Although he gave Snape a good embarrassment in class,

But Levin's revenge doesn't stop there.

After class, he immediately returned to the Ravenclaw lounge and mobilized the young wizards of Ravenclaw to write love letters to Snape.

Every time a qualified love letter is sent to Snape, Ye Wenfeng is willing to accept it.

He is about to use his money power.

After hearing about this, the Weasley twins excitedly came to buy shares.

During this time, they made a lot of money by making Levin's amulets, and they were willing to invest money in this area.

So, the poor Potions Professor tried the "Navy Attack" for the first time.

Not just dwarfs,

Throughout the night, there were at least two owls above his head trying to parachute down to him for a letter.

He had to lock himself in the office.

In this way, Lockhart fulfilled his promise——to boost the morale of Hogwarts,

But not in the way he wanted.

In the morning, everyone actually used dwarfs to send love letters.

But by the afternoon, the love letters turned into tools for mutual attacks and pranks.

The little wizards really had a great time.

It's a pity that the happiness brought by Valentine's Day disappeared after just one night.

The day after Valentine's Day is Saturday, which happens to be the Quidditch match day.

The two sides in the duel are Gryffindor and Ravenclaw823.

At almost eleven o'clock, the players from both sides entered the stadium amidst the earth-shattering cheers from the audience.

The team members flew into the sky on broomsticks and flew around the goal post for warm-up.

Ms. Hooch, as referee, also released the ball.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall suddenly walked and ran across the field, holding a huge purple microphone in his hand.

Levin's heart sank when he saw this.

"The game is cancelled."

Professor McGonagall spoke into the packed bleachers through a microphone. There were boos and shouts of disapproval from the crowd. Ravenclaw's team members were crestfallen.

Gryffindor Oliver Wood stepped forward and attempted to argue with Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall ignored him and continued to shout with the microphone: "All students must return to the common room of the college, where the person in charge of the college will tell you more about the situation. Please leave as soon as possible!"

The Eagles returned to the common room in the tower. Roger was still dissatisfied. He sat dejectedly on his chair and muttered that the game had been cancelled.

"From now on, every class must be escorted by a teacher, all Quidditch practices and matches will be suspended, and there will no longer be any teaching activities in the evenings."

"All students must return to the common room of their college before seven o'clock in the evening. No student is allowed to leave the dormitory after this time. No student is allowed to use the bathroom without the company of a teacher."

Professor Flitwick announced the school's emergency document in the lounge, and then said in a deep voice: "Unfortunately, it is our Ravenclaw who was attacked this time. Marietta Acmo was petrified!"

Behind him, Marietta's friend Zhang Qiu returned to the lounge sobbing, as if he had just returned from visiting him.

Levin immediately stepped forward to ask for details:

"Marietta was attacked at the door of Lockhart's office," she told Levin with a tearful voice. "She told me this morning that she didn't find a chance to send a love letter to Lockhart yesterday, and she must deliver it to Lockhart this morning... ....She has always been Lockhart's most loyal admirer, who would have thought...she is Gilderoy Lockhart's scapegoat!"

In Zhang Qiu's intermittent statement, Levin gradually understood the details.

Marietta's luck is that she bought Levin's amulet at Zhang Qiu's strong suggestion.

It is estimated that the amulet played a role this time, allowing her to notice something was wrong in advance. This is why, like Justin, she held the amulet tightly in her hand before being petrified.

She survived because she did not turn around rashly, but saw the attacker from the reflection on the metal door handle of Lockhart's office.

However, what is the use of knowing all this?

Attacks occur again and again at Hogwarts,

The culprit has not been caught for a long time,

Many young wizards are aware that schools are likely to close again.

During dinner time, Hermione sneaked over to tell Levin that she had heard about the incident 50 years ago from Myrtle and asked for some clues from her. According to her, the incident might be related to Hagrid.

She plans to go to the Forbidden Forest with Harry to find Hagrid.

"It's a pity that Ronald has been too sleepy to come with us these two days." Hermione said with some pity.

Nonsense, he was probably the one who did it. He controlled the basilisk to wander around the school all day long. How could he not feel sleepy?

You can't expect him to investigate himself.

Of course, this is just Levin's wishful thinking, and he has no direct evidence yet.

But it doesn't matter. He plans to go to the Forbidden Forest tonight to ask for clues from the unicorns and centaurs.

As a giant monster, the basilisk needs to eat now that it has been released from the secret room.

Considering that only the little wizard is petrified in the castle and no little wizard is missing,

Then there is only one place where it can feed: the Forbidden Forest.

In fact, Levin originally didn't intend to take care of this troublesome matter.

Although the basilisk is powerful, it is not the target of his planned Animagus transformation.

And he currently has no urgent need for the magic materials from the basilisk, so naturally he has little interest in hunting down the basilisk.

But now seeing Hermione so busy fighting against the heir and the basilisk,

Then I thought of Zhang Qiu’s sad cry in the lounge,

Even though Marietta had no friendship with him,

But after all, Zhang Qiu chased him for most of the semester.

Although she is just a female licker, she is also his Levin's female licker.

Levin always couldn't bear to do this.

The most important thing is that Levin has now roughly deduced that the person controlled by the diary is no longer Ginny, but Ronald.

The butterfly effect has already occurred, and what happens next may not develop like the original plot.

To avoid an accident, Levin finally decided to do something.

After dinner, Levin used [Advanced Invisibility] to hide his figure and walked straight towards the Forbidden Forest.

When he arrived at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Levin felt inexplicably that the forest in front of him was more dangerous than before.

The hills deep in the forbidden forest are hidden in the darkness. Although the bright moon hangs high in the night sky, the layers of branches completely block the moonlight, preventing it from illuminating this forbidden land.

[Advanced Invisibility] is superior to [Invisibility] in that it allows the caster to use simple magic when invisible.

Levin threw a [Dancing Light Technique] to light up the path ahead,

But when he really saw the forbidden forest in front of him, he couldn't help but take a breath of air.

It's clearly spring, but the forest in front of me is as small as autumn.

Along the way. The ground was full of dead black branches and leaves, and he had lost count of how many dead animals he had seen.

In addition, Levin also saw a lot of bloody clumps,

It seems to be the residue that some animals spit out after digestion.

The further you go into the Forbidden Forest, the more terrifying your surroundings become.

There were no other sounds around, only deathly silence. Even Levin, who was extremely familiar with the Forbidden Forest, couldn't help but shudder when he looked at the snarling dead trees around him.

"It's only been two weeks since I've been here, and the Forbidden Forest has turned into this!?"

He became even more anxious and quickly headed towards the unicorn's lair.

Fortunately, this kind of blighted area is limited to the outer and middle layers of the Forbidden Forest.

The deeper ecology has not been damaged,

The unicorn lair is as beautiful and peaceful as ever,

Sensing Levin's aura, when he arrived at the lake, Larry jumped up to meet him. .

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