Upon hearing that the black dragon called herself Onyxia, Levin wondered loudly:

"No way, you can't be Onyxia!"

"Why?" Jaina asked.

"Why meow?" Onyxia was also confused.

Why can't she be herself?

Then Levin gave the answer:

"Onyxia is the princess of the black dragon clan, the king of the black dragons, the guardian of the earth, the daughter of Deathwing, and Neltharion!"

"She should have the power of the earth, a body that is far stronger than an ordinary dragon, superb spells, and a fiery breath."

"As long as I know that the target of the mission is her, I will definitely put down the mission and run away without any hesitation!"

"With her strength, no matter how inferior she is to her father and brother, she is not as weak as you."

"With all due respect, except for that deep breath, you and Onyxia have nothing in common."

Onyxia didn't expect that the reason the other party thought she was not her was because she was "too weak"!?

What's the reason?

I'm really sorry that I'm so weak, nya.

The boy's words made Onyxia proud and sad at the same time.

What I am proud of is that the other party actually admires me so much.

Sadly, I am now so weak that I can't even prove my identity.

However, when thinking of Levin's previous declaration that "as long as you lie, I will fuck you", Onyxia still had to rack her brains to prove herself in order not to be fucked:

"Well, there's a reason why I'm so weak, nya!"

"After coming to this world, I couldn't feel the power of the earth, so I became weak, nya!"

"In addition, after I came to this world, I found that the magic rules of this world are slightly different, and I temporarily lost the ability to use magic... I could have recovered after giving me a period of adjustment. 01, who You know it comes so fast, meow!”

"To sum up, I'm really not that weak, nya!!"

"Mr. Levin, I didn't lie, meow!"

Onyxia spoke so fast that she bit her tongue. It was obvious that she was working hard not to become a pet or be sterilized.

"She said she became weak because she couldn't sense the power of the earth and couldn't use magic. Do you believe it?" After hearing this, Levin looked at his companions.

Regarding the power of the earth and the inability to use magic, Cirilla and Tonks looked confused and could not offer any constructive suggestions.

So we still have to look at Gianna.

Jaina frowned and said slowly: "The power of the earth? I don't know much about the power inherited by these guardian dragons. But I have some feelings about the inability to use magic. When I first came to this world When I was young, I couldn't use magic. It took more than half a month to adjust before I could recover, and it took ten years to be able to use magic as usual.

Hearing Jaina support her statement, Onyxia immediately said happily: "Right, right, so I didn't mean to become so weak, meow!"

According to Levin's level classification, Onyxia's professional level should be LV19 Black Dragon/LV6 Mage.

Since dragons are born with the ability to cast spells, a LV19 black dragon is equivalent to an 11th level caster level. Therefore, after superimposing a LV6 mage, his spellcaster level is 17, which is equivalent to a LV17 mage, except that it lacks many of the abilities of a high-level mage. Almost on par with Jaina.

If Onyxia really temporarily lost her ability to cast spells after crossing the Otherworld, it wouldn't be surprising that her strength would be reduced.

"Okay, I'll consider half of your reasons to be true."

Under Onyxia's expectant gaze, Levin handed down his verdict,

"But you still have to give further proof, such as... show me something unique to Onyxia."

"He's coming again!"

People are fighting for each other, and I am fighting for the flesh. Faced with Levin's persecution, what can she do?

She is just a little kitten and can only obey him.

"Something unique to me... Something unique to me..." Onyxia thought hard.

Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration: "I thought of Meow! I can tell you my experience in Azeroth before crossing over. No other dragon knows about this, Meow!"

"I transformed into a human and mingled with the nobles of the Kingdom of Stormwind under the name Katrana Presto. After the victory of the Second Orc War, I returned to Stormwind with King Varian Wrynn. The kingdom was restored, and he became a high-level leader in Stormwind City by virtue of his magic and negotiation skills."

"Me, me, me, I also secretly corrupted the nobles, instigated conflicts between the stonemasons of Stormwind City and the nobles, bankrupted the Stonemason Brotherhood, triggered their riots, and accidentally killed Varian's Queen Meow!"

"While Varian was grieving in his heart and ignoring government affairs, I have become the de facto controller of Stormwind City. Before crossing over, I was even leading the formation of reinforcements to support Lordaeron, which had just been captured by the Undead Scourge...

But before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Gianna:

"Wait, you said...Lordaeron has just fallen into the undead disaster. The undead disaster has just happened?" Jaina looked serious and asked hurriedly: "When you traveled through, which part of the Dark Portal was it? Year?"

"It's been 20 years since the Dark Portal, what's wrong?" Onyxia was confused.

"But it was also 20 years after the Dark Portal when I traveled through it, but at that time, Arthas had just led the Scourge of the Undead to capture Lordaeron... In other words, the time you traveled through was only a shorter period of time than mine. .....But the time difference between you and me after we traveled to this world is 12 years!"

After a thorough analysis, Jaina came to the conclusion:

"The speed of time passing in different worlds seems to be different."

"In other words, if I can return to Azeroth, I don't have to worry about seeing my old relatives."

When she thought of this, the princess of Kul Tiras felt much better.

"So, I passed the test, right, meow?" Onyxia said in a flattering manner.

When Jaina heard this, she just smiled gently.

"You still have to ask Levin about this kind of thing. We let him make the decision on this kind of thing."

Damn it! You are a disciple of the majestic Speaker of Dalaran, and you are also the deputy director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in this world. You are so many years older than the other party, and you actually let that boy make the decision. Where is your dignity? Where is your arrogance?

But on the surface, Onyxia did not dare to show any complaints on her kitten face, but looked at Levin obediently.

Levin nodded, then shook his head,

"Even with this information, I can assume that you heard it from hearsay and there is no basis for it.

"Damn it, how can you be satisfied, meow!"

This won't work, and that won't work either. The little black cat almost collapsed.

Then he saw Guowen showing a mysterious smile.

"I heard that the dragon's spell to transform into a mortal is very powerful. After transforming into a mortal, not only can it not be detected by ordinary spells, but it can also possess various characteristics of a mortal, and can even have offspring with mortals."

"But this spell has only one drawback, that is, you can only select a specific race and cannot adjust the transformed appearance."

"In other words, each mortal transformed by the dragon can only have one face."

"Then, Miss Onyxia, why don't you show yourself as a mortal and let us see if you are Countess Katrana Presto."

Onyxia found that she still underestimated the other party's understanding of the dragon.

He actually knows this kind of thing?

Indeed, the reason why the dragon's transformation spell is more powerful than any transformation spell is that

It's because this spell essentially "makes the dragon become itself in the mortal state!"

The characteristics of a mortal are entirely determined by the characteristics of the dragon form.

This also means that the face in the mortal state, like the face in the dragon state, is his original face and cannot be changed.

Using this method, we can indeed identify 100% whether he is Onyxia or not.

There is only one problem:

"I'm just a little kitten, I don't have the ability to transform."

"It doesn't matter, you don't think my limiter only has a switch function." Levin smiled slightly and showed off the dark red crystal in his hand.

"Next, I will slightly adjust the restraints of the crystal so that you can transform into a human. But if you want to break free during this period, you will do so at your own risk.

As he spoke, he gently touched the crystal in his hand.

Onyxia suddenly felt that the restraint of the malevolent transformation on her body was loosened,

She felt a long-lost relief, as if she could release a little of her powerful power from the small container.

As a black dragon and the daughter of Deathwing, she is naturally not a good girl. She does whatever Levin says.

I was so obedient before, but it was just because the situation was stronger than the person.

But now, out of caution, she did not rashly change back to her true form, but instead changed into a human form obediently,

So soon, the person sitting on Levin's lap was no longer the black cat, but a mature and charming beauty with black hair and shawl.

It was Countess Katrana Prestor of Stormwind City.

"This time I believe it, you are indeed Onyxia." Seeing this face, Levin finally nodded.

Seeing that her transformation was correct, Katrana cast a flirtatious look at the boy in front of her, which made Cirilla, Jaina and Tonks furious, and they were about to accuse her.

She immediately transformed and tried to force her way back to the dragon form.

Then she discovered that in the face of her own burst of power,

The strange restraint that restrained her seemed to be angered, and a larger restraint was imposed on her.

Her body shrunk dramatically, even smaller than the black cat form!

Her whole body turned into a black mouse.

"Haha, I've already said that if you try to break free, you will be responsible for the consequences. It seems you are really disobedient."

Levin threw the panicked little black mouse away and put it in his pocket.

"Did you believe she was Onyxia?" Cirilla asked curiously, but you were not surprised to see her in human form. "

"I don't believe it 100%." ​​Levin shook his head. "Without the power of the earth and the ability to cast spells, it is normal for Onyxia to behave like a slightly more powerful ordinary black dragon. But as long as 1% of them are fake Maybe, I can't really believe it. That's why I need to verify it.

"They're all excuses." Tonks said with a "I don't know you yet" expression, "I think you just want to torment her this time."

"She has caused so much trouble for us, isn't it worth the trouble?" Levin said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Then, he looked at the three of them: "Now that everything that needs to be asked is clear, we still have one more thing to discuss, and that is how to deal with her? Should she be killed or retained, caught or released?"

"Of course, kill her!" Tonks said righteously, "Sneak into the kingdom, corrupt the nobles, stir up conflicts, frame the lower class, and usurp the royal power... Which of these is something a good person would do?


Jaina also agreed: "Tonks is right. Since she is the daughter of Deathwing and is born to be our opposite, why keep her?"

(Levin: Yes, what if that’s not the case?)

Cirila also expressed her support: "That's right! This little charlatan dares to seduce you in front of us. He should have died long ago!"

Ah, this... the last one is so true.

Levin ignored their antics and said seriously: "I think she can stay as long as I can control her."

"Although she has done all kinds of bad things as Countess Katrana Presto, we must also realize that she is indeed very capable in the field of power, and she can do all kinds of things when no one knows her.

Under such circumstances, relying on a forged background, he easily blended into the aristocratic circle, and took a dominant position, winning over and controlling dozens of people. This is what we currently lack. 17

"In fact, we do need such a talent."

"We can give her a certain degree of freedom and let her repeat her previous operations in this world."

"I think that the Ministry of Magic bureaucrats and various families in this world are no more clever than the nobles of Azeroth.

After listening to Levin's words, the three of them nodded frequently.

Indeed, whether it is Levin who takes the serious academic route or Gianna who takes the serious bureaucratic route,

The groups they can control and influence are limited, and it is impossible to cover all aspects.

At this time, a Countess of Presto is needed to integrate the parts they cannot involve.

If Onyxia can really do this, then their reach over the entire magical world can be greatly expanded.

"But what if she loses control?"

Cirila was still a little worried.

"Huh? It depends on whose magical contract is stronger, hers or mine." Levin was full of confidence in this regard.

"What's more, even if we have conflicts over this or that, we should stick together in a different country."

"But before that, let her suffer as a little mouse."

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