The area where the shaman's house is located is the most important area for the entire tribe.

Normally, out of awe, the natives of the tribe would not come near this place except for those who serve them every day.

After all, the shaman is the spokesperson of the gods, and approaching him rashly will be regarded as an offense to the great Quetzalcoatl God Viracocha.

Even the house itself has the nature of a shrine,

But now, countless indigenous people have gathered here under the cover of darkness.

Under the dark night, they all painted sacred oil paint costumes, put on wooden armors and leather armors that were only used in battle, brought their treasured knives, held throwing spears, and carried dragon beasts given by the gods, facing this In the past, the Holy Land was at war with each other.


A tall and old figure walked out of the crowd.

He is the nominal first person in the tribe, and his status is second only to the chief shaman.

Like other tribesmen, he also wore a feather crown tonight and put on his most orthodox and solemn costume as a chief.

Looking at the wooden house that was swallowed up by the fire, the old man's expression was very solemn.

As the leader of the secular forces of the tribe, generally speaking, people like him are the most suspicious and repulsive of shamans.

Perhaps before today, he was also such a chief,

But now, he has prided himself on being a loyal servant of the shaman and the most ardent believer in the gods.

Because he could see clearly that the messenger of Quetzalcoatl, the black dragon snake, had really arrived.

If God’s messenger exists, doesn’t that prove that God exists?

Tonight, Quetzalcoatl asked Capac to convey the oracle to him, saying that Quetzalcoatl's former shaman had betrayed the god, and the god sent an envoy to defeat the traitor, and they, the warriors of the 813 god, were responsible for assisting.

The old chief believed deeply in the oracle of Quetzalcoatl, so he and his tribe appeared here, shouting and killing at the former shrine.

God loves the world, and the world naturally loves God.

Quetzalcoatl gave their tribe everything,

So in return, they will naturally sacrifice their lives for God in times of crisis to prove their faith!

"Puff puff!"

A series of muffled sounds were coming from the burning wooden house. The scout he had sent to gather information before was knocked away as soon as he met him. He was worthy of being a shaman who had betrayed the gods. He was indeed a shaman.

Then, several figures walked out of the sea of ​​fire and stood in front of them.

It was the foreign shaman they had warmly entertained these past two days.'s obvious that everyone is getting along very happily, why can't we continue like this?

"Since you choose to betray my god, then please die."

The chief murmured to himself, then raised his scepter and roared:

"Chay_traicionaqkunata_wa?uchiy!!" (Quechua: Kill those traitors)

After saying this, the surrounding indigenous warriors, dragon beasts, and young dragons roared and rushed towards the man and three women in front of them.

At the same time, the divine messenger behind them raised his head and let out a breathtaking roar,

Under this roaring summons, the indigenous warriors found that there seemed to be fire burning in their hearts, and then scales began to grow on their bodies, thorns began to grow on their backs, and they began to transform into dragons.

The old chief smiled.

As the people of Quetzalcoatl, they were not only given young dragons and dragon beasts by the angel before the war, but they also drank the divine wine of Quetzalcoatl. Now the divine wine has given them bodies that are more powerful and closer to the gods!

This is the reason why they choose to participate in the siege!

Although this ability is certainly not enough to defeat the traitor who is feared by both the Divine Envoy and Capak Shaman, it can at least cause them some trouble.

In this case, Lord God Envoy and Lord Capak Shaman should be able to defeat them in one fell swoop, right?

Thinking like this, an emotion called happiness rippled in the heart of the old chief.

As a believer, being able to help Quetzalcoatl and the envoys is his greatest wish.

However, the happy expression on the old chief's face only lasted for a moment and then disappeared, replaced by endless shock.

Because facing the massive siege of hundreds of people around them, the villain shamans did not show any panic.

In fact, the half-grown boy who was leading the group, and the blond woman whom the Kapak shaman was most afraid of, even raised their short sticks in their hands with a grin.


[Spell Strengthening: Metamagic Skill, at the cost of spell level +2, increases all spell effects by 50%]

[Spell expansion: Metamagic skills, at the cost of spell level +3, all range values ​​of the spell are doubled (the area is four times)]

It is clear that the wooden house in front is caught in the sea of ​​fire, and behind is the angel with a burning breath in his breath.

The old chief felt an inexplicable chill.

Then he discovered that blizzards fell from the sky out of thin air, falling on the heads of the soldiers.

No, that's not just any Blizzard,

With the joint casting of the two wizards and the blessing of a variety of super-magical skills, the snowflakes turned into ice arrows and fell from the sky, directly hitting all the warriors with bloody heads.

But the physical damage alone is not that terrible. As long as the soldiers hold on, they will be able to break through the [Blizzard] sooner or later.

The worst thing is that these ice arrows (Abbc) have a cold and freezing effect. All the warriors who were hit fell into a cold and stiff state, their forward movements were slowed down, and many of them were directly frozen.

In addition, the ice arrows also produced abnormal effects when they fell to the ground.

The original ground directly turned into a smooth ice surface under the influence of ice elements.

Tribal warriors who have lived in the rainforest for a long time have never seen this. Except for a few individuals with particularly strong balance, all of them slipped to the ground.

There was freezing rain above, ice below, and the freezing effect. Many tribal warriors were trapped in the blizzard, unable to move forward for a long time, and were finally sieved by a steady stream of ice arrows.

Seeing such a desperate scene, the indigenous warriors in the rear were all filled with jealousy, but they did not dare to step forward to rescue them.

The dragon beasts and young dragons could not last longer than the warriors.

Occasionally, a lucky fish would slip through the net, break through the scope of the blizzard, and rush in front of the wizards with the hope of the whole village. The other two witches and wizards who had not taken action stood up,

One of the witches was holding a wand, and her hair turned an angry red in her fighting spirit. She waved the wand repeatedly, [Explosion Curse], [Split Curse]... and used powerful spells one after another. , fell on the soldiers.

Although the dragon-turned-skin of the warriors slightly increased their resistance, it was still not enough to completely withstand magic damage, and each of them was beaten to pieces.

But even more terrifying is the gray-haired witch,

She did not hold a wand like her companions, but rather unmagically raised a silver sword.

But the old chief could tell that the silver sword was much more magical than the ordinary sword, because every time the gray-haired witch raised it, terrible energy would appear on the blade - either frost, or Is it lightning or an invisible force field,

Her swordsmanship is extremely superb, surpassing that of any warrior in the tribe.

Each of her sword strikes is incredibly destructive, enough to break through any defense.

No warrior can resist her move,

No matter whether you are resisting or parrying, you will be forcibly broken through by her sword blade.

Even a dragon beast with rough skin and thick flesh will only be split in two by the terrifying sword edge.

In the end, none of the lucky ones who survived the [blizzard] could successfully approach the target and interrupt this terrible spell.

With just one move [Blizzard], the vanguard of hundreds of besiegers was almost wiped out. This miserable scene is really chilling.

The remaining indigenous warriors at the back looked at the tragic situation in front of them. How could they dare to come forward and die again?

Even if there are divine envoys, shamans and chiefs holding the formation from behind, they only dare to stay at the edge of the blizzard range and launch some long-range attacks with blow darts, spear throwing and other methods.

However, this is even less worth mentioning to the four wizards.

This weak normal attack couldn't even penetrate their magic shields, and they all just bounced off and fell to the ground.

The difference between ordinary people and wizards is vividly reflected here.

Seeing this desperate scene, the old chief fell to his knees with trembling hands,

And Kapak Shaman frowned:

"What a useless waste!" He looked at the trembling tribesmen in front of him and the chief who was slumped on the ground and yelled angrily: "The tribes are all waste!"

Then he turned to the young dragons and dragon beasts: "You are also useless! It is a waste of time for the divine envoy to give you the power of God.

After saying that, he looked at the black dragon beside him, bowed down and said:

"Dear Divine Envoy, at this point, it is impossible to rely on these mobs to defeat the traitors. I beg you, the Divine Envoy, to personally take action and use the power of thunder to wipe out the evil in front of you.

Live up to God’s gift. "

The dragon seemed to understand his plea. He stepped forward and roared:


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