"[Heart-cutting out the bones]!"

"[Fire is raging]!"

"[Thunderbolt Explosion]!"

Not only was his basilisk unable to support him, but he was brutally slaughtered by the opponent.

Tom Riddle finally got anxious,

He kept waving his wand and casting powerful black magic one after another, trying to complete the breakout and join the basilisk.

The opponent transformed into a feathered serpent that completely restrained the basilisk, and then took out a rooster after weakening the basilisk. It was obvious that he had known about the existence of the basilisk and had prepared targeted measures in advance.

In this case, the best way is naturally to exchange opponents.

Leave the feathered serpent to him to deal with personally, and the basilisk will be able to crush the two girls.

This is the best method Riddle has thought of so far,

"As long as... I can get to that place..."


However, no matter how indiscriminately he bombarded and sought a breakthrough, there was still a figure firmly standing in front of his "Three Nine Seven".

The girl holding the sword,

Riddle didn't know how the sword in her hand was made.

But the opponent's ability to cut away a magic spell with one sword made him amazed.

There is such exquisite swordsmanship in the world,

More importantly, there is such a heaven-defying sword in the world!

His [Cruciatus Curse], [Explosion Curse], [Crushing Curse], and even [Killing Curse],

Almost any spell cast was cut away by the opponent's sword.

Only the [Killing Curse] made her block for a while.

What kind of long sword can have such a heaven-defying effect?

Riddle didn't know that the person he was facing was not only a genius wizard, a powerful druid, but also a top alchemist who could refine the Philosopher's Stone.

The moment he came into contact with the Philosopher's Stone, Levin's alchemical talent was improved to a level comparable to that of any master alchemist.

The experience of refining the Philosopher's Stone with his own hands made him understand the essence of alchemy.

This led him to perform a series of unnatural operations when making magic items.

After Ciri got this Arcane Sword 2.0, she knew exactly what kind of "artifact" the sword in her hand was.

In Arcane Sword 2.0, Levin frantically enchanted the blade with a series of spells such as Iron Armor Charm, Counterspell, and Anti-Magic Field.

These spells, with [Iron Armor Curse] as the core, shape Arcane Sword 2.0 into a powerful anti-magic weapon.

Under normal circumstances, the Arcane Sword 2.0 is a magic warrior exclusive weapon with strong magical adaptability.

But as long as she uses the appropriate method to input magic power into the blade, she can activate the anti-magic function.

The stronger the magic input, the stronger the anti-magic ability.

In this case, she can use the sword to fight the enemy with magic power.

I'll cut off each one of your spells,

I, Cirila Leianlun, am the inheritor of the ancient blood and a natural source of magic.

When it comes to magic power, there are few people in this world who can beat us.

The Riddle in front of him just didn't know all this, so he suffered a big loss.

Among his black magic, only the fierce fire he summoned could bring trouble to Cirilla.

But Hermione was keenly aware that the essence of the power of fire was the flame blessed by black magic.

So under her arrangement, she and Xiri used [Protection from Fire Damage] and [Anti-Evil Magic Circle] respectively to suppress it together.

No matter how stubbornly Riddle resists,

I can only watch helplessly as the basilisk approaches its end amidst the crowing of the rooster.

Seeing that the battle over there was over, Ridel and Herry and Hermione lived in the same way.

Looking at Levin's power of killing snake monsters, step by step,

They understand that the snake monsters have died, so even if they know.

Hilli and Hermione looked at each other, tacitly headed forward, standing on both sides of Levin.

Facing the three people in front of you, and the phoenix hovering in the sky,

Tom Ridel, who was originally unable to live, was only orphans left, and it seemed weak and helpless.

"It's my underestimated you, mud species!"

Ridel, who entered the end, no longer cares about the demeanor,

He originally upheld him with elegant heirs, and now it is the original shape. The curse of swear words is unsatisfactory.

"I didn't expect you to guess the real body of the Monster Monster in advance, let alone, you actually have a magic of magic Animags transformed.

"And you two followers .... ... you are lucky. The two you find are much stronger than those of the wastes of me that year!"

Ridel's mouth,

Levin heard him find a bunch of failed reasons

The appearance that can't afford to lose is really like a clown,

The boy shook his head simply: "In any case, victory is victory, it has nothing to do with the descent, and it has nothing to do with luck.

"My strength is stronger than you, and I defeat you is inevitable.

"Levin is right." Hermione also added, "You only see that we are stronger than your men, but you don't know, I am actually a mud species in your mouth. I can have this power. Levin's careful cultivation .. ........... "

Hili also waved the sword in his hand, "This sword was given to me."

Oops, it is indeed my little cotton jacket.

One said that one of them was 16 years old, one was 13 years old, one was the destiny savior, and the other was the number one in the whole play.

Being able to suppress Voldemort at the age of 16 not only rely on Levin's help, but also have their own talent and efforts.

Now in front of Voldemort, I have abandoned my own credit and stands well for him.

Don't love them for one game.

Listening to the praise of the two women, looking at the jealous face in front of Ledel in front of her, Levin's surface was light and light, but her heart was full of joy.

"Tom Ridel, capture it with your hands,"

Levin stares at the boy Voldemort, a faint way:

"If you don't have a back hand, just put down the wand obediently and raise your hand to surrender."

"No, I do have another rain."

Having said that, Riddle suddenly turned into a black smoke, and quickly came to Harry, who was lying on the corpse, pointed the wand at his head, and yelled at Levin: "Now ... ... let the way out, otherwise I am otherwise me, otherwise me Just kill Potter! You don't want to watch him die, right? "

Seeing this scene, Levin just stunned for two seconds, and couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect, your Tom Ridel would be forced to this step."

He stared at the transparent black wizard in front of him, and said with an extremely 0.0 serious tone:

"Then you kill, as long as you kill him, I have to face the pain of killing my classmates, and receive the condemnation of my conscience.

"Or, you are good at Ridel? Unwilling to murder an innocent teenager, even if it killed your ontology and causes the dead to eat?"

Levin provoked Ridel, it seemed that he had to kill Harry,

While saying this, his left hand grasped Hermione's hand tightly and held the wand, implying her calm.

Levin's abnormal threat made Ridel a shock, and there was another feeling of knowing each other: I seem to have heard of this.

The next moment he raised his wand and said with a fierce tone:

"Do you think I would hesitate? No, your group of mud species!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light lit in the dense room. .

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