My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 166 The Vampire Sisters Of The Rainforest

After returning to the tribe, a grand bonfire party was held as usual in the evening.

Apart from anything else, the old man Capac was unambiguous in his hospitality to these guests.

Various rainforest delicacies, tribal indigenous music and dance, etc., they brought out everything they could.

The main thing is to use the material resources of a star tribe to make the guests happy.

It would be better if he didn't have such little thoughts behind it.

But then again, if Capac didn't have those intentions behind his back, he might not have paralyzed them with such a grand reception.

During the bonfire party, Levin was still the same as yesterday, eating and drinking with the unsuspecting Cirilla and Tonks.

But the focus is entirely on observing the details of the tribe,

Whether it is the tribal leader who is respectful to them, the indigenous waiters running around, the musicians playing indigenous instruments, the indigenous men and women having fun in front of the campfire, or the marginalized elderly indigenous people...

Levin carefully observed everyone he saw, trying to find any clues about them.


They all looked like the most ordinary tribesmen, and none of them had the characteristics of a dragon.

Maybe I guessed wrong?

Or is it that Schrödinger's black dragon incarnation did not participate in the dinner, but was hiding in a corner of the village?

Thinking of this, Levin used druid methods to control a small bat less than twenty centimeters long through [Animal Control] and connected his senses to it.

The wizards in this world have no understanding of druids, and there is no way they would have expected Levin to have such a method.

It can be said that it is impossible to prevent it.

Sure enough, no matter how the little bat flew around in the tribe, it would not attract anyone's attention.

Anyway, there are a lot of bats in this place at night, and it's normal for one to break into the tribe occasionally.

As a result, Levin was able to control it unscrupulously to explore every corner of the tribe, trying to find the secrets hidden by Capac.

However, after flying around, Levin could not find the hidden black dragon incarnation he imagined.

I'm confused that the Black Dragon is really not here. Is my guess wrong?

Just when Levin began to doubt himself,

The little bat's ultrasonic wave suddenly responded, and there were humanoid creatures in the nearby rainforest.

Levin controlled the little bat and looked over, and sure enough he saw a human-like shadow in the shadowy forest.

But at the same time, the figure's red eyes also looked at the bat.


Levin couldn't help but be surprised,

So he gave up tracking with the bat, and instead used the excuse of going to the toilet, and went to a remote corner to catch up in person.

Such suspicious clues must not be let go.

After simply casting the Buff for himself, Levin strode towards the direction where he found the figure. At the same time, his psychic power detection was fully activated, searching for suspicious things in the forest.

Soon, he locked onto that figure.

"Got you."

The smiling man in front of Levin ran away quickly, walking vigorously through the trees, and came to the front in a blink of an eye.

Then he saw the true face of that figure,

It was obviously a woman, but her body was like a big cat, her limbs and fingers were abnormally long, and it looked like she had been stretched. Her hair was tied into long, black braids, and she had a long The face has a high nose bridge. The clothes on his body are all made of animal skins, and the whole person looks like a humanoid beast.

Seeing Levin's arrival, the strange woman was obviously very surprised and said in a hoarse and deep voice: "You are... an outsider!"

Does the other party seem able to communicate?

It's just that the other person stumbled when he spoke, and his accent was vague and weird. It was obvious that he rarely used language.

Levin pointed his wand at the other party: "Tell me, who are you and why are you snooping here.

But at this time, he had actually let down most of his vigilance,

According to the feedback from [Identification Technique], this woman does have a powerful dark magic power in her body, but in terms of size, it is even inferior to the fire dragon in the Harry Potter world, let alone a giant dragon, so she can never be a dragon. The avatars are mostly local dark humanoid races.

The woman did not answer Levin's question, but said in a hoarse voice: "Foreign... wizards, you shouldn't... stay in the tribe, otherwise the only thing waiting for you is... .prison."

"Can I consider this a threat from you?" Levin asked in a deep voice.

The woman tilted her head, seemingly surprised by Levin's reaction.

She seemed to feel that the other party did not understand what she meant, so she emphasized: "Leave... the village, otherwise you will die!

Just then, Levin noticed,

Behind the woman, two more women who looked similar to him and had the same body shape appeared, rushing towards him.

Behind him, his companions were also approaching quickly.

"What happened here, Brother Levin, who is she?" Jaina was the first to come to Levin.

"I don't know him, he's probably a local dark race." Levin stared straight ahead and answered casually.

"Chaverina," the woman said suddenly.

"What?" Jaina was confused.

"Chaverina, my name is," the woman added.

"I see," seeing that the other party was interested in communicating, Jaina smiled and stepped forward, trying to negotiate with the other party. "Hello Linna, my name is Gianna and this is Levin [nice to meet you]."

But her friendliness did not receive the same response. Instead, Chaverina took a step back reflexively.

She stared closely behind the two of them, as if she had discovered something she didn't want to see, and said to herself: "Jaina, Levin, leave the village, otherwise there is only death waiting for you.

With that said, he turned around and left quickly.

At the same time, Capak also arrived.

Levin was about to chase, but was stopped by Capac.

"There is no need to chase them," the old man said, "As long as you don't listen to their nonsense, they will not pose a threat to us.

"Do you recognize them?" Levin asked curiously.

"The three sisters, Kajili, Senna and Chaflina, are a local vampire group." Capak explained, "They feed on the blood of the indigenous people in the rainforest and are dark creatures that cannot see the light. If they were not too fast, I have told them to wipe them out a long time ago. Apart from their speed and a few tricks, they are not threatening at all. As long as we are careful not to fall into their trap, they will not threaten us."

When introducing them, Capac's tone was full of disdain, just like a standard proud wizard.

But Levin's psychic ability detected a hint of envy hidden in his tone.

"Now that they have left, let's go back to the tribal area and continue playing music and dancing!"

Led by Capac, several people returned to the tribe and really knew how to continue.

No one noticed that after they left, a small bat flapped its wings and flew in the direction the vampire left.

Update【5/4】, more(33/641

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