Dragon beasts, young dragons, dragon-turned-human beings...

The series of enemies that appeared before really amazed Levin.

He didn't expect that in addition to its own strength, this black dragon also had such a series of means of producing cannon fodder.

Don't look at these cannon fodder being wiped out in front of the [Blizzard] created by Levin and Jaina.

But that was just their bad luck, meeting a strong man like Levin,

If they were facing ordinary wizards or Muggle-military police,

With these guys' superhuman physique and defense, they can definitely cause them a lot of trouble.

After just a few days of escaping here, this black dragon caused such a scene,

If she is really allowed to settle down here,

Levin has no doubt that it will simply bring out an entire army.

The black dragon with such means... If the opponent's physical strength was not up to par, Levin would have suspected that it was the unlucky guy with his head hanging at the gate of Stormwind City.

The daughter of Deathwing, the black dragon princess, Onyxia, who single-handedly brought trouble to the entire Stormwind City.

The black dragon in front of me is indeed terrifying, but it is not worth mentioning compared to the real black dragon princess.

If the opponent was really Onyxia, Levin would definitely turn around and run away without stopping.

However, even if the opponent is not Onyxia, her black dragon form is still astonishingly destructive.

See it roar,

Both Levin and the other three people were ready to prepare.

They knew that the other party was going to take action.

I saw the black dragon kicking its forelimbs, and its entire body stood upright. At the same time, its wings spread and flapped.

How terrifying is it to flap wings with a wingspan of 16 meters? A strong wind of level 10 blew directly from the ground, blowing sand and rocks everywhere. Levin and others covered their faces.

Immediately afterwards, the black dragon soared into the sky, circled in a circle and swooped directly towards the four Levins.

This is the typical tactic used by giant dragons against mortal races - to crush them forcefully with their powerful bodies.

"Get out of the way!"

Levin warned loudly and dodged to one side in a few steps. Jaina, Cirilla and Tonks also dodged.

Tonks and Jaina even used the technique of [Tracking Step],

With just one move, the four people were scattered.

Capac on the other side was not idle either. He picked an opponent at random, waved his wand and faced him.

The black dragon failed to hit a single blow, but was not discouraged. It relied on its powerful body to rush forward and continuously attacked any enemy that appeared in its sight.

Its existence is the biggest trouble on the battlefield:

The black dragon is huge, and its movements can cause huge damage to four mortals, and every blow will cover a huge area.

Faced with its bites and claws, Levin had to run at least 5 or 6 meters away to avoid it.

This greatly increases the difficulty of dodging.

Levin and Cirila were fine, their skills were strong enough, and it was not impossible for them to dodge with all their strength every time.

But Tonks and Jaina were in dire straits. With their agility, they couldn't avoid the black dragon's attack. Therefore, every time they were targeted, they were forced to use [Trailing Step].

Once or twice is fine, but once more, the magic power consumption will be too high, and sooner or later you will be dragged to death.

What about them? The black dragon's natural magic resistance allows it to ignore the influence of most magic.

And when Levin used magic with physical effects, he had to face the resistance of strong dragon scales.

The black dragon is naturally immune to most fire magic. Other spells will also face the effect of being unable to break through the defense when faced with dragon scales. You have to use high-level spells to cause damage to it.

At least Tonks couldn't do anything about it.

As for Cirilla, the arcane sword can indeed break through the black dragon's defense, but the damage is nothing to the thick-skinned dragon.

On the contrary, Cirila herself could easily face huge threats by getting too close to the black dragon.

In addition, Capac is also a powerful wizard, and its attacks cannot be ignored by the four of them.

The remaining indigenous warriors also found an opportunity this time. They found that their attacks were ineffective against the black dragon's scales.

So they began to unscrupulously launch long-range attacks on the four Levins. It didn't matter even if they accidentally injured the black dragon, just to consume their shields.

After fighting like this, the four Levins had the upper hand and were suppressed throughout the fight.

The four of them were able to remain unscathed under such a siege, all thanks to Levin's psychic ability to monitor the entire field and share it with his teammates through psychic links. This allowed them to see and hear in all directions.

But being beaten passively all the time is not a problem.

"We can't continue like this. Someone must hold the black dragon back."

Seeing that this black dragon was not satisfied with physical combat, it seemed to start breathing.

Levin finally stopped holding back.

His whole figure suddenly twisted and expanded, and he instantly transformed into a 6-meter-long feathered snake.

The radiant feathered snake with its golden belly scales and bright fur immediately attracted everyone's attention as soon as it appeared on the battlefield.

The black dragon noticed this "conspicuous bag" on the battlefield at a glance, and immediately pointed its mouth at him.

The attitude of Capac and the indigenous warriors became strange.

Seeing Levin transform into a feathered serpent, old man Capac immediately changed his expression. He immediately realized that Levin's transformation would have a devastating blow to his reputation in the village.

Sure enough, when he looked at the surrounding tribesmen, he found that these people immediately felt confused.

In ancient times, feathered serpents appeared on the land of South America and the United States for a long time.

And this kind of divine creature is born to make people unable to help but worship it.

They are also willing to use this characteristic of themselves to attract people to do good.

Therefore, whether they are the Mayans, Aztecs or Incas, their original beliefs eventually transformed into belief in Quetzalcoatl, and in their eyes, the Quetzalcoatl is the true envoy of Quetzalcoatl.

He was able to force these tribesmen to believe that the black dragon was the messenger of God, all because the feathered serpent was suspected of being extinct. The tribesmen had not seen the feathered serpent with their own eyes for hundreds of years.

Coupled with his own prestige, this contributed to everything tonight.

Otherwise, looking at the black dragon, which is completely black and looks very ferocious, it doesn't look like an envoy of a good god.

And now, the real envoy of God has appeared, what will this make them think?

Therefore, Capac could only break the jar and forcefully defended: "Don't be deceived by the enemy. The enemy is a traitor among the Quetzalcoatl shamans. It can transform into a feathered serpent. Full proof. But now that they have betrayed, even if they can become Quetzalcoatl, they cannot represent Quetzalcoatl."

However, Levin, who transformed into a feathered serpent, anticipated this and directly used [Glory Crown],

The crown shining with golden light stands on the top of the head, like the halo behind the gods and Buddhas. Against the backdrop of the beautiful feathered snake, it looks extremely holy.

Then they heard a gentle voice sounding from the bottom of their hearts:

"People of Quetzalcoatl Viracocha, please don't be deceived by demon believers and take the wrong path."

"You should distinguish between the power of demons and Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl is sacred and great, its power is holy and healing, and the power of demons is absolutely untouchable.

0Please give me flowers…………

"The power of demons flows with brimstone and fire. They can only cause destruction, fire and famine. They are the enemies of God. They fight against God, but they cannot get close to God and become gods."

"People of Viracocha, keep your eyes open and return to the right path. Only in this way can your dead souls join the ancestors in reaffirming the joy of Viracocha."

In the feathered serpent state, Levin's psychic abilities increased significantly, so he easily bewitched these native fanatical believers.

At the same time, the feathered serpent's wings flapped slightly, and a healing force swept across the battlefield. Many fell in the [blizzard]. The soldiers who were not dead suddenly felt that their whole bodies felt extremely comfortable, and their wounds began to slowly recover.

As soon as [Group Treatment of Minor Injuries] came out, it immediately showed the kindness and healing of the Quetzalcoatl.

At this time, the balance in the minds of these indigenous warriors began to flip.

Yes, one is a feathered snake with conspicuous feathers, shining scales, and a holy aura in every move. It is completely in line with the indigenous aesthetics.

On one side is a black dragon covered in black, with a ferocious appearance, horns on its head, and thorns on its back. It has many characteristics that overlap with those of the legendary devil.

It is clear at a glance who is good and who is evil,

Besides, the Quetzalcoatl that we have worshiped for generations looks exactly like the Quetzalcoatl in front of us, and it is both holy light and healing, just like the legendary Quetzalcoatl’s blessing.

On the contrary, this black dragon, although it can turn people into powerful half-dragons, looks like half-dragons covered in scales like monsters.

The black dragon has the ability to spray fire. The legendary Quetzalcoatl does not have the priesthood of fire.

Quetzalcoatl does have the priesthood of the sun, but the sun's flames are all golden, and they don't match this dark red fire.

In other words, what they followed before were false gods and demons!

At this moment, the old chief, who was originally paralyzed on the ground, stood up tremblingly.

He stared at the dazzling feathered serpent, his face full of enthusiasm, and shouted:

"The true messenger of God has arrived to guide us on the right path!"

“It sends healing blessings and forgives our offenses.”

"As a believer of Quetzalcoatl, if you miss it once, you can't miss it the second time!"

"If we want to please Quetzalcoatl, we must kill the real traitors and kill the demon believers who led us astray! Then kill the demon incarnation, so that we can live up to Quetzalcoatl's favor!"

"Ho ho!!"

Hearing this, the remaining tribal warriors raised their weapons and responded one after another.

So, who is the real traitor?

Their eyes turned to old man Capac.

"You...you avenge yourself!" The old man pointed at the chief and yelled, but he could not change the fact that he became the target of public criticism.


Seeing the half-dragon indigenous warriors staring fiercely at him, Capac swallowed hard.

Levin and Jaina can easily deal with this half-dragon army, but that doesn't mean he can too.

The next moment, countless indigenous warriors came to kill him.

The power of the indigenous warriors and Capac can no longer interfere with their battle for the time being.

Levin turned his attention back to the black dragon in front of him,

Native warriors and capacs were never the key to victory,

Only by defeating the black dragon in front of you can it be considered a real victory.

Thinking of this, Wei Wen let out a Qing Ming King that resounded in all directions.

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