As a proud centaur, Ronan is no worse than any human in terms of worldliness.

Seeing the two people in front of me reminiscing about old times intimately, the guy who caused the eight-eyed spider to run away had no intention of catching up.

Ronan then bowed far away,

"Since Mr. Levin has been delivered, I will take my leave first.

After that, he left the scene quietly.

What a good person who knows the current affairs.

"Okay, Daisy, stop it."

Levin finally broke free from the warm arms of the horsewoman and set foot on the earth again.

"I'm not a child... Ronan has seen it all."

"Hey, hehe, it's not because the little teacher hasn't come to see me." Daisy touched the back of her head and giggled, "I miss you." "

Alas, why didn't he see it at first?

The original Daisy was such a strong and optimistic little girl,

Becoming a druid completely liberated Daisy's nature,

Who knows how she became naive after liberating her nature?

"Okay, Ronan said you've always wanted to discuss things with me about the basilisk?"

"Yes!" Daisy nodded repeatedly,

"Originally, we were able to suppress it with the rooster you sent us, but recently that guy has gone too far! If we don't deal with this problem as soon as possible, we will all be in trouble!"

"But, let's discuss the specific matters in my cabin."

As she spoke, she stood sideways in front of Levin, bending her knees slightly.

"Well, you mean, let me ride on it?" Levin blinked, "Isn't this "one zero zero" not very good? I heard that horse people will regard this behavior as an insult.

"Tch, only an old man like Bain would think so!" Daisy looked dismissive when talking about this, "Besides, why do we have such a relationship that we still care about this?"

"Okay, you're right." Levin was moved, "Then I won't be polite.

With that said, he climbed onto the horsewoman's horse.

"Hurry up!"

After Daisy said that, she turned around and ran away.

Levin realized something was wrong after riding on her.

The horseman has no saddle on his back, and no mane for him to hold on to.

Daisy has a lively temperament, loves to run and jump, and is very active when running.

But this bump was too much for Levin to bear.

It's not that he's dizzy, it's that he doesn't understand:

Where should he catch him?

Where can he catch it?

Where does he want to catch?

Resisting the urge to grab the handle, Levin reluctantly concentrated on the bumps, used magic to braid Daisy's recently grown hair into a ponytail, and then used it as a hand.

The psychic ability sensed that the other party seemed a little disappointed.

Soon, Daisy took him to a tall oak tree next to the valley.

Here, relying on oak trees, a large wooden house was built, which is Daisy's home.

Shortly after becoming a druid, Daisy moved away from the centaurs tribe.

It's not that she had a falling out with the centaur,

On the contrary, her prestige among the centaurs is now comparable to that of leader Margery.

The wise leadership of the leader is certainly the foundation for the survival of the centaurs tribe, but druids can provide many magical services that the centaurs urgently need.

For example, which plants in the forest are poisonous and which fruits are not poisonous?

Ordinary horse people have to rely on experience to distinguish, or take risks and try it themselves.

But in Daisy's case, only a basic [Detect Poison] is enough.

Not to mention her services in tribal breeding, planting, medical treatment, etc.

Even when the tribe needed to stargaze, she could use druid magic to clear a clear sky.

Now, she has changed from the rebellious girl that everyone disliked to a strong woman that everyone respects.

However, Druid practice requires closeness to nature, which cannot be achieved by staying in the tribe.

Daisy understood very clearly that the respect she received ultimately came from her own strength.

Therefore, if she wants to maintain this respect and go further, she cannot stay in the tribe all day long.

Instead, you have to move out, live in nature, and seek breakthroughs.

Levin still remembers Daisy's determination when she announced to him that she was moving.

The boy did not expect that this centaur girl, who once lacked recognition, could actually give up the life of being flattered by everyone all the time, and opening her mouth when she had clothes to eat.

From this perspective, she is indeed very suitable for the Druid profession.

Thinking of this, Levin took another look at the centaur girl parked in front of the wooden house happily.

Sometimes he really doubts whether the two are the same person.

1. Little teacher, we are here!"

Daisy turned around and reminded me cheerfully,

"Hey, hey, seeing Larry driving you around every day, I've wanted to do this for a long time.

After Levin came down, the horsewoman walked around her, looking eager to try.

After experiencing this, Daisy fully understood why the proud unicorn was willing to carry him every day.

Being ridden like this, I can spend a few moments with the little teacher openly and openly.

Occasionally, with an occasional bump, she could feel the little teacher's whole body pressed against her back.

That will never get tired of it no matter how many times you repeat it!

Larry is so out of friends that he eats alone? That’s bad!

"Next time, Daisy will give the little teacher a lift!"

She declared seriously.

"Then you'd better tie your hair in advance next time." Levin agreed helplessly.

I always feel that when I get along with the opposite sex recently, I am always the one who gets picked up.

This feeling made him a little uncomfortable.

"I need to act stronger."

While thinking about it, Levin walked into the cabin under the leadership of Daisy.

The wooden house is very spacious, both in height and area, it is much larger than it looks.

This is all thanks to the space expansion spell cast by Levin himself.

In fact, Levin was deeply involved in Daisy's move and the establishment of her new home.

This tall oak tree was ripened and grown by Levin himself.

I have no choice but to suffer as my apprentice.

Daisy arranged for Levin to sit down on a wicker chair, and then made a pot of scented tea.

"Speaking of which, why don't we see Larry today?" Daisy was a little surprised.

On weekdays, Levin always goes to visit the unicorn first, and then rides the unicorn to visit her.

"Could it be that the little teacher is the first to visit me today?"

she asked expectantly.

But Levin shook her head to interrupt her reverie.

"No, actually I went to visit Larry first. But in order to prevent the attack of the basilisk, I helped Larry move."

"Moving? Where?" Daisy asked curiously.

"Move to a demiplane - you can understand it as a small independent world. Specifically, it is near my home."

When Daisy heard this, she immediately pouted,

"Little teacher, you are too unfavorable to one another!"

"There are obviously so many creatures attacked by basilisks, why do you only care about unicorns!"

"No, I also want to live with the little teacher... No, I mean, I also want to be my neighbor with the little teacher!"

Daisy changed her usual chic look and shouted like a little girl.

Levin couldn't hold himself any longer,

"Stop being willful, Daisy, what will happen to your tribe if you move there? You can't expect them to control the rooster to fight against the basilisk.

"But, but...

Daisy pouted, showing an aggrieved expression, and looked at him with bright pink pupils.

It's a pity that I couldn't hold back a tear for a long time.

She is obviously a tomboy, but she insists on pretending to be a weak girl in front of her, which makes it difficult for Daisy.

Levin thought for a moment and said, "How about this? I'll just arrange a passage for you leading to my house, and you and I will be considered neighbors. How about that?"

Upon hearing this, Daisy immediately became excited: "Is this really okay?"

Levin nodded: "You still don't believe me?"

Saying this, he went out and came under the oak tree,

Levin asked Daisy for some mushroom spores and sprinkled them on the ground under her curious gaze.

Then comes the natural magic to ripen,

Soon, these spores grew into a complete "mushroom circle."

The so-called mushroom circle, also called fairy circle, fairy circle (called goblin circle, fairy circle in English), is actually a strange phenomenon produced when fungi grow, which is caused by the radiation growth of mushroom mycelium...

The mycelium grows radially from the middle point to the surroundings. Over time, the center point and the aging hyphae die one after another, and the vitality outside is strong, thus forming a natural mycelial ring, which grows into a mushroom circle.

Therefore, the so-called mushroom circle looks like a circle of mushrooms,

In fact, underground, the hyphae of these mushrooms are all connected to the same center of the circle.

In reality, mushroom circles are just a normal natural phenomenon.

But in natural magic, it has a unique meaning.

Levin planted a mushroom circle under Daisy's oak tree,

I also took a piece of mycelium from the mushroom circle,

Turn on the [Mansion Technique] and return to the demiplane, and plant it under your own towering oak tree.

And catalyzed another mushroom circle through natural magic.

Since then, two completely homologous mushroom circles have been planted.

As the natural ritual unfolds, ripples in space suddenly appear in the center of this mushroom circle,

Daisy on the other side also saw this,

She stepped gently into the mushroom circle,

The next moment he found that he had left the Druid hut and came to a huge tower.

And her little teacher was looking at her with a smile.

"How about it? This won't be considered partial..."

Before Levin could finish speaking, he was picked up by her again.

"Little teacher, you are so kind to me!"

Falling into Daisy's arms again,

Levin could smell the scent of flowers and trees on her body,

I always feel like there are a pair of big soft balls on my chest, which is very uncomfortable.

After a while, Qu Wen was put down.

"Are you satisfied now?"


Daisy nodded repeatedly.

"In that case, let's talk about the basilisk."

"I can solve the basilisk problem for you, but Daisy, you are the main force of the centaurs against the basilisk. I want to get some relevant information from you."

"Little teacher, just ask, I will tell you everything you know." Daisy said cheerfully.

The entire centaur tribe and she herself were indebted to Levin, so naturally he could satisfy any request he made.

Levin nodded and asked:

"You have to tell me, during your recent inspection of the Forbidden Forest, did you see a little red-haired wizard?"

"The red-haired wizard?"

Daisy tilted her head,

"What does he probably look like?"

"My face is full of freckles, and I have an ordinary appearance...and by the way, I have a big nose."

Daisy thought for a moment and nodded.

"You put it like that, I seem to have seen these 4.6 wizards, and more than once..."

"That's right!" She suddenly slapped her thigh, "I remember, every time I see that little wizard, it seems

Almost all after the basilisk wreaked havoc!"

“Sure enough, it’s him.

Levin nodded.

In this case, he can prepare to start with Ronald to solve this trouble.

But before that, he had to find a way to eliminate the threat of the basilisk.

The skill of having someone die just by looking at each other is really a bit unbelievable.

You know, the [Petrified Magic Eye], which turns to stone when you look at it, is also the highest level spell among druid spells.

And there is also a young man of great strength, Voldemort, as an assistant.

If there were only basilisks, Levin could blindfold his eyes and use his psychic powers instead of vision to guide the battle.

A single young man named Voldemort, even if his spiritual state was immune to some spells, was not a big deal to Levin.

But the two are different when combined.

The basilisk can make up for Voldemort's lack of frontal combat effectiveness.

And Voldemort can help the basilisk deal with various targeted strange moves.

Faced with this combination, Levin inevitably has to be cautious.

But now he has specific plans.

Those who have played Baldur's Gate 3 should be deeply impressed by the ghost house and the mushroom circle in the underdark.

The picture shows Daisy's human form. It's hard to find the horse-human form, so just use this as a reference for the upper body. .

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