My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 175: When A Fellow Villager Meets A Fellow Villager, He Shoots Him In The Back

Facing the oppressive looks of the four people, Black Dragon's choice was...

Like a real little kitten, he lowered his head and licked his paws seriously.

It's like nothing happened.

Do you still have the dignity of the dragon clan?

Can this be tolerated?

Levin's gloomy voice sounded faintly in the kitten's ears:

"Since you like being a kitten so much, then you can be a kitten for the rest of your life. I will take you to a pet shop later and have you neutered like an ordinary pet cat.


Hearing this word, the little black cat jumped up in fright and meowed loudly: "Who dares to meow?!"

Then he saw Levin's gloomy face, and he suddenly became confused again.

"Wow, kittens can actually talk?"

Tonks suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

"How new, you didn't just know she could talk just now. This kitten is transformed into a dragon. If it can't talk, guess how she bewitched Kapashu." "Fourteen Zero" "Su Wen He complained helplessly.

Levin didn't expect her to make such a fuss,

When she shouted like this, all the momentum he had accumulated before was in vain.

"But, it's weird that dragons can talk," Tonks tilted her head, her hair turning a curious yellow, "I know dragons can be very smart, but I've never seen a dragon that can talk."

"That's because this dragon is not a local aboriginal, but comes from Otherworld." Levin said the most shocking fact calmly.

"You know I'm from Otherworld, meow?" The little black cat was suddenly surprised.

"She's from Otherworld?" Tonks' hair turned a bright purple in surprise.

Levin looked at Cirilla, then at Jaina.

After they all nodded, they solemnly said to Tonks: "Listen, Nymphadora, we will say the next words out of our absolute trust in you. You must promise to accept them. What you hear here must not be disclosed to anyone, no matter how close that person is to you, including your parents."

Seeing the three of them looking at her seriously, Tonks realized that she had touched on an important topic, so she nodded seriously:

"I swear, everything I hear next will only be kept as my personal secret and will not be disclosed to anyone."

"Very good." Levin nodded with satisfaction, "Then let me tell you, in fact, not only this black dragon, but me, Cirila and Jaina, we all come from Otherworld.

"You are also from Otherworld?" Tonks seemed to re-recognize the partners in front of her. "Oh my God, I never knew about it before. This is so strange."

"It's indeed strange." Levin nodded in agreement, "Because we came here all because of accidents, not our own wishes. But now that the fact of time travel has happened, we have to work hard to make ourselves better before we find a way to go back. Adapt to the world.”

"That's really... pitiful." Tonks immediately realized the problem the three of them were facing. "You must be lonely and hard in the Otherworld alone. Don't worry, I'm here, you can do it. Treat me like family!”

"Thank you Tonks."

"Oh, you're so kind."

"You have been my sister for a long time, haven't you?"

The three of them were deeply moved by Tonks' gentle comfort. This witch born in Hufflepuff warmed her companions with her enthusiasm.

They took turns hugging Tonks, and the black cat saw this scene with envy and contempt.

"Hmph, I'm a black dragon...I won't cry because of a little loneliness, meow. Anyway, in my hometown, my parents and brother are also..."

After giving Tonks some common sense about Otherworld and time travel, his attention returned to the little black cat.

The interrogation officially begins with Levin:

"Tell me, Black Dragon, which world do you come from? Don't try to lie to me. After interrogating old man Capac, I already have a basic guess about your hometown.

I'm interrogating you now just to verify my suspicions. If you try to lie, trust me, I would love to have a black cat as a pet. "

"I...I know, meow. Don't threaten me with sterilization at every turn, meow."

The little black cat complained a few words, and then said honestly: "But even if I tell you my hometown, you may not be able to understand it, meow——Listen up, meow, this dragon comes from the Titan's Watching Ball, it's great Azeroth! Have you heard of it, meow?”

Unexpectedly, the boy in front of him looked as expected: "Azeroth, it is indeed this world. Hey, Jaina, she is your fellow countryman."

"Really, even though I've thought about it too, if it's true, it's too..."

Both Levin and Gianna looked like they had guessed it, but the little black cat was surprised:

"Come? Jaina? Wait, you're not the Jaina from Kul Tiras, are you? No wonder you use Dalaran's spellcasting skills, meow!"

"Kul actually recognize me!? You are indeed the dragon of Azeroth...but the dragon of Azeroth actually knows about a mortal like me. "?" The fact before her made Jaina a little puzzled.

It was Levin who gave the answer: "The five-color dragons of Azeroth, if they are other four-color dragons, most likely will not want to understand the mortal world - except for Cleostetz, that is, you know One of the six Kirin Tor, Krasus, the long one is his real name as a red dragon.

"The black dragon is an exception among the five-color dragons. You may remember the incident in Grim Batol: the four dragon kings collectively attacked the black dragon king. In fact, the black dragon army has always been the other four colors after the end of the ancient war. The targets of the dragon's siege have long learned to hide among mortals by incarnating themselves as mortals in order to avoid their old relatives, and humans are the best targets chosen by the black dragon."

"I see.

Jaina said that she has learned a lot.

She has been a mage for so long, staying in Dalaran, which is said to have the most secret knowledge in human society, and she is also a disciple of the Speaker of Dalaran.

But she learned more about the dragon clan today than she had in her entire life in Dalaran.

Even the little black cat nodded in admiration: "I didn't expect you, a human, to know so much about black dragons. Which black dragon did you hear about from? Maybe I even know him."

Facing the black dragon's clever approach, Levin smiled coldly: "Sorry, my source of information is not from your same race. In fact, I am not even a native of Azeroth. I come from another world, and everything I know is purely Because I can observe the messages from Otherworld."

"Observing otherworld messages, this is too outrageous!"

Unlike Jaina and others, the little black cat has been exposed to the top power of Azeroth in the past, and has some understanding of high-level power, as well as its range of capabilities and limitations of 5.8.

Whether it was an Aspect Dragon, a Titan, or some other high-level existence, she had never heard of anyone having such a heaven-defying ability.

But Levin didn't care at all about her emotions and just asked coldly:

"Now that you know my abilities, you should understand that whether you keep silent or choose to lie, it will not affect my understanding of relevant information. Therefore, answer whatever you ask and tell the truth, which is how you express your sincerity , the only way to secure future treatment.”

"Now, please tell me honestly, your specific identity as a black dragon.

The little black cat glanced at Levin faintly and whispered:

"Since you know so much about Black Dragon, you must have heard of my name:"


Unexpectedly, this answer surprised Levin:



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