Early the next morning, the entire Hogwarts was shocked by new news.

The Ministry of Magic suspected that Hagrid had opened the Chamber of Secrets and sent him to Azkaban Prison.

Dumbledore was also collectively dismissed by the school board.

Unprecedented fear spread rapidly in the castle,

It was clear that there was a picturesque spring day outside the window, but it could not warm the hearts of people in Hogwarts. Every face in the school looked fearful and uneasy.

Harry kept repeating to himself Dumbledore's last words last night.

"Only when everyone here betrays me will I really leave this school...At Hogwarts, those who ask for help will always get it.

Last night he and Hermione visited Hagrid and asked him the truth about fifty years ago.

Unfortunately, when they were about to leave, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, Dumbledore, and several school directors broke in and took Hagrid away.

The school directors even announced that they had voted to expel Dumbledore.

These words were exactly what Dumbledore said before leaving———— Harry suspected that Dumbledore did it on purpose. He discovered 24 himself hiding beside him.

But what's the use of these words?

Ronald has been absent from adventure activities for several days because of sleepiness. Only Hermione can investigate the truth with him.

Now they have some clues, but who should they turn to for help?

"Levin Green!" Harry said, "At this point, he is the only one who can help us!"

"We should have asked him long ago." Hermione pouted, "But before that, I have to go to the library, and this trip to the Forbidden Forest gave me new inspiration.

At noon, Levin was intercepted by the two men in the corridor.

"Levin, Levin, you have to help us!" Harry grabbed his sleeve and said to him eagerly: "Do we already know what the monster in the secret room is?"

"Oh? You know?" Levin raised his eyebrows, "Tell me, what information do you know?"

Harry quickly said like he was pouring beans: "Yesterday we visited Hagrid, and he told me that someone had actually opened the secret room fifty years ago and killed a student.

That was Myrtle in the bathroom, where she remained after her death. "

"However, Hagrid became a scapegoat, and he was dismissed as the culprit who opened the Chamber of Secrets. But we know that Hagrid did hide a monster, but what he hid was an Acromantula, the ones in the Forbidden Forest. This kind of monster is not It has no ability to turn people to stone.”

"So what is the real monster?" Levin asked cooperatively.

Harry looked at Hermione, who nodded and proudly told Levin her conclusion:

"The monster in the secret room is a basilisk! That's what the book says -"

There are many terrible beasts and monsters wandering around our country, the most bizarre and lethal of which is the Basilisk, also known as the Snake King.

This snake, which can grow very large and often live for hundreds of years, is hatched from an egg by a toad.

The way the basilisk kills is astonishing. In addition to its deadly fangs, its glare can also kill.

Anyone caught in its gaze will die immediately.

Spiders will run away when they see a basilisk, because the basilisk is the mortal enemy of spiders, and the basilisk will run for its life as soon as it hears the crowing of a rooster, because the crowing of a rooster is also fatal to it.

As she spoke, she said excitedly: "These conditions, in fact, can all be met. Harry could hear whispers in the castle that others could not hear, because he heard the words of the Basilisk, and Harry is a Parselmouth cavity."

"The reason why the attacked were only petrified is because all of them indirectly saw the basilisk's gaze."

"The Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest are running around because of the discovery of the basilisk, and Hagrid's chicken coop was attacked because the murderer wanted to prevent the basilisk from being killed by the crow of the chicken."

Speaking of this, she said strangely: "Since the method of cultivating basilisks is so simple, then there should be many basilisks. But why is it mentioned in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" that there are already at least four hundred in Da Yin? There have been no recorded sightings of the basilisk in years.”

Harry also looked at Levin.

Levin explained: “Not just any egg can hatch a basilisk, it has to be a male egg.

"Does the rooster have eggs?" Harry asked curiously.

"Of course a rooster can have eggs."

Levin said: "In fact, if you understand Muggle biology, you will find that compared to humans, the gender boundaries in birds are not that large, and under extreme conditions, the gender of birds can change. For example, when there are no roosters in the flock, hens will occasionally transform into roosters."

"The rooster in this case actually has the sexual characteristics of both a rooster and a hen. If it is interfered with by magic, the rooster can indeed produce eggs."

After listening to Levin's words, the two of them opened their mouths.

This was the first time they heard such exciting knowledge.

Seeing that the two were interested, Levin continued to popularize science: "Actually, the phenomenon of such eggs being hatched by alien creatures and giving birth to magical beasts is not just a basilisk.

"We all know that snakes are cold-blooded animals and they cannot hatch eggs, but if a snake hatches a hen's egg, it will give birth to a cockatrice. This creature is not as deadly as the basilisk, but their The toxin also petrifies the victim."

"There is also a more extreme case. If the egg laid by a snake is hatched by a rooster, a basilisk will be born. It is a lizard with eight legs. They have a gaze similar to that of a basilisk, although they cannot directly kill people. , but it can also turn people into stone."

Cockatrice? Basilisk?

The two of them were stunned by Levin's popular science. It turns out that there are so many messy things in the magic world.

This is too weird.

Seeing that the discussion was about to go astray, Levin himself got back to the point.

"Your analysis of the monster sounds very reasonable. I also think the monster in the secret room is a basilisk. You did a good job on this!"

Hermione looked happy when she heard this, and Harry also opened his mouth.

It is really rare to get praise from Levin Green.

"But do you know who the heir who opened the secret room is?"

"We thought it was Malfoy before, but when we lurked around him, we found nothing. Later, even Malfoy himself was petrified." Harry spread his hands.

"Did you come to any conclusion?" Hermione's eyes lit up, "Otherwise you wouldn't ask this question specifically.


Levin nodded.

"I do come to the conclusion that the heir is Ronald Weasley - at least for now.

Update【5/4】, additional update【28/56】

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