"Something happened again,"

In the staff lounge, Professor McGonagall said to the other silent teachers, "Two students were kidnapped by monsters and taken directly into the secret room.

Professor Flitwick let out a scream, and Professor Sprout suddenly covered his mouth with both hands. Snape grabbed the back of a chair tightly and asked, "How can you be sure?

"The heirs of Slytherin," said Professor McGonagall, who looked very pale, "left another line of words. Just below the last words, it said that their bones will remain in the secret chamber forever. Super

"Who!" Professor Flitwick asked.

Professor McGonagall opened his mouth and said two names dryly:

"Ronald Weasley,"

"And, Harry Potter."

Hearing a "thud" sound, Snape stood up suddenly and seemed to want to rush out of the classroom immediately, but was firmly held back by Professor McGonagall.

"Don't be impulsive, Severus. We must act cautiously in this situation. The most important thing is not to let the situation worsen. 11

Snape glared at her fiercely, as if he wanted to eat her alive.

But he honestly stopped.

So Professor McGonagall started arranging

"Severus, I want you to activate the school's defensive magic. Filius, please patrol the common rooms to ensure the safety of the students. I have to find a way to open the principal's office and contact Dumbledore!"

Professor McGonagall's voice was trembling, and she was trying her best to stay calm.

In decades, the school has never been in such a crisis situation. Moreover, Spirit and Bullido are not here either!

If not handled properly, Hogwarts may be closed down!

Suddenly, the door to the staff lounge was slammed open again.

Lockhart, dressed in fancy clothes and arriving belatedly, arrived, smiling and boasting as he walked: "Don't worry, dear friends, I already have a clue, but I can't tell you yet! It won't take long for me to find the secret room." .....

Then he saw the professors looking at him with evil eyes,

Lockhart immediately changed his tune:

"Well, I mean it won't be long, but we haven't found it yet.

Professor McGonagall hates the guy who comes to cause trouble at this critical moment. All the students have disappeared, and you are still trying to show off.

"That's just right! Professor Lockhart, our tasks here have been arranged. As for you...tonight is a perfect opportunity for you to show off your skills. We promise not to let anyone hinder you. You can be alone. Go deal with that monster."

With that said, the professors left in a hurry.

Lockhart was horrified by the professors' words. He knew his own family affairs and knew very well that he did not have the means to deal with monsters.

What can we do? We can only run away.

Lockhart was just about to go out when he happened to bump into Ye Wensanqing pushing the door open.

"Sure enough, Professor Lockhart is here."

Levin's eyes lit up when he saw him, and he immediately showed the expression of an admirer seeing his idol.

In fact, he was not prepared to go to the professor to solve the problem at all. If he had to, he would only go to Lockhart.

This annoying guy is actually the best human shield.

He has endured the other party's harassment and attention for a semester, and now it is time to take revenge.

"Professor, good news, we have found the entrance to the secret room, and we just need you to lead the team so that we can rescue people."

"Oh, the entrance to the secret room, yes, the secret room...well, but I have my own plans, so I can't alert others yet." Lockhart hesitated, talking about him.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Levin encouraged:

"Professor, you are the famous Gilderoy Lockhart, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher! You have written so many amazing books, and now is the time for you to save the world just like in the books. If you can succeed Rescue Harry and Ronald from the Chamber of Secrets, and you will become the greatest professor at Hogwarts. The Ministry of Magic will award you a Lord Merlin.

Regimental First Class Medal!”

No one noticed that his words already contained powerful spiritual power.

After listening to Levin's words, Lockhart was indeed tempted for a moment, but he was too clear about his own strength.

Even DumbleDore was inaccurate, he could only go far when he went there.

"Okay! Mr. Green, I won't hide you anymore, my books are deceiving!" Lockhart complained loudly. "I can't go to the damn secret room. I don't know that at all. Let ’s! The contents of those books are all I cheated, sneak attacks, replaced others’ meal, put on my own name! ”

Lockhart's complaints are getting bigger and bigger: "I returned to school to be a professor. I originally thought that I could establish a teacher -student friendship with Harry Potter. You are a lucky little ghost! But why do you have to appear in my term, this should not be my handling of affairs! "

"So, don't you plan to go to the secret room with us, right?" Levin asked.

"I won't go, Green."

Lockhart's hand touched his waist without trace.

He has seen the strength of the three little wizards in front of the duel club,

Levin Green can suppress the powerful Snape,

.........Please give me flowers...

Hermione is spiked any little witch on the same age,

Herei even needs to subdue a wizard with a wand.

He didn't want to face them.

Unfortunately, just now, he was excited for a while and burst out the biggest secret (he hasn't found out what is going on).

So I have to do it.

But it doesn't matter, he is very confident in his [forgetting curse].

As long as they suddenly attacked, [forgetting the curse to make them forget everything they had happened today.

To make up his mind, he pulled out the wand instantly,

"[Forget all empty]!

He read the curse loudly, but the sudden stagnation of the magical power made him almost out.

His [Forgotten Mantra] was countered.

Don't wait for Lockhart to do something, another curse hit his head,

....... 0 ...

Lockhart fainted on the spot.

"Tie him up." Levin ordered, "Then grab me, let's take you into the secret room together."

Hermione waved his [activation rope], and then lockhart's clothes tied him himself.

Then she grabbed Lockhart's hair in one hand and put on Levin with one hand.

Hili also took out a long sword and grabbed Levin's hand.

LEVIN applied [high stealth] for several people, and then began to feel the location of Harry's body.

Before he left Harry's amulet, he judged this result in advance.

With Voldemort's personality, the host was directly looking for the door, and he had the probability that he would choose to counsel a wave, eliminate Ronald's memory, and lurk himself again, and wait for the opportunity.

But it may not be directly acting, and the tomb.

If it is the latter possibility, then Harry will be taken to the secret room.

But Levin is not worried about his life,

In his identity, he couldn't kill him because of his surrounds.

And as long as he obeys Levin's suggestion well, as long as he enters the secret room, Levin’s amulet will be brought in,

And that amulet is a version made by Levin himself, with [Transmitting Rune] of Levin engraved on it,

In addition, some special "little magic" were applied above, which gave it some additional functions.

As long as the amulet enters the dense room, it means that he gets the coordinates of the secret room.

In this way, he didn't need to "hissing" at the faucet at all, and he could also enter the secret room.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Ye Wen to show a smile.

"Find you, under the back room!".

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