...actually the reason is not that exaggerated." He touched his nose and told the truth sheepishly, "I just saw the sign on his box, and it said his name."

As he spoke, Levin pointed upward.

There was a tattered small box on the shelf. Lupin's name was printed on the corner of the box, and the letters were already peeling off.

Ronald and Harry looked at each other, suddenly embarrassed.

After a while, Ronald took the initiative and asked: "I wonder what he is here for?"

"No need to ask," Hermione said quickly, "he is our future Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"He also printed this thing on his own box?" Ronald was shocked, why didn't he also print his birthday and address?"

"No...this is not printed on the box." Hermione explained even more awkwardly, "The only students who can be on this car are professors, and this is the only vacant professor position at Hogwarts."

"This time, it's logical reasoning." Levin finally added.

Ronald's ears turned red with embarrassment, but he forced another question to save his respect: "Do you think he knows about the curse?"

"What curse?" Harry looked at him strangely.

"It's the mysterious man's curse. This job has been cursed by the mysterious man. No one can work for a full year and still be intact." Ronald said mysteriously.

"Look at how he's dressed. Obviously, he needs this job!" Xili said with some pity. When she first traveled through time, she was in the same situation for a while, which made her feel the same way.

"Wish him good luck. There really was no teacher who could teach this subject for more than one year in the past two years!" Harry felt that the curse Ronald mentioned was probably true.

Time passed quickly. After the train started, the carriage quickly became quiet.

The few of them chatted and found something to do for themselves. Levin leaned directly on the girls' legs and closed his eyes to rest.

Cirilla began to take care of her sword again,

Hermione took out this year's textbook and started reading.

The train continued to drive north, and the rain outside became heavier.

The window panes took on a thick, sticky gray that gradually deepened until the lights in the carriage came on.

The wind roared, raindrops knocked on the windows, and the train swayed and slowed down.

In each carriage along the corridor, people poked their heads out to look around.

The train suddenly trembled and stopped. There was a banging sound in the distance, indicating that the luggage fell from the rack.

Then, all the lights suddenly went out, and they were plunged into complete darkness.

At this time, Levin was about to enjoy the snacks he had just bought. When he suddenly stopped like this, he almost spilled his iced drink.

"What's going on? We are eating hot pot and singing songs, and suddenly we are going to be robbed by bandits?"

Levin complained loudly.

But it was not the bandits who robbed the road, but something even more terrifying: the Soul Eater!

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