"Levin Levin, you finally came to see me!"

Larry was extremely excited when he saw Levin's figure. She jumped up and rubbed against him, almost causing him to fall to the ground.

"Sorry, sorry, Larry, I'm late."

Levin stroked the unicorn's head and tidied up the rich man for her.

Beside her, several little unicorns also gathered around and circled around Levin. Some of them were holding berries in their mouths to entertain Levin, while others were tugging at his pants, looking so naive. It makes Levin almost cute -.

After stroking the unicorn, Levin asked Larry:

"On my way here, I found that the situation in the Forbidden Forest was not very good. There were dead trees and dead animals everywhere. What happened?"

"It was that monster that did it! In fact, I noticed traces of it soon after Levin started school, but it wasn't until recently that it became active." When Larry said this, he was sad and scared, "Fortunately, Our lair was hidden deep, so it never came close."

"But if this continues, it will be a matter of time before the basilisk discovers this place." Levin whispered the facts.

"Who says it's not?" Larry lowered her head, and then looked at the boy with her beautiful eyes.

"Levin, I know this is difficult for you, but I still want to ask, can you help me?"

Larry's voice was very soft and her tone was pitiful.

When he met her blue eyes, Levin suddenly felt ashamed.

This little guy was really scared,

I shouldn't leave the basilisk alone just because I find it troublesome.

The basilisk harms not only the little wizard in the castle, but also the creatures in the Forbidden Forest.

He should have come to visit her sooner.

"What are you talking about, Larry?" Levin hugged her neck tightly, "Don't worry, we are good friends. So no matter what you ask for, I will agree to it."

"Really!" Larry raised her head in surprise, "You are really great!"

The happy Larry immediately started licking Levin's face with her tongue, making his face wet.

Seemingly finding it interesting, a little unicorn followed suit and licked Levin's hanging right hand.

"Okay, okay, Larry, that's it.

After a long while, Levin stopped the other party's enthusiasm, and then continued: "Larry, have you ever thought about moving out of here?"

"What? Moving?" Larry seemed to understand, "Is the method Levin mentioned moving?"

"Yes," Levin nodded, "but I promise you can come back anytime you want.

"The place I prepared for you is an independent space where there will be no monsters, no danger, and plenty of food. In fact, it is near my home."

Yes, the habitat Levin prepared for Lara was the large forest surrounding the tower in his demiplane.

This time Larry understood: "So, Levin wants us to move near your house? OK, I would like to be neighbors with Levin."

"Besides, what I prepared... um, did you agree?"

Seeing that the other party agreed so easily, Levin was a little surprised.

In fact, he had long wanted to migrate some magical creatures from the Forbidden Forest to his own forest.

I have no choice but to find no reason and no suitable method.

Now that Larry and the little unicorns can move in, it is undoubtedly a good start.

The unicorn is the lord of the forest,

As long as the unicorn is around, it will soon attract a series of other magical creatures.

It can be said that Levin has long wanted them to move to his place.

For this reason, he even prepared a lot of reasons to persuade Larry.

But now it seems that it was a blank shot.

Judging from the other party's appearance, it seems that he is willing to move in as long as he says a word, and there is no need to waste any words.

Levin was a little surprised about this: "Did you not think about it before you agreed? What if I lied? What if the place I mentioned is not as beautiful as I imagined?"

"But Levin won't lie." Larry said matter-of-factly, "Since Levin said it, Larry will believe it. If Levin wants to be neighbors with Larry, Larry will accompany him.

The unicorn's somewhat innocent speech moved Levin for a while.

He hugged the other person's neck again.

"Don't worry, Larry, I will take good care of you."

Then, he took Larry and the little unicorns to use the [Mansion Technique].

In an instant, the unicorns found themselves in a new world,

The vegetation here is not as prosperous as the Forbidden Forest, and the species are not too rich, but the scenery is still picturesque.

The trees are growing well one by one, and the small animals in the forest have smooth fur and happy expressions.

She even saw an evil bird flying over curiously.

It's a pity that they are all a little too good-looking, and they will inevitably develop in a primitive, wild and wild direction. If left unchecked, this place will soon become like a dangerous rainforest.

All this is because of the huge oak tree next to the tower not far away.






既然 Levin把她带到这种宝地,她就有责任让这儿变得更好。


“谢谢你, Levin,谢谢你让我们生活在这里!”

撒着欢跑了一圈后,拉芮欢快的对 Levin道,

“放心吧, Levin,我们会替你打理好这片树林的。



”终于让独角兽搬到半位面了,”刚才发生的事情,让 Levin十分高兴,





“哦,罗南,晚上好。” Levin熟稔地他打了个招呼。


…Please give me flowers…



“说了多少次了,没必要那么客气,叫我 Levin就行。”

从帮助黛西转职德鲁伊开始, Levin在所有马人那里都得到了超乎寻常的尊敬,这让他一直有些不习惯。

“ Levin大人此行也是来看望黛西大人吗?”罗南好奇的道。

“不能这么说,我只是想来了解一下禁林中那只怪物的近况。” Levin摇摇头,“看望黛西只是顺带。


”其实 Levin大人这次来得不是时候,因为这段时间,那个怪物突然活跃了起来,胃口也变得很大,开始在禁林里肆虐,它所到之处,鸟兽绝迹!”

说到这里,罗南有些愤恨:“而且它似乎很聪明,在吃过亏之后,没有再来骚扰我们.....……也幸好 Levin大人给我们送来的雄鸡,似乎让它不愿意靠近我们,而且它更喜欢吃那些八眼巨蛛....……不过长期这么下去也不是办法,之前黛西大人一直想要找 Levin大人讨论相关问题。”





Levin与罗南的对话被这突如其来的躁动打断, Levin掏出奥术之剑,警惕地看向声音传来的方向。

罗南则直起了上半身,弯弓搭箭,向前走了几步,将 Levin挡在了身后。






如今这些八眼巨蛛,慌不择路,你追我赶地向着 Levin的方向冲了过来。

就在 Levin即将出手时,面前突然升起一道荆棘之墙,牢牢的挡住八眼巨蛛们的去路。



打头的那只八眼巨蛛闻言,立刻调转方向,仿佛对 Levin他们视而不见一般,绕过荆棘之墙朝另一个方向逃去。



“黛西!” Levin朝女马人挥挥手。


女马人兴奋的跑到 Levin面前,一把把男孩抱起,就像抱一个小孩一样。

男人和女马人站在一起就这点不好,身高差距太大了寸。 .

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