Tom Riddle talked to Harry as if he were talking about his greatest achievements.

"I left Ginny, erased her memory, and came to be with his brother."

"Then I discovered that little Ronald was easier to control than her. He had more troubles than she did, so he kept writing his innermost thoughts in his diary and told me everything he wanted to complain about."

"Poor family...five good brothers...never need anything new...Bill's old robes...Charlie's old wand...Percy Throw away the unwanted mice..."

"There is also the annoying Malfoy... the enviable Levin Green... the domineering Granger... and his best friend, the great hero Harry Potter.

Riddle revealed Ronald's innermost thoughts without any concealment.

If Ronald woke up, he would probably dig a hole and bury himself.

But Tom’s complaint is not over yet, as there seems to be a lot of things that he doesn’t want to complain about:

"This idiot... Why does he have so many worries and low self-esteem?"

"He is indeed an idiot. He wants to be in the limelight, get good grades, and be as noticed as you... But he can't learn the magic I taught him, and he can't read the first book in a month. Book! Counting his Galleons all day long...

"But I patiently pretended to be a close brother, listened to a twelve-year-old wizard talk about his childish worries, and even helped him with his homework."

"You know, when I was twelve years old, I had already gathered a group of friends, secretly learned the knowledge of the forbidden book area, and even began to think about how to conquer death."

Riddle let out a cold, harsh laugh that didn't sound like it came from a sixteen-year-old child.

This made the hairs on the back of Harry's neck stand up.

"I am not bragging, Harry, I have always been able to charm people at will. So, Ronald opened her whole soul to me, and his life and soul happened to be exactly what I needed... …That’s what I took from him!”

"Of course, a good person like me never asks for anything unilaterally," Reeder added, "so I also helped Ronald do a lot of things..."

"What did Ronald make you do?" Harry asked, feeling his throat burning with dryness.

"Can't you guess, Harry Potter?" Riddle said softly.

"Except for that stupid cat, all the people who were 'attacked' did so out of his will.

"That's impossible!" Harry retorted loudly, Ronald would never be such a person.

"No, it's possible." Riddle smiled more and more proudly, "Ronald hates that mudblood Colin. He takes pictures of you with a camera all day long and affects your daily life, so I attacked Colin."

"What about Justin? He has nothing to do with Ronald."

"Justin, that ungrateful fellow, you showed great mercy and used the power given by Slytherin to help him, but he in turn repaid you with kindness. How could I let him go?"

"As for Malfoy, who is the thorn in your side, why don't you even think about it? Not to mention that he is scolding you behind your back! For you, I have to personally remove the descendants of my followers - it is really selfless, isn't it? ?"

Hearing him talk about this, Harry immediately recalled the time when they drank Polyjuice Potion to trick Malfoy, and had to curse himself in the end to agree with him.

"No, no, Marietta too! He must have nothing to do with me and Ronald." Harry defended weakly.

"Yes, yes." Riddle smiled with satisfaction, "But this lady is purely Lockhart's scapegoat. Ronald told me more than once that you hate that liar Lockhart.

Having said this, Riddle showed a malicious smile, "Look, in these four attacks, I was following Ronald's orders. This is the reward I gave him!"

"And the reason why he did this is all for you, Harry. Even I am moved by his deep friendship for you!"

"Ronald wouldn't attack them!" Harry retorted angrily.

"Yeah, of course this idiot doesn't have the guts to do these things, he only dares to write on the pen," Riddle nodded in agreement.

"And I don't need him to know. He thought he was just venting his emotions in the diary, and I turned the verbal excitement in these pens into the attacks I wanted.

Is this how you fulfill other people's wishes?

This is exactly like the Black Holy Grail.

"But, you didn't kill anyone," Harry said with some pride, "You managed to kill a Myrtle in the last attack, but this time, you are alone...

Not even a cat was killed. Soon the mandrake will mature, and those who were petrified will come back to life.

But Riddle was not irritated. He just said softly, "Didn't I tell you just now? It doesn't matter whether they die or not. What matters is you."

"I said it from the beginning, I brought you here because of course I need you.

"I want you to help me take the final step away from the confines of this diary.

"I won't do anything for you." Harry looked at him fearlessly.

"Oh, that's really pitiful," Riddle shook his head, "I mean little Ronald. Think about it, Ronald trusted his beloved Harry so much that he would rather bear four lives for you, but in the end, because of Harry's uncooperation...

Riddle said nothing, but Harry knew what he wanted to say.

"You're so mean!" Harry was furious, his fists still clenched tightly.

"Despicable?" Riddle was stunned. He seemed to have heard something ridiculous: "You actually called your enemy despicable? Isn't it natural to be despicable to your enemies? What did Dumbledore teach you? He wants to train you. Become a saint?"

Harry took a deep breath:

"Of course I can help you, but Ronald must be released first! Otherwise, I would rather die with you."

Hearing this, Riddle looked at Harry with admiration: "It seems that Ronald is indeed your best friend, right?"

"You may have noticed that my current state is different from ordinary people. I am just a memory, a broken soul, which has to be attached to the diary. If I want to be completely resurrected, I need to sacrifice a sacrifice and transfer my soul Release from the diary.”

"So, are you willing to become this sacrifice instead of Ronald Weasley?"

Riddle's tone did not contain any threat, he just looked at him with an intriguing look.

"Think carefully, this is the most important decision in your life. Once you make a choice, you can't look back.

"So ask yourself honestly, would you give it all for Ronald Weasley?"

At this moment, Harry remembered a lot, how he met Ronald on the train, and the adventures they had together in first grade.

Thinking of Ronald driving a car and the magic weapon descending from the sky, rescuing him from the Dursleys, thinking of them riding in a car to Hogwarts together,

They study together, play together, eat together, and live together

Ronald was indeed his best friend.


Harry squeezed three words from his throat, each word seemed to weigh as much as a thousand pounds.

At that moment, he seemed to feel that he had established an inexplicable connection with the Ronald in front of him.

They seemed closer.

But before Harry could indulge in this beautiful fantasy, a proud smile appeared on the face of Tom Riddle in front of him.

Just then, the sound of music came from somewhere.

Riddle turned around suddenly and looked at the empty secret room.

The music was getting louder and louder. The sound was ethereal, ethereal and mysterious, and it was exciting to hear it.

It made the hair on Harry's scalp stand up and caused his atria to swell to twice their original size.

The music got louder and louder, until Harry felt it was vibrating inside his chest.

At this moment, flames suddenly burst out from the top of the nearest stone pillar.

Suddenly a crimson bird, as big as a crane, descended from the sky and played its strange music on the vaulted ceiling.

It has a shining golden tail, as long as a peacock's tail, and a pair of shining golden claws, holding a tattered package on its claws.

A second later, the big bird flew straight towards Harry. It threw the tattered thing on its paw at Harry's feet, then rested heavily on Harry's shoulder, pressing warmly against Harry's cheek, looking at Riddle firmly.

"It's a phoenix..." Riddle stared at it equally viciously.

"That thing——" Riddle turned his attention to the tattered thing that Fox just threw down, "it's the school's broken sorting hat."

Riddle laughed wildly: "That's what Dumbledore gave his protector! A singing bird and an old hat! Harry Potter, do you feel brave? Do you feel safe?"

Harry grabbed the hat and flicked it onto his head.

"Help me - help me -" Harry thought, his eyes squeezed beneath his hat, "please help me.

But the Sorting Hat didn't answer him.

On the contrary, the hat became tighter and tighter, as if an invisible hand was desperately trying to tighten it.

Boom! Something very hard and heavy fell on the top of Harry's head, almost knocking him unconscious.

He grabbed the top of the hat and tried to take it off, but he felt a long, hard thing underneath the hat.

A shining silver sword appeared in the hat, with a dazzling egg-sized ruby ​​inlaid on the hilt.

At this moment, Fox suddenly spread its wings and flew. It flapped its wings quickly and hovered above the two people's heads. Then, something fell on Harry's lap - the same thing that was there today.

Without thinking or hesitating, Harry grabbed the Gryffindor sword and pointed it at the diary.

"Let Ronald go!" he shouted loudly, "I know that your identity is hidden in this diary. In this case, if I destroy this diary, you will die, right! So, if you don't want to disappear, Just let Ronald go."


After hearing what Harry said, Riddle applauded in the secret room.

"Yes, Harry, you are indeed a very good student. You have learned my methods so quickly - the 'despicable' methods in your mouth. This may be the reason why you use Parseltongue. Look, Harry, you actually Looks a lot like 317 to me, doesn't it? I have to say, you do fit in as a Slytherin.

Riddle talked him around, but Harry never forgot business.

"Don't say those useless things, Riddle, let Ronald go, otherwise you know the consequences!"

He stared closely into the other person's eyes, trying to see something, but there was only indifference in Riddle's eyes.

"Unfortunately, I want to remind you one thing, that is, not all methods can be imitated by you," the translucent wizard showed a sneer. "Not everyone can be threatened by you. So, just destroy the diary. Harry. Stick your sword in."

Riddle's reply made Harry's eyes widen.

Why, is this guy so tough? He makes it seem like I am the villain.

"You have to think clearly, I have the diary in my hand!" Harry threatened in a louder voice.

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There was only louder laughter.

"Then stab it, if it goes in, I'll die. You won't dare, right?"

"Or are you unwilling to murder a strange soul, even if it mutilates your best friend and attacks your classmates?"

Harry's eyes slowly raised to meet Riddle's smiling face.

"Do you think I will hesitate? No, you murderer of Ronald!"

Harry's voice was full of hatred. He raised Gryffindor's sword and stabbed it downwards.

With a terrifying, prolonged, eardrum-piercing scream, streams of ink spurted out from the diary, dripping down Harry's hands and onto the ground.

Riddle's body twisted and began to blur, but Harry noticed that before he disappeared, there was a look of pleasure on his face.

With a snap, Harry's wand fell to the ground, and everything fell silent except for the sound of ink still dripping from the diary.

Harry wanted to pick up the wand,

But as soon as he took a step, he found that his body became inexplicably weak.

Just this step has exhausted all my energy,

At the same time, the spirit began to weaken,

Harry could see only darkness.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded in my ears

"Thank you, Harry Potter, for freeing me from the diary once and for all."

In front of him where he couldn't see, Tom Riddle's figure reappeared.

Updated【5/4】, as updated (30/601

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