"So, who puts this magic for you?"

见他如此得意, Levin自然要泼泼凉水,

"From my understanding, this powerful magic needs real love. But forgive me, with your current state and personality, it is difficult for me to imagine who will really fall in love with you -you will not be Where did I lie to a little girl?

As if the boy was poked at the deepest weakness, Ridel's voice became sharp: "I, the great Tom Ridel, you don't need this ridiculous feeling. Everything I want !!!! "" "

That posture is clearly the incompetence of a little boy who lacks love and good face.

Levin almost blurted out: You were in a hurry.

He believed that if he came to such a word at this time, the Tom Ridel would rather give up the opportunity to pretend to be, and he would also turn his face with him.

But in order to hear the follow -up, the boy still gave up the opportunity to do things.

He asked honestly: "If there is no other love, how do you do it?"

“因为我利用了 Ronald,我用交易的方式获得了他的生命力,与此同时,我与他的生命力一直连接在一起,这种状态持续了几个月。我本来完全可以将他的生命力掠夺一空,获得长期存在于日记外的能力,只留下他的尸体,但433我放弃了,我维持了这个连接,也维持了他最基本的生命。因为我不要靠他的生命来保护我。”


“但爱的魔法又是另一回事,只要有人能为 Ronald,献出自己的生命......将他保护起来,那么那个魔法就会通过我与 Ronald的交易契约,也作用在我身上。"

“而那个人就是 Harry· Potter,这就是我选择他的原因。”

“ Potter果然不负我的渴望,他对 Weasley确实有非同一般的爱,于是今晚,因为我的某些小手段,他‘自愿’和 Ronald缔结了这个古老的保护魔法。"


虽然三人都知道, Harry和 Ronald的关系很好,


“就这样,我利用了 Harry· Potter,让他替我承受了灵魂被毁灭的代价。”


“可 Harry也没死啊?” Levin愕然。











You know, since being made into a Horcrux, he has been embarrassed for 50 years!

I finally thought of a way to resurrect, absorbing enough emotions and magic, and using Harry to block the knife from the restraint of the diary,

After finally encountering the right candidate, you can pretend to be forced in front of them.

But just when this is the mysterious identity, when people are in front of people, someone is overcast?

He was scolding his mother.

God TM fake Tintin lovers, your whole family is a enthusiast!

The atmosphere at the scene became funny from the original danger and killing,

At least Hermione and Ciri couldn't hold back their expressions and burst into laughter.

Gilderoy Lockhart, who was forcibly knocked unconscious by Levin and brought to the secret room, and who had been shivering in the corner after Su (cgah) woke up, couldn't help laughing.

"I'll make you laugh!" Riddle waved his wand angrily, "[Retreat the enemy from Sanchichang!"


Lockhart, who had just woken up, was directly knocked four to five meters away by this heavy blow.

"Why hit me!"

Lockhart shouted as he flew out,

Then the whole person hit the wall and fainted again.

Why else?

You are the best among the people present, and you are the one who laughs the loudest.

The three Levins are all werewolves, and Riddle may not be able to defeat them with one move.

Then if I want to vent my anger, I can only find a weakling like you.

Then, Riddle looked at Levin in front of him.

Being able to interfere with the spell he casts when he is not even close to it, thereby humiliating him,

Of the three people on the opposite side, he is probably the only one who can do this.

"Levin Green, who gave you the courage to do such a little trick in front of me?" Riddle stared at Levin fiercely and said sternly: "Or is it because you don't know my identity, so it's not enough to make you awe? ?”

"Be loyal to me before I take action, and I will spare your life."

"Allegiance? to you?"

After understanding what the other party did, Levin had no reason to tolerate him anymore.

"Don't think that no one knows your identity. You're just Voldemort."

Levin's voice was so soft, as if he was referring to the most insignificant piece of trash in the wastebasket.

"Sixteen-year-old Voldemort... Tom, who do you think you are? You still want me to swear allegiance? Are you worthy?"

"On your side, if you surrender now and hand over the basilisk, I can spare your life!"

Facing Tom Riddle in front of him, he was full of confidence.

Tom Riddle has indeed been a genius since he was a child, otherwise he would not have become the second generation Dark Lord.

His talent was evident even before he entered school early. During his years at Hogwarts, he accomplished astonishing achievements again and again, and he attracted a group of Slytherin students early on.

You may not know the concept of being able to learn a seven-year course in just one Kun year.

We usually only use two words to describe this kind of person: learn to be weird!

Unfortunately, what Tom Riddle, a weirdo, encountered was Levin, a bug.

Learning monsters can still be understood with talent, but bugs are beyond the rules.

But Tom Riddle didn't know this. His understanding of Hogwarts was entirely through Ronald's memory.

But Ronald didn’t know much about Levin,

Even though he had described Levin's genius as best he could, it still sounded true to Tom Riddle's ears.

To put it bluntly, how could he, Tom Riddle, the majestic heir of Slytherin, be afraid of a Muggle-born genius?

"Since you refuse to obey, there is nothing I can do."

Riddle's tone was very regretful. He waved his hand, and the basilisk behind him crawled towards him obediently.

Then Levin heard Riddle's hissing voice:

"Kill them.".

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