My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 152 Hogwarts Special Contribution Award

Fox's apparation sent several people directly to the door of Professor McGonagall's office.

Levin opened the door and found many people inside.

Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore, and the sighing Mr. Weasley, and the crying Mrs. Weasley in front of the fire,

When she saw a few people, Mrs. Weisley let out a scream...


She jumped up, followed by Mr. Arthur Weasley, who both stretched out their arms to cover their youngest son and his best friend.

Professor Dumbledore stood in front of the mantelpiece with a smile on his face. Next to him was Professor McGonagall. She clutched her chest with her hands and gasped for air.

Fawkes flew past Levin's head and landed on Dumbledore's shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, Levin and others took turns being hugged tightly by Mrs. Weasley.

"You saved them! You saved them! How did you do it?"

"This is what we all want to know." Professor McGonagall breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Mrs. Weasley let go of them. Harry hesitated for a moment, walked to the desk and returned the Sorting Hat and Gryffindor's sword. Levin also placed the remains of Riddle's diary on the table.

Then, Harry began to tell them everything from his perspective.

"very good,"

When Harry paused, Professor McGonagall encouraged him to continue,

"So you discovered that the monster's true form was a basilisk, and that the person being controlled was Ronald. After that, you and Ronald were kidnapped into the secret room, but how did you escape death?"

Professor McGonagall then turned to Levin: "And Mr. Green, how did you get inside?"

"According to Mr. Potter, it was you who killed that monster, right? I have to admit that you did something that even us professors would have a hard time doing."

"Thank you Professor McGonagall, but in fact, after figuring out the identity of the monster, the process was simpler than imagined,"

Levin deliberately understated: "In fact, I did not and did not have to face the basilisk directly. After realizing that the monster was a basilisk, I brought some roosters into the secret room and killed it easily."

Levin did not mention the transformation of the feathered serpent. Regarding the magical Animagus, he did not want to disclose it yet.

Of all the people present at the time, Riddle was already dead, and Harry, Ronald and Lockhart were in a coma throughout the process. Hermione and Ciri would never reveal it without permission - after possessing the Feather Adapter, he was able to use his mind to Someone else cast [Psychic Barrier].

As for Phoenix Fox, let alone whether it can figure out what a feathered serpent is,

Even if he could, Dumbledore wouldn't be able to communicate with it in detail.

There is currently no Legilimency for magical creatures.

Then, Levin briefly explained the situation from his perspective,

For example, how he discovered the raging monsters in the Forbidden Forest, how he got Ronald's identity information from the centaurs, how he followed Harry uneasily, witnessed them being taken into the secret room, and followed them all the way in.

In the end, the basilisk was killed by a rooster, and Tom Riddle was shot to death by Harry.

The three of us just provided some small help.

Regarding the details of the entire process, the three of them had already reconciled their confessions before Harry and Ronald woke up.

At least the importance of the Animagus transformation and Levin taking advantage of the loophole to apparate (teleport the badge) in the castle were concealed.

总之,随着 Harry与 Levin的两方面叙述,大家这才明白,罪魁祸首并非 Ronald,而是眼前这本被毁坏的日记。





他转过身子,面对着 Weasley夫妇,他们俩都显得十分困惑。

”很少有人知道 Voldemort以前曾叫汤姆·里德尔。五十年前,在霍格沃茨,我亲自教过他。他离开学校后就失踪了.…………周游四方,足迹遍及天涯海角......在黑魔法的泥潭中越陷越深,和巫师界最邪恶的家伙混迹在一起,经过许多次危险的魔法变形,最后作为 Voldemort重新出现,人们很难认出他来。几乎没有一个人把 Voldemort同曾在这里念书的那个聪明、英俊的男生学生会主席联系起来。”

听完这一切, Weasley夫妇恍然大悟,他们开始大声指责 Ronald,

但 Levin能听出,这是夫妻俩害怕儿子和神秘人之间被解读出更多联系,

不多 Dumbledore出言宽慰安抚了他们,

让他们把 Ronald和 Harry,以及脑子还有些不清醒的 Lockhart先送去了校医室。


"Mr. Levin Green, Miss Leanlun, and Miss Granger. As the principal, I have to thank you for your contribution to Hogwarts.


Dumbledore说着,用温和的目光审视着 Levin,因心也在判断。




Dumbledore这么想着,又看向了希瑞菈与 Hermione,

两个女孩正兴致勃勃的与 Levin谈论起“特殊贡献奖”的事,

They looked at Levin's eyes without concealment.

“ Levin的心中确实有爱的力量....……但似乎有些泛滥?”

随后,三人又被 McGonagall教授强制拉倒校医室,由庞弗雷夫人检查一番,确认没有受伤后这才放他们回到休息室(李王的)。

Levin stayed in the secret room in the middle of the night, and the sky was bright when it came up.


于是 Levin草草躺在了宿舍的大床上,想要在早餐前尽量多睡会儿均。



舍友史蒂夫一大早就叫醒了 Levin,兴致勃勃的问他:“ Levin,谣言是真的吗?你们打败了密室里的怪物,杀了一只蛇怪?!?

“ Levin,学校决定举办庆功宴,被石化的快要人得救了,密室的事也解决了。”凯文也兴冲冲的宣布。

“我说,能不能让我多睡一会儿,打倒蛇怪可是个苦差事..………好吧,别扯了,我自己能起来!”没睡够的Levin只能被兴奋的室友拉了stand up. .

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