After a period of dizziness, Levin found himself in a strange room.

The space here is huge and dimly lit. Under the illumination of a few dim flames on the wall, Levin can see stone pillars surrounded by serpent statues, towering up to support the ceiling in the darkness.

Right in front is a statue dozens of meters high.

The statue has an old, monkey-like face, a long sparse beard that almost reaches the hem of the wizard's robe carved in stone, and two large gray feet standing on the smooth floor of the room.

That's a Slytherin statue.

In front of the statue, a battle between magical creatures is going on.

No, that was no longer a war, but a unilateral pursuit.

It was a huge snake-like creature that was chasing a big red bird,

Beside the snake, a translucent ghost-like figure was crossing his arms and watching the scene in front of him with interest.

Levin recognized the bird at a glance as Dumbledore's phoenix Zero Seven.

The big snake is naturally the basilisk in the secret room.

And the translucent man watching the battle was, of course, the heir to the Chamber of Secrets, Tom Riddle back then.

It seems that the phoenix is ​​flexible and can fly, and has a huge advantage against the basilisk on the ground. As long as you are careful, the basilisk can only be attacked unilaterally.

But that's not actually the case.

Although the basilisk cannot fly, its body is huge, dozens of meters long. Even if it is hit by the Phoenix a few times, it is not a serious injury. Although the phoenix is ​​flexible, it is relatively small. If it is bitten, it will be seriously injured.

Dumbledore's phoenix is ​​indeed brave. Even if he fights alone, he still bravely fights the basilisk.

But at this time, it was scarred and could no longer hold on for long.

So, what about Phoenix’s teammates?

Its unlucky teammate is lying at Levin's feet.

Levin looked down and saw two "corpses" lying at his feet.

It was the two missing little wizards, Harry Potter and his best friend, Ronald Weasley.

In the Harry figure, it is a thick diary, stabbed by a silver sword.

Not far away, the Sorting Hat lay softly.

In fact, Levin could feel that they were still alive, but in a very bad state,

Even though all body functions are present, he looks very weak and unconscious.

It was as if he was in shock.

By Harry's side

Seeing this sight, Hermione almost screamed,

But she immediately covered her mouth.

What is happening here? Why are they both lying here? Why are the diaries punctured,

Seeing that the Phoenix was in danger, Levin remained calm. He leaned down and found his own protective shield from Harry's body.

The boy knew very well that no matter what kind of battle it was, the most important thing was intelligence.

As his hand grasped the amulet, Levin's additional magic on the amulet activated.

A recording passed from the amulet to Levin's mind.

This is the magic left by Levin on the amulet, which can record what happens near the amulet.

In the record, he saw Harry saying goodbye to himself and Hermione, heading to the lounge, and questioning Ronald.

Under Harry's questioning, Ronald suddenly realized and revealed the truth that he seemed to be controlled by a diary, and even mentioned that a senior named Tom Riddle in the diary had been secretly influencing him.

But before he could explain everything clearly, a phantom appeared from Ronald, knocked Harry unconscious, and controlled Ronald to take Harry to the abandoned bathroom.

Seeing the phantom hissing in snake language, he opened the mechanism and led the two of them into the secret room.

After a long time, Harry woke up and found Ronald lying next to him.


Harry hurried to his side and knelt down.

"Ronald! What's wrong with you!? Please, don't die!" Looking at his companions in front of him, Harry shouted sadly.

"By the way, artificial respiration!"

Harry recalled the first aid skills taught in Muggle classes in primary school.

He took a deep breath, lowered his head, aimed his mouth at Ronald's, and spat into it?

Before I could finish spitting out a mouthful of water, a strange voice sounded.

"I didn't expect you to have such a hobby, Harry Potter," the voice was full of disgust and contempt, "your relationship is... closer than I imagined."

Harry was shocked, and when he raised his head, he realized that the man who knocked him out was here, looking through a diary.

"Who are you?" Harry asked.

"My name is Tom Riddle, and I am also a student at Hogwarts." The boy closed the diary.

"Tom are the owner of Ronald's diary!" Harry asked in surprise, "What did you do to Ronald?"

"Ah, Ronald, Ronald is a good boy. He gave me too much vitality, but left not much for himself." Riddle said slowly.

Listening to Riddle's words, Harry seemed to understand the other party's hidden meaning. He was a little unbelievable: "You mean, Ronald is about to... die?!"

"Not entirely." The translucent figure shook his head.

"Not exactly?! What do you mean?" Harry asked loudly.

"That means, whether Ronald is dead or alive... depends on your next actions.

Harry struggled to understand: "Action... what do you want me to do?"

"I summoned you, and naturally you have your mission..."

"Then why did you bring me and Ronald to the secret room?!" Harry took a step back and tightened the wand in his hand, "If you want to hurt your classmates at Hogwarts, then you are dreaming. I am I won’t cooperate with you, a murderer!”

"Ah... the secret room, the murderer, it seems you know more than I thought." Tom looked very surprised,

"Your wisdom is beyond my imagination, Harry. It seems that you have investigated a lot of facts."

"But don't worry, Harry, if I tried to hurt you, you wouldn't wake up.

"The reason why I brought you here is because you are the only one I need."

Harry was not honored,

He felt nothing but hatred for this guy who manipulated Ronald, hurt his classmates, and put him on the receiving end of countless scapegoats.

He said coldly: "I'm sorry, you must have chosen the wrong person. I won't cooperate with you."

"You still don't understand, my silly Potter." Riddle shook his head and smiled broadly, "I didn't choose you, but Ronald Weasley."

"It was him who made me choose you!"

"I don't believe Ronald wouldn't harm me." Harry's voice was decisive.

"Stupid Potter is still defending his good friend." At this point, Tom's smile grew stronger.

"It's a pity that when your good friend told me almost everything about you, he told me everything!"

Hearing this, Harry couldn't help but feel a sting in his heart: " murderer, if you dare to hurt Ronald in any way..."

"Hurt?" Tom Riddle seemed amused, "I did take some things from him, but like I said before, everything was given to me on his own initiative.

Hearing this, Harry's voice couldn't help but trembled: "So, what exactly did you take from Ronald?!"

"Oh, this is an interesting topic," Xuying's tone was very cheerful, as if he was talking about his proud achievements: "It's a long story, let's start from the beginning.

"In fact, Ronald was not the first person I traded with. In fact, my first partner was his sister, Ginny."

"That little girl was quite easy to understand. She completely opened her heart to me in just one month and provided me with her first life force. But there was only one thing that annoyed me - she was useless and was trying to complete me. I was actually discovered during the assigned task.”

"Although I don't know who discovered her, I had not yet recovered my strength at that time, so I carefully chose to change my master. y

"I started to consider candidates from the people around her, and then I found that her brother, Ronald Weasley, was a good target, far more than little Ginny.

"So, I chose him.

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