Seeing his cannon fodder being bullied away by the Quetzalcoatl, the black dragon was furious.

The flames breathed out from his mouth and swept twenty to thirty meters,

The feathered serpent just flapped its wings and avoided the range of its breath as if flying in the air.

He dodged all the way, and the black dragon chased him all the way, but was crushed by Levin's agility and was unable to hit him.

The other three were summoned by Levin's psychic link, except Tonks who was responsible for keeping an eye on Capac.

Jaina and Cirilla took advantage of him to hold back the black dragon and began to prepare means to fight against the black dragon.

Jaina was the first to attack,

I saw her waving her staff, and powerful water element energy gathered in front of her,

A huge water element that was two stories high appeared in front of her.

Immediately afterwards, two more smaller water elements appeared,

As soon as the water elements appeared on the scene, they launched an attack on the black dragon. The water elements condensed into ice spears and fired towards the black dragon.

In conjunction with Jaina's own [Ice Arrow "487"], the black dragon was attacked by quite powerful firepower.

Cirilla here is not idle either. She has the talent of time travel. Although she no longer travels at will after coming to the world of Harry Potter,

But the talent is still there after all,

After learning [Wandering Step] from Levin, this spell became the most commonly practiced spell besides spell striking skills.

If she also has a system panel, then she will definitely have the specialty of (Spell Specialization: Lost Tracking Step.

Now, with the assistance of Levin's three-dimensional perspective of psychic perception, Cirilla has developed this skill to the extreme.

That is: instantaneous, accurate, no vision required, and no backswing teleportation.

I saw a flash of silver light all over her body, and the next moment she appeared in the sky above the black dragon,

Then he waved the arcane sword enchanted with [Ice Arrow] and directly launched a falling attack on the black dragon.

With the sharpness of the sword itself and the blessing of gravity, the blade sank deeply into the black dragon's back, causing it to let out a miserable howl.

Then, the female witcher who had been blessed with [Spider Movement] stood firmly on the back of the black dragon as if she had roots under her feet. She pulled out her sword and stabbed it randomly, leaving streaks of blood on the dragon's back.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, the black dragon flapped its wings and resorted to difficult flying maneuvers such as volleying and tumbling in an attempt to drive the illegal passenger off the plane.

But before it was halfway through its movement, Cirilla appeared on the ground in a flash of silver light.

The only effect of this difficult roll is to disrupt the black dragon's attack rhythm and make it sick.

The Black Dragon, which was still dominating the battlefield, was stunned by the wave of output from these three people.

"Who am I? Where am I? What am I fighting?"

Obviously it was me who suppressed all enemies in the world just now,

Why did he become a sandbag in the blink of an eye?

Although these two attacks alone were just an itch for the black dragon,

But if there are too many people scratching the itch, it will only break the skin.

However, before Black Dragon could make further moves,

Figures flashed in the jungle, and three slender and strange women burst into the battlefield.

It was the three wild vampires we met before, Chaflina, who had a relationship with Levin, and her sisters Kajili and Sena.

Three vampires entered the battlefield and looked around blankly, seeming to be looking for something.

Until Levin's voice sounded in their hearts.

"Stop looking, ladies, have you seen the feathered snake in the sky? I was the one who summoned you just now!" your true form is...a feathered serpent?"

Chaverina replied from the bottom of her heart, somewhat respectful of his attitude.

They have lived here for hundreds of years. Even if they live in isolation, they still have to get along with the indigenous people. They have also listened to the myth of Quetzalcoatl for hundreds of years.

You might even have seen the Quetzalcoats with your own eyes before they disappeared.

This mistake made Levin dumbfounded:

"No, this is not my real body, this is my transformation, the wizard's Animagus, you should have heard of it.

"Animagus... I've heard that... today's wizards... are amazing!'

Well, this has slipped down to the point where today’s wizards are like dragons.

Levin did not clear up the misunderstanding, but continued: "According to our previous agreement, you have to cooperate with us to fight together. Only by working together can we drive away this black dragon."

jungle. "

"Of course...we won't break our promise!"

"Look at our...!"

"We will... work hard!"

The three vampires replied in their hearts.

"In that case...Ciri, give the daggers to them."

Levin gave another instruction to the witcher:


After returning to the ground from the dragon's back, Cirilla did not rush to launch the next round of attack. Instead, she came to the three vampires and issued a dagger to each of them.

The dagger was completely white, with a 15cm long blade and tiny barbs on it. It didn't feel like metal, but a bone product.

This is exactly what Levin used to kill the basilisk fang.

"Only the weapon lent to you temporarily can hurt the black dragon. But be careful, this dagger is poisonous, don't get scratched by it."

Ciri warned them after distributing the daggers to them.

Then he dodged again and returned to the battlefield. 0.

"What a terrible... hunter!"

Looking at the position where Xili left, the vampire eldest sister Kajili sighed, and then looked at the two younger sisters:

"Let's go too, don't... lose to her!"

As he said that, he kicked his legs suddenly and ran towards the black dragon that was fighting with the water element. His whole body was almost an afterimage.

The other two followed closely behind.

Unlike many vampires in Otherworld, vampires in this world do not have the ability to master dark magic or blood spells, nor can they turn into bats, smoke, or use night creatures such as bats and rats.

Most of their power is reflected in superhuman strength, speed and durability. Even sunlight cannot kill them, it will only make them uncomfortable.

Coupled with their long lifespan, in addition to possessing the debuff of bloodthirsty impulse, this race seems to be somewhat similar to perfect superhumans.

But in the eyes of wizards, vampires are just inferior creatures.

Because they can't use magic,

Even a wizard who becomes a vampire will have his magical abilities greatly degraded.

At this point, they are completely inferior to their distant relatives from Otherworld who are afraid of the sun, and even inferior to their old enemies, the werewolves!

At least werewolf wizards are real.

Instead, individual vampires occasionally awaken simple superpowers.

Such as mind reading (Legilimency), shielding (Iron Armor Curse), telepathy, psychic torture (Cruciatus Curse),

Therefore, some scholars believe that these vampires with superpowers are fully qualified to become wizards if they turn back into humans.

The so-called super power is "just a simple manifestation of the magic power of the 4.2 division being suppressed by the vampire's physique."

And one of these three vampires has mastered superpowers:

The second sister, Chaverina, has the ability to cast hallucinations on people.

This ability is of course useful to ordinary people, but for wizards with magical powers, the effect is much worse.

And facing the black dragon, it can only reach the point where it will be in a trance for a while.

But in a battle situation, sometimes a moment of trance is enough.

I saw three afterimages passing by,

There were three shallow wounds left on one of the black dragon's hind legs.

But it was these three wounds that made the black dragon scream in pain,

The basilisk's poison began to spread to the entire leg along with the blood,

The black dragon could feel that his hind legs were starting to become numb.

There are only four updates today. I have to deal with moving tomorrow, so there are no more updates in the past two days. I'm sorry.

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