"Ronald? Currently?" Hermione heard this and fell into deep thought.

"But, how is it possible?"

Harry couldn't believe it, and he defended loudly: "Why do you think so? Ronald's family has been Gryffindor for three generations, and he has always been by our side. There is no way he can be the heir."

Levin waved his hand: "Perhaps your previous thinking fell into a misunderstanding, thinking that the so-called 'heir' must be someone who has inherited the Slytherin bloodline. But is there a possibility that the 'heir' can also be a curse or a certain person?" Magic props that can hypnotize others, or directly control someone to achieve their own goals?"

"You mean..." Harry opened his mouth, but didn't come up with a retort.

Even he sensed something was wrong.

"Yes, according to this idea, it is not just a few purebloods who can open the secret chamber. We can expand the scope of suspicion to everyone again, and since this kind of hypnosis and control goes against people's original intentions, we only need to find out the manifestations The most abnormal person will do.

"Of all the people, the one who behaves most abnormally is Ronald!" The more Hermione thought about it, the more reasonable it became. "Polyjuice potion, Ronald's behavior, his sleepiness... Levin is indeed right.

"But...but Ronald was with me when Mrs. Norris was attacked. He had no chance to do that." Harry pointed out the loophole.

"So Levin said 'temporarily' before," Hermione took the initiative to explain to Levin, "Ronald was probably controlled later. When school started, he was very normal, otherwise he wouldn't be stupid enough to be with you. Drive to school.

Harry: Why do you still remember this nonsense!

Harry thought about it again and again, but couldn't think of any other reason to refute it.

Levin's reasoning is too rigorous and reasonable,

So much so that after he thought about it, he felt that Ronald might be the culprit.

Finally, Levin offered his trump card:

"When you went to visit Hagrid, I went to the Forbidden Forest to visit the centaurs, and they told me that when the basilisk was raging in the Forbidden Forest, they did see a little red-haired wizard.

Harry was completely speechless.

He believed that Levin was not innocent,

The horse man's testimony is most likely true.

In the end, he could only say: "I'll go find Ronald and ask!"

Then he ran towards the Gryffindor lounge.


Levin shouted,

Harry looked back and saw Levin throwing an amulet over.

From the outside, this amulet looks similar to the ones sold by the Weasley twins.

But the workmanship and quality far exceed those products.

"I'll lend you this first to prevent you from having an accident," Levin said. "Hide it so no one finds it. With it, even if you have an accident, we can come to save you."

"Thank you, Levin." Although he didn't want to believe that Ronald was the one who opened the secret room, Harry thought about it carefully and carefully hid the amulet under his clothes.

Don’t be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of what happens.

Waving to Levin, he turned and left.

"What about us?"

Seeing Harry walking away, Hermione looked at Levin, "What are we doing now?"

“Of course we have a mission.

"Call Ciri and accompany me back to the tower to perform the wilderness ritual.

Levin said, taking out a beautiful emerald feather from his pocket and shaking it towards Hermione.

"It was just delivered this morning. This will be our trump card against the basilisk."

Soon, they found Ciri in the Ravenclaw lounge, and the three of them returned to the tower under the oak tree.

Levin temporarily opened up half a plane, allowing this small world to communicate with the entire world.

Then return to the basement and start brewing the [Eternal Owl's Wisdom Elixir].

Ciri and Hermione began to prepare for the [Wild Ritual]

With the last ceremony as an example, they were quite familiar with it this time.

Time flies to night, and the production of [Eternal Owl's Wisdom Elixir] is completed.

Levin held a cyan crystal bottle and came to the tree.

At this time, the [Wilderness Ritual] preparations are complete,

Two girls were having a great time playing with some little unicorns.

Larry stood by their side,

After discovering that Levin and others had returned to the tower, she came over immediately.

"Levin Levin, I didn't expect that there are unicorns near your home! You never told me before.

Seeing Levin, Hermione said to him excitedly.

Levin chuckled when he heard this: "These unicorns just moved here yesterday. Well, she is the Larry I mentioned to you."

"So she is Larry!"

Hearing this, Ciri and Hermione looked at her in surprise,

"Hello, Larry!"

They do not know how to [Animal Talk] and cannot communicate directly with unicorns.

Larry walked up to them and nuzzled them with his head in a friendly gesture.

"So, how did you get them here?"

Ciri asked.

"Of course it's to avoid the basilisk. Hermione has told you about the basilisk and the chamber of secrets before.

"Hmm...basilisk," Xili nodded, "I didn't expect there to be such a powerful creature in this world, at least the deer-headed spirit...can't compare to it."

"Who says it's not?" Levin agreed, "That's why I specially prepared this trump card."

"So what are you going to transform into this time?" Hermione was also very curious,

She had never heard that one person could have multiple Animagus transformations.

But the fact that Levin has a magical Animagus is outrageous.

After the Chimera transforms, it can also adjust the chimera factor. One transformation is equivalent to five transformations, which is even more exaggerated.

By now, Levin said that he could have multiple animagus, and Hermione was no longer surprised.

But she still wants to know what kind of animal transformation can be used by Levin as a means to fight against the basilisk.

"Of course - Qiang Qiang!!"

"Eternal Owl's Wisdom Elixir, Quetzalcoatl Transformation!"

Levin showed the crystal bottle in his hand.

"Quatted Serpent?"

For Shirley, this is another unfamiliar name.

Hermione tried to search her memory: "I seem to have heard of this name. It's the name of a god of the Mayans in South America, right."

"You are talking about the feathered serpent god Kukulkan, also known as Quetzalcoatl. He is indeed a god believed by the Mayans and Aztecs. He is generally depicted as ten feathers.

Levin introduced:

"There may not really be such a god in the history of South America, but creatures like the feathered serpent do exist. Perhaps Kukulkan was the imagination of the Mayans after seeing the feathered serpent."

"The Quetzalcoatl is a powerful magical creature. They are naturally kind. Their wisdom and beauty are admired and respected. The Quetzalcoatl tries to lead mortals to the right path and uses their power stars to fight against evil. Therefore, they may indeed have been As a patron saint, he protected the Mayan and Aztec ancestors.”

(Zhao's) "Quatted Serpents are guardians of good. They are born unable to lie but can refuse to reveal information, provide ambiguous answers, or lead others to wrong conclusions - if this is necessary to protect something. Maintain a promise or cover up a secret.”

"Quatted Serpents can survive for centuries without eating or drinking, and can even survive in an airless environment. But these creatures can still die from disease or the passage of time."

"The mating ritual is a colorful dance of light and magic. A gem-shaped egg will be born from which a new couatl will hatch."

"In short, according to various records, the feathered serpent carries the power of good and possesses a certain degree of divinity. It happens to be the nemesis of the evil basilisk. If it is a feathered serpent, it may be able to resist the death gaze of the basilisk."

Looking at the sky, Levin stood in the center of the ceremony.

“I actually ordered an excavated feathered serpent feather long ago, but it didn’t arrive until today.

"After I complete my transformation, we will return to Hogwarts together to completely eliminate the threat of the basilisk."

Pictured is a feathered snake.

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