After Tom Riddle reappears and Harry loses consciousness, the only record left is the scene of Tom summoning the basilisk to fight the phoenix.

After reading this record, Levin roughly understood the changes in the plot.

It all started when he discovered that Ginny had killed the chicken.

Although Levin stopped Ginny with a sneak attack, not only did he not show his face, but Ginny may not even find out that she was attacked.

But Tom Riddle was cautious enough. He noticed something was wrong and chose to avoid it.

Then came the series of things that followed.

The only thing Levin can't understand is Tom Riddle's final resurrection.

Even though the diary was destroyed, he was able to be reborn.

In other words, he was actually provoking Harry throughout the whole process, as if he wanted him to destroy the diary.

There must be a reason for wearing leather trousers and cotton trousers.

Levin also wanted to know what was going on.

Now that we understand what happened before, it's time to face Tom Riddle and his basilisk.

Considering the danger of the basilisk, Levin whispered to the two that it was time to cover their eyes.

"Don't worry, even if you are blindfolded, I can still make you see everything around you."

After both of them put on the blindfold, Levin also closed his eyes, and with a thought, he cast his psychic power:

"[Sensory Link]!"

Hermione and Ciri suddenly discovered that they had another field of vision before them.

Everything seen in this field of vision is slightly different from normal vision. In addition to normal scenes, you can also perceive the detailed outlines of surrounding objects, even in blind spots that cannot be seen with normal vision.

"This is... Levin, is it you?"

Hermione asked quietly.

"That's right, I just linked your senses with mine, and what you see now is my psychic detection vision."

Relying on this, they can fight the basilisk without making eye contact with it.

After preparations were completed, Levin waved his hand to cancel the concealment,

Both sides of the battle suddenly discovered that there was someone else in the secret room.

The badly beaten Phoenix Fox seemed to have seen a relative, fluttering its wings and flew behind Levin,

Looking at its scarred appearance, Levin had no doubt that if he had been a little later, Fox would have died on the spot.

Tom Riddle also saw the three people who suddenly appeared. He looked at them intently for a while and suddenly smiled.

The basilisk raised its head and wanted to kill the three of them, but he raised his hand to stop it.

"You are Levin Green, and his followers Hermione Granger, and Cirilla Leanne, right? You are indeed here.

It was said that there were three people, but the only one Riddle was looking at was Levin.

"I have always wondered why Harry Potter was the only one who discovered the truth. This is too inconsistent with the level that little Ronald said you have. Now it seems that Harry Potter is just the bait you put out to test, otherwise you would not have been able to jump over it. The agency suddenly appeared here."

As expected of Tom Riddle, the mysterious man in the past tried to sow discord as soon as they met.

But neither Hermione nor Ciri said a word, leaving everything to the boy in front of them.

They have considerable trust.

Levin squinted his eyes and looked at the young man.

"Are you the real culprit who seduced Ronald to open the secret room? What are you? A magic prop? Or a ghost? No, ghosts cannot use magic and cannot control the basilisk. Who are you?"

he asked, pretending not to know.

But Riddle ignored his question.

"Want to hear how I do this?"

Riddle played with the wand with both hands and said in an arrogant tone: "I have spent so much effort and time to fulfill my long-cherished wish, but without the audience to appreciate it, I will feel very boring. You, Levin· Green, according to Ronald's memory, you are the only one worthy of being my audience."

What is this? vI 50 listen to my revenge plan?

As expected of Voldemort, he goes against the wind and rides the waves, and when he feels that he has the upper hand, he starts to show off.

But Levin also really wants to find out what new fun the child version of Voldemort in this world has given him.

So he nodded cheerfully.

"Of course, I can't wait."

As he spoke, he tapped the floor with his wand, used the transformation technique to conjure a sofa and coffee table out of thin air, and took the two women to sit directly on the sofa.

"But before that, you don't mind if I prepare some snacks."

看上去Levin是在征求对方的意见,但手上的动作丝毫不停歇,自顾自地从钱包里面掏出一整套云柠檬泡云南红茶配三色流沙奶黄包,放在每个人面前,甚至Don't forget to give Riddle a copy.

Regardless of his state as a spiritual body, he was unable to drink tea or snacks.


The way the three of them prepared tea as if no one was around drove him crazy.

Unfortunately, he had just promised to tell a story, and now he was unwilling to lift the table and slap himself in the face.

I had no choice but to suppress my anger and watch the other party leisurely drink tea and listen to stories to show my grace.

Little did he know that this suppressed emotion was completely felt by Levin.

Huh, if you want to compete with us in showing off, you're still far behind.

After taking the first sip of tea, Levin stretched out his hand: "Come on, young man, tell your story.

"Damn it...just let you live a little longer."

Tom Riddle held back his anger and recounted his most proud plan.

“首先,我必须要说,你对我有很大的误解。我并非鬼魂,也不是什么魔法道具。我名为汤姆·里德尔,是一位伟大的巫师在青少年时期放逐的一片灵魂碎片。 He locked me away forever in a diary."

”汤姆·里德尔,我听过这个名字,他曾经获得过'霍格沃茨特殊贡献奖',我曾在奖杯室见过,原来你是他的灵魂碎片?” Hermione立刻道出了自己了解message, showing a surprised expression.


"... If you want to resurrect a soul fragment, it is difficult to say, easy to say - it only takes two steps:"



"What special method?" Hermione asked.

"方法很容易想到。里德尔轻笑道,“我钻研多年才发现,从一开始就只有这一个方法————就连 Ronald都能想到,那就是将记破坏掉。 "



"What's that method?" Levin asked.

说起这个,里德尔露出得意的笑容:“ Levin,这里才是最精彩的地方,我认为......还有点戏剧性与悲剧色彩......

“说起来你可能不信,我的灵感来源于 Dumbledore,最伟大的白巫师,一直警惕着我的讨厌鬼!”

说到 Dumbledore时,里德尔的语气中带(钱赵的)有浓浓的不满,

可 Levin能听出里面蕴含的叛逆,好像不被认可的孩子想要在父亲面前证明自己那样。

The relationship between these two indeed twisted.


"The magic of love?"

“没错!”里德尔愈发得意,“那是一种古老的守护魔法,守护者能够牺牲自己为代价,将他所爱的人从必死的伤害中保护起来。而我利用了这个魔法,利用了 Dumbledore所推崇的,伟大的'爱',在日记毁灭的刹那,将我的灵魂保护了起来。”

“在征服死亡之前,我征服了 Dumbledore所推崇的‘爱’奋!”



除此之外, Levin想不出还有什么能让里德尔因为这点小事就如此得意了。

The relationship between these two people is indeed twisted. .

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