The happy time eventually comes to an end. In a blink of an eye, the tribe's dinner party is over, and the whole village falls into sleep.

As distinguished guests of the village, the four Levins still stayed in the shaman's house with the best conditions.

in the guest room,

It was clearly late at night, but Levin, who should have been asleep, was always awake, pretending to be lying on the bed, as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, the wall of the wooden house broke open, and a spear suddenly shot in, shooting uncontrollably towards his bed!

At the critical moment, a translucent light shield emerged, blocking Levin from the spear attack.

"Sure enough, it's here."

Levin quickly stood up and lifted the quilt,

At this time, you can see that he is still fully armed. Although he is resting, in fact, he has not even taken off his armor.

He had long felt that there was something wrong with Capak,

But now, the other party finally couldn't help but take action.

Levin smiled ferociously, then used his shield to block the spears fired from outside the house one after another, and walked towards the door.

The most urgent task now is to confirm the situation of Cirila and the others.

Although wizards' magic is very destructive, their bodies are only stronger than ordinary people.

This means that if they are attacked in their sleep, they are still extremely vulnerable.

Even if Levin had warned them before going to bed and provided necessary protection, now that the enemy was launching a surprise attack, he still had to confirm their safety.

"Boom boom boom!"

Enemy attacks continued one after another,

After the spear was thrown the fire struck,

Fire came down from all directions, turning the entire house into a sea of ​​flames.

The scope of this sea of ​​​​fire is extremely huge,

Through the detection of psychic powers, Levin was surprised to find that not only his room, but now all areas in the entire shaman's house were engulfed in flames.

Able to ignite such a fire in one breath,

Levin realized that there was only one possibility for the source of the fire—dragon breath.

And it has to be the dragon breath that the black dragon tries its best to do.

Under the influence of this dragon's breath, the endless high temperature is spreading to various rooms at an alarming speed, and everything it touches is reduced to ashes.

Moreover, the flames of this dragon's breath are far more lethal than ordinary fire, and Levin's shield is being consumed at a rate far exceeding ordinary burning damage!

"It's really a big deal"[!"

Levin gritted his teeth and sighed. At the same time, an invisible force was triggered and wrapped around his whole body, firmly blocking out the fire.

This is the spell [Triggering Fire Resistance] that he had prepared long ago.

This spell has the function of [trigger]. When the subject suffers fire damage, the spell will be activated because Levin provides fire resistance.

Since it is speculated that the black dragon may be with Capac, Levin will naturally be on guard against its dragon breath.

Including the previous triggered shield and [triggered fire resistance], these are all countermeasures that Levin has prepared for everyone in advance.

Under its flame resistance, those raging fires were instantly isolated from the protection.

After all, this is just a flame ignited by the dragon's breath, not a direct encounter with the dragon's breath.

Although this fire is stronger than ordinary flames, it is still within the range of flame resistance.

Levin just walked through the sea of ​​​​fire and went straight to Cirila's room next door.

At this time, Cirila was still lying on the bed sleeping peacefully.

The fire that lit the house had already spread to her body, but she didn't know anything about it, and she seemed to be sleeping more soundly.

Levin stepped forward and patted Cirila on the shoulder:

"Xili, wake up, wake up quickly!"


Cirila slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw that the person coming was Levin, she turned around and said coldly:

"It's so late, why are you looking for me? Go find your old man."

Levin was speechless for a while after hearing this, why do you still remember what happened in the morning... We weren't afraid that the old man had a conspiracy at that time, so we risked our lives.

However, he was able to confirm that Cirila was indeed awake, but had been pretending to sleep.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have said such a thing.

Then again, at this time, Cirilla was just like Levin before. She was lying on the bed with her clothes on, so it was impossible to really sleep soundly.

But now is the time to lose your temper,

Levin forcibly pulled Cirila up: "Haven't you figured it out yet? If this place is burned like this, doesn't it mean that Capac really has a problem. Since he has a problem, then I chose to join him in the morning. It’s really to protect you.”

The logic is this logic,

But it was rare for Cirilla to take the initiative but was rejected, and the blow she suffered was not even a little bit painful.

She also knew that now was not the time to be willful, so she followed Levin out of the room obediently.

Then the two went to Jaina and Tonks' rooms and met them.

Among them, Tonks was in the best condition. His room was relatively untouched by the flames, but was only attacked by spears.

But things were not so good for Jaina.

Ghosh received special care because, in Parker's eyes, she was the strongest among the four.

The entire guest room she was staying in was about to be burned down in the Dragon Breath.

Fortunately, the Jaina people were fine and escaped easily under the protection of flame resistance.

Of course, things don't end here yet.

The four of them searched the sea of ​​​​fire, and sure enough, the room where Capac originally lived was empty, and there were no burned corpses.

Apparently the old man wasn't here before the attack started.

This further proves that the attack is related to him.

"What to do next?"

In the sea of ​​​​fire, Jaina looked at Levin and asked for his opinion.

After just one battle, she had fully seen the boy's ability and recognized his dominant position.

Capak's problem was discovered entirely by him, and he also arranged the subsequent series of countermeasures in an orderly manner.

In tonight's attack, all the defensive measures Levin had arranged in advance (by Li Zhao) were in effect.

With such an excellent companion, she is naturally happy to consult the other person's opinions.

And Levin just smiled coldly: "They actually attacked us so late at night. If we don't respond properly, doesn't it mean that we are afraid? The top priority, of course, is to kill them and give the murderers some color."

At this moment, Levin threw away all calculations and cautions, and actually waved his magic wand. A powerful shock wave suddenly burst out, shattering the wooden wall that was almost burned to collapse.

The aftermath of [Thunder Wave] spread outside the house, and several figures who tried to get close to the house were blown away several meters away.

Through the smoke and sparks,

Under the light of the fire, Levin and others saw dense crowds of natives holding spears and surrounding the hut.

But what attracted their attention the most was the huge figure three or four meters high behind the natives.

That black dragon. .

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