The moment she saw Riddle actually using the killing curse on Harry, Hermione almost screamed.

She thought that Levin, who had always been "countless", collapsed,

She thought she was going to lose this friend,

However, she found that after the dead curse shot by Ridel was hit on Harry's mind, it seemed to be shot on the mirror.

The body.

At the moment when he used the killing curse on Harry, Riddle was filled with murderous intent and hatred.

After all, his body died in the hands of this boy.

As a result, this powerful spell with murderous intentions in turn directly acts on himself.

It was just an instant, Ridel was as thunderous, and the body's body was stiff in the air, and then it was covered with cracks like a broken glass.

The next moment, its body turned into fragments, and then the smoke disappeared.

Throughout the process, Ridel didn't even scream.

This oolong -like scene looked at Hermione and even more stupid.

Only Levin laughed and couldn't lift his mouth,

He hasn't been so happy for a long time. This Voldemort's show operation is about to laughed at 26!

The second woman did not expect it at all, it was possible.

"Lai ... ... levin, you have known this, right?"

Hermione stunned for a while, and repeatedly confirmed that Voldemort's soul was really dead, and asked about writing.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so cumbersome just now, and a pair of stubs could not have Voldemort to kill Harry’s expression,

If she hadn't understood this boy by herself, she would think that the two of them had any hatred.

"Of course, it is better to say that Harry threatened me is the most ridiculous thing he had done.

Seeing the two women puzzled, Levin said the secret truth:

"Actually, this scene has happened in the history of the wizard. If you think about, how does its body die?"

"Its body, the black devil ... The book says that the Dark Demon was rebounded to death when trying to kill Harry," Hermione recalled the information that he knew, "so Harry would be called 'savior' , 'Boys who are not dead, do you say ... "

Levin looked at her surprised face, nodded, and scored "love" magic.

As we all know, Harry's mother, Lily Potter, used the magic of love to give Harry a guardian before dying.

This Guardian Magic continued until adulthood. During this period, Voldemort could not kill Harry.

The Voldemort of that year was because of ignoring this protection, which caused the dead curse to rebound and killed himself.

Before Harry was used by Ridel, he also established the guardian of love with Ronald.

But he did not die because of this, because of this guardian magic -the damage from Voldemort, killing Harry.

Today, Ridel, who is the same soul, has repeated the mistakes of the body.

Fortunately, he also claimed to use the magic of "love" to surpass the "love" emphasized by Dumbledore,

Turning his head, he died on this magic.

It was killed twice by the same magic, and no one except Voldemort in the history of the wizard.

After understanding all this, the two women felt that they couldn't cry and laughed,

Falling into the same pit twice, how can there be such a stupid villain.

Just bitter Harry,

Now the light -like scars on his head are not one, but two.

Levin is also known for the first time. Can this stuff still accumulate?

If one more one day, will the three scars synthesize a 2 -star scar?

In short, the threat of snake monsters and Voldemort, the next job is after good.

Levin handed her own packages to Heri, and she decomposed the snake's corpse to slice and stored it uniformly.

For her trained, this job is very smooth,

As for Levin, it is the same as Hermione to feed Harry and Ronald.

In fact, after Voldemort died, his life force was returned to Ronald. After drinking the uplifting potion, he groaned and sat up,

The same goes for Harry. He fainted simply because he took the damage on Riddle's behalf. Now that Riddle was reduced to ashes, he began to return to normal.

After the two woke up, they first saw the three Levins, and then saw the body of the basilisk being skinned and cramped, and they couldn't help but be shocked.

"You actually killed the basilisk!" Harry was shocked, "How did you kill the basilisk! This is too exaggerated...

"It's a rooster, I've prepared a rooster."

Levin pointed at the chickens trying to find insects and ants in the secret room for food.

"In fact, before Halloween, I caught Ginny trying to murder Hagrid's rooster, and I rescued the remaining rooster at that time."

"Ginny? What happened to her?"

Ronald, who was still crying and confessing, suddenly turned around when he heard his sister's name.

So Levin explained that Ginny was the first diary host.

"Damn mysterious man, have you been provoked by the Weasley family? Why are you always pointing the finger at our family?" Ronald cursed upon hearing this.

Levin chuckled.

Ronald didn't know that the feud between the Sly family and Voldemort was worth more than one or two points.

Counting back, their mother Molly had two brothers who died at the hands of Death Eaters.

Looking back, in the original book, his brother Fred died in a battle with Death Eaters, and his eldest brother Bill was almost bitten into a werewolf.

It can be said that the two sides have a life-or-death relationship.

After a while, Ciri finally finished dealing with the basilisk.

Levin even put the bones of the basilisk in the bag, leaving no trace behind.

Creatures like basilisks are really rare, so don’t waste them if you don’t want to waste them.

In addition, you should also bring the Sorting Hat, Diary, and Gryffindor Sword.

Levin picked up a few more of Fox's feathers that had been knocked off during the battle.

By the way, there is also Lockhart, who was knocked unconscious twice and woke up leisurely.

Seeing that there was nothing else to do in the secret room, Phoenix Fox began to hover above Levin's head again,

It chirped to signal everyone to gather together so that it could send them out.

As everyone put their hands on each other, the phoenix landed on Levin's shoulder,

The familiar warm magic spreads throughout the body, and the phantom of the Phoenix begins.

In the process, Levin became increasingly dissatisfied with Dumbledore.

Slytherin's secret chamber is indeed difficult to find, and it requires Parseltongue to open it.

But since the Phoenix can come in, it means that Dumbledore has also discovered this place.

Whether he already knew about the Chamber of Secrets or he just discovered the Chamber of Secrets after following Harry,

The existence of the phoenix means that he can completely let the phoenix bring him in,

If nothing else, bring Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick or Snape in.

At their level, there is nothing they can do against the basilisk.

But apart from Foxburn, Dumbledore's only support for Harry was the Sorting Hat.

It seemed that he wanted Harry, a child with no swordsmanship training, to pull out his sword and fight the basilisk hand to hand to solve the problem.

What on earth was he thinking?

Is it so that Harry can successfully draw the sword and prove that he is a true Gryffindor?

Gryffindor's sword is not the Void Sword.

The Sorting Hat is not a prayer either,

This is a complete joke on Harry's life,

All I can say is that I can't understand the white wizard's brain circuit.

Update【5/4】, more(30/601

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