My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 177 The Head Is Stuck In The City Gate Again

After killing Capac, who was causing trouble for them, and capturing the black dragon Onyxia, Levin and his party had no reason to stay there.

After all, the local folks don't have much surplus food, and they can't afford to hold a banquet a day like this.

Capac is dead. Due to the hatred of killing people for many years, his lineage is not suitable to stay and continue to be a shaman.

So this small tribe began to face difficulties without the protection of the shaman.

It was the vampire sisters who finally solved this problem.

They have a large hunting range and know many shamans.

Because they are strong enough and can drink blood with restraint, they have a bit of face in front of the shamans of many tribes.

This time, they contacted the shaman of an indigenous tribe.

This generation of shaman has two sons, and he himself is getting old. He is facing the dilemma of not knowing who to inherit the position of shaman.

This small tribe, which had lost its shaman, had just been used to house its extra son.

By the way, after seeing the feathered serpent in the form of Levin, this tribe began a movement to transform the idols.

Abandoning most of the past statues of gods, we chose to use Levin as a reference to carve a new Quetzalcoatl statue.

Because they saw the feathered serpent with their own eyes, the statues they carved were lifelike and soon became popular among nearby indigenous tribes.

This tribe has been famous for producing the best idols for a long time.

The battlefield where Levin conquered the black dragon is regarded by them as the place where the god "Quetzalcoatl conquered the devil" appeared.

Especially the area that took a deep breath from Onyxia and has now become barren of grass.

Every year, many indigenous people come to worship.

The names of Levin and others appear in the oral epics of these indigenous people and are widely praised.

I believe that if they still maintain this way of life for hundreds of years,

Then Levin and others will also become heroes in their myths.

Of course, the above are all things that happened after Levin and others left, and have nothing to do with Levin and his party.

After the few people left the jungle, they followed Levin's plan and had a good time around Peru.

They visited Machu Picchu, one of the seven wonders of the world, and experienced first-hand the ancient Inca city located in the majestic Andes Mountains;

They went to the golden sandy beach of Paracas, and while enjoying the sun and ocean, they also saw large flocks of flamingos and Humboldt penguins living in hot areas;

They also visited the most beautiful Rainbow Mountain in Peru. The colorful mountain has distinct layers and interweaves with various colors from lavender, golden, burgundy to cinnabar and turquoise. [The beautiful scenery makes people feel like they are in a fairy tale world:

Finally, they also went to the vast Uyuni Salt Flats and saw the so-called mirror reflecting the sky.

This trip to South America lasted for more than three weeks, and the four of them finally ended the trip at their own expense and returned to the Yin Kingdom.

In the past three months, Onyxia finally got rid of the punishment of being a mouse, and her treatment was slightly improved - she regained the right to be a cat.

Of course, this is not without cost.

The price is that she needs to provide enough blood.

Levin used the blood of these black dragons, combined it with the skull of an ordinary fire dragon, and transformed it into the shape of Onyxia's head through transformation and alchemy.

They all enjoyed the trip sponsored by the Ministry of Magic.

Then you have to complete the tasks assigned by the Ministry of Magic.

According to Levin's arrangement, they specifically chose a week after the news of Sirius's escape from prison to return to Demon County.

After seeing this huge and ferocious dragon head, Cornelius Fudge was shocked, and then ecstatic.

At this time, the news of Sirius's escape from prison was spreading, causing panic in the magical world of Yin Kingdom. The reputation of the Ministry of Magic was greatly reduced. It was the time when something needed to be done to stabilize people's hearts.

Fudge immediately took out the dragon-slaying journey of the four Jainas and used it as the Ministry of Magic's political achievements and promotional materials. He reported it extensively, successfully offsetting the negative impact of Sirius's prison break and preventing Feng Ping from being killed.

Even the dragon head was hung in the hall of the Ministry of Magic as an iconic trophy.

Poor Onyxia, even if she changes to another world, she can't change the fate of having her head hung on the city gate.

Fudge's character was completely captured by Levin.

Now, Levin's political power has increased through this opportunity.

The deputy director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Jaina Proudmoore, made a good appearance in the entire Ministry of Magic. Tonks' status in the Auror Office was also greatly improved, and FireWire was promoted to the level of squad leader.

At the same time, the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Magic of the Underworld also met a noble lady from South America, Katrina Presto.

After only organizing a few banquets, she successfully entered the upper echelons of the Yin Kingdom's magical world and became very popular:

She is radiant, she is incredibly wealthy, and she has a distinguished status—it is said that this respectable lady holds the title of Duke in her ancestors—and the aristocratic pomp and style she displays in every gesture can even make her proud. The aristocratic Malfoy family was ashamed of themselves.

From this point of view, everyone believes that Ms. Presto's ancestors are definitely noble.

This Ms. Katlana Presto is naturally Onyxia's dragon in human form.

It is almost natural that she can use her aristocratic temperament to fool the wizards who live in Da Yin.

How can a group of modern people compare their aristocratic temperament with a traveler from medieval civilization?

What you call aristocratic temperament is just the cosplay of modern people, and other people's aristocratic temperament is their daily life.

As for the overwhelming wealth and aristocratic pomp... With Levin's Philosopher's Stone, a great noble can be created just by stacking gold.

After signing a series of magical contracts, Levin officially allowed her to appear in front of the public in human form, in order to implement the previously formulated plan and use Onyxia's skills in Stormwind City to infiltrate influence into the Kingdom of Yin. Among the bureaucrats and purebloods of the Ministry of Magic.

Even Jaina cooperated with her in this matter.

According to Jaina, it was with her help that Jaina and others were able to find and kill the black dragon that brought big trouble to the Yin Kingdom when the guide was killed.

And this lady, after making friends with Deputy Director Proudmoore, had the idea of ​​​​moving to the Kingdom of Yin.

In this regard, what is the attitude of the Yin Kingdom magic world?

Of course you are welcome,

This lady is not only a friendly person who helps the Great Yin Ministry of Magic, she is also a naturalized person with sufficient ability and financial resources, and she is also one of countless wizards who claim to be noble. Regardless of the object of admiration for men and women.

In order to prompt her to make this decision, the Ministry of Magic even made an exception and bypassed the existing N.E.W.T. exam rules and arranged a decent position for her in the Ministry of Magic.

Specifically, working as a consultant in the Fire Dragon Research and Restriction Bureau of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

After all, Ms. Prestor's experience of helping Jaina kill the black dragon was better than any exam.

In this regard, Levin's evaluation is that he deserves his reputation and got the right result through the wrong path.

Throughout the entire Harry Potter world, no one is more suitable to manage fire dragons than the Black Dragon Princess.

Within the Dragon Clan, bloodline suppression is a natural phenomenon.

As the princess of the black dragon, Onyxia's bloodline is naturally at the top of the dragon.

And these fire dragons in the Harry Potter world,

Each one counts, in the worlds of WOW and DND, they must be classified as "dragons".

Onyxia naturally has blood suppression on them,

Whenever there are fire dragons causing trouble, as long as Onyxia stops there, every one of these fire dragons will turn into a little obedient cat. .

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