Because Malfoy was attacked,

Since February, Dumbledore has been under frequent pressure from the school board.

Ask him to take a plan as soon as possible to solve the problem of the secret room.

The whole of Hogwarts became panicked again.

In this case, Lockhart stood up and

He announced in public that in order to save the endangered campus, he was going to debut as a campus idol. No, he was preparing a surprise to boost everyone's morale.

February 14th,

Valentine's Day.

The little wizards finally knew how he planned to boost their morale.

Early in the morning, hundreds of owls flew in.

These owls were hovering over the auditorium like a layer of gray-brown clouds,

But what falls in this cloud is not rain, but feathers and feces.

At this time, the whole school’s breakfast was almost completely wiped out.

Only Levin reacted quickly enough and set up a force field barrier above his head, leaving a piece of pure land for Ravenclaw's dining table.

So the wizards from the four colleges had to squeeze into a long table to eat.

"Hurry up, everyone is coming."

Lockhart, wearing a bright pink robe, called on students to decorate the auditorium with items delivered by owls.

As a result, the four walls of the auditorium were covered with large and dazzling pink flowers.

To make matters worse, there were lots of heart-shaped confetti falling down from the light blue ceiling.

It's like a wedding scene.

Now, the dining table that had just been cleaned was in bad luck again. Colorful confetti kept falling into the little wizards’ bread and tea.

So everyone had to go to Ravenclaw to get some food.

Compared with the disgusted wizard, the little witches obviously prefer this romantic arrangement.

After all, breakfast is served every day,

But Valentine’s Day only comes once a year—at least in 1992!

After the auditorium was completely decorated, Lockhart stood on the stage and waved his hand to keep everyone quiet:

"Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!"

Open your arms and declare:

"From now on, you can send me greeting cards! I will select a lucky girl and she can get my autograph."

Lockhart said, showing his signature smile,

This time, the response from students was muted.

By now in this semester's course, most students have figured out that the peacock is actually just a beautiful flower stand with a silver-like wax gun tip.

But Lockhart, who had experienced many battles, was not embarrassed at all and continued to say shamelessly: "Of course, I have to warn you in advance. Don't ignore your other professors because of me. I don't want to arouse their jealousy."

Then, I saw him clapped his hands,

Twelve dwarfs with gloomy faces walked into the door leading to the foyer.

Dwarfs are squat, humanoid magical creatures that are found all over the world, but have different names in each place, such as Curupilla in Brazil.

And they are different from ordinary dwarves. Rohatchi made them wear golden wings and carry harps on their backs, making them look doubly ugly.

"My friendly little cupids with cards!" Lockhart beamed, "They're going to be wandering around school today delivering Valentine's Day cards to you!"

“Of course, the fun doesn’t stop there, I believe all my colleagues are willing to participate enthusiastically!”

As if performing a show, Lockhart pointed at Professor Sprout:

"If you want to find some token of love, please go to Professor Sprout's greenhouse. I believe she is willing to share her carefully made secret roses with you, or provide mistletoe services (it is rumored that men and women under mistletoe must kiss )."

Professor Sprout had an embarrassed look on his head, and Snape beside him showed a sneer.

Seeing Snape's expression, Lockhart boasted loudly: "Why don't you ask Professor Snape to teach you how to make a love potion!"

"Even though he looks like this now, he never fails when it comes to potions."

Unfortunately, his flattery hit the horse's leg. Snape instantly became gloomy, with a strange light shining in his eyes. It seemed that if anyone asked him for advice on how to make Ecstasy, they would be forced to pour poison.

Next, it’s time to eat Professor Flitwick:

"In case you're interested, Professor Flitwick is more versed in the magic of enchantment than any wizard I've ever met, that cunning old dog!"

Professor Flitwick, who was smiling just now, immediately buried his face in his hands, wishing that no one could see him.

Before Lockhart Cue arrived, Professor McGonagall stood up and hurriedly left the auditorium.

After hearing what Lockhart said, many people were ready to take action.

Such as Harry, such as Percy Weasley, such as Cedric Diggory, etc.

Indeed, today is really a good day to express your love,

Especially when there are "little cupids" doing the work for you,

This is as much a risk reduction as an April Fools' Day, Truth or Dare confession.

The female prefect Penello seemed to have noticed something and immediately warned loudly: "If anyone dares to humiliate me with such a dwarf, I will not let him go even if I become a ghost!"

Ravenclaw's Zhang Qiu, Gryffindor's Angelina and others all agreed.

Levin nodded in approval and glanced cautiously at some girls who were about to make a move.

"Let's go and find a safer place." Levin said, pulling Hermione and hurried away.

If someone confesses his love to a dwarf in a crowded place, what's the difference between that and a public execution?

Cedric wanted to find an excuse to talk to the dwarf alone,

But before he took action, he was entangled by the dwarf first.

Even though Cedric is Zhang Qiu's love interest, he is actually not bad looking and belongs to the standard handsome boy template, and is very popular with his classmates.

Among these students, there are both boys and girls, with a slightly larger proportion of boys.

Probably around 73?

After all, it is a corrupt country.

Hufflepuff's reputation as a courtesan is not something he talks about casually.

In just one hour, the dwarf read him seven or eight copies of the boy's honest official.

Harry also had the same troubles. The only thing he was proud of was that most of the love letters read by the dwarfs were from girls.

Even during class, the dwarfs didn't stop.

They kept breaking into classrooms and delivering Valentine's Day cards, annoying the teachers.

In terms of attractiveness, the highly charismatic Levin is the most popular.

In the Charms class, twelve dwarfs took turns to come in and read love letters to him.

This made him start to feel for the first time that turning on "Charming" every day was a bit too much.

Professor Flitwick locked the door directly and did not allow any dwarfs to come in.

As a result, they were lying outside the window, reading local love poems to him in a bad Scottish accent, which made him very angry.

In the transfiguration class, they still wanted to do this trick,

Levin was so angry that he had an epiphany on the spot and changed the Druid's [Animal Ignore Technique] to [Dwarf Ignore Technique], forcing the group of dwarves not to see him.

During the potions class in the afternoon, Professor Snape was uncharacteristically unpretentious and did not stop these guys from disturbing the class.

Less than two minutes into class, five dwarfs rushed into the classroom and stood in a row in front of Levin's desk.

Levin took out his wand and tried to repeat the morning method.

Professor Snape said lazily: "Levin Green, who asked you to take out your wand, five points from Ravenclaw!"

After saying that, he showed a malicious smile and acted deliberately.

The Slytherin snakes burst into laughter.

Levin understood that the old bat wanted to make himself sick.

But he has so many tricks up his sleeve, it's hard to decide who will be disgusted.

Since you can't use a wand, let's use wandless methods.

With a thought, Levin mobilized his psychic powers and forcibly hypnotized the dwarfs.

So I heard a dwarf strumming the harp and singing: "I have a singing Valentine's Day gift for Professor Snape." (Nord Zhao)

Snape was stunned.

Good guy, the clown is actually me?

Before he could react, the dwarf played the harp and took the lead in singing.

"Oh, Snape!" (The other dwarfs sing: "Oh!")

"My dear old fellow!" (Qi: "Old fellow!")

"You are so handsome!" (Qi: "Oh! Handsome!")

"Your hair is like the blackest crow!" (Qi: "Oh crow!")

"You are as black and cool as a bat!" (Qi: "Oh cool!")

"For Merlin's sake, (Qi: "Merlin!")

"You are mine!" (Qi: "Mine!!")

"You stupid old bat!!" (Qi: "Old")

"[Shen Feng Wu Ying]!"

Snape's face turned black with anger, but fortunately he still had some sense and used magic to smash the greeting card.

The dwarfs fled in a hurry.

But they did not give up. Instead, they stood in the corridor and continued singing the little love song they wrote to Professor Snape.

There was silence in the classroom. The little wizards wanted to laugh but tried to hold back their laughter. They neither dared to look at Snape nor looked out the window.

Only Levin was secretly happy. .

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