"So, how do we get to the school doctor's office?"

In the bathroom, Hermione asked while enduring Levin's harassment of the cat's paw pads.

"School doctor's office? Why do you want to go to the school doctor's office?"

Levin said strangely.

Go to the school doctor's office and change back to how you were before! I can't always stay like this. "

"Well...what's wrong with maintaining this appearance?"

After hearing Levin's words, Hermione was shocked,

Pervert here, you don’t really think so, do you?

She secretly glanced at the boy, who was poking the elastic pads of her palms again and again, having a great time.

"But I have to meet other people!" Hermione said angrily, "I don't want to keep looking like this."

"...Okay." Levin sounded a little disappointed,

But he then said: "But even so, you don't need to go to the campus hospital?"


"Because I can change you into the same person." Levin said confidently.

"You?" Hermione thought for a while and nodded: "I even forgot that you created an unprecedented magical Animagus, and you are also very good at transformation. If you are performing human body transformation...

Strictly speaking, there are many branches of transfiguration, Animagus, cross-species transfiguration, human transfiguration, and all things transfiguration... 23...

Among them, human body transformation is the transformation of human body changes, specifically the manual transmission Disguise Magus.

I think back then, the first generation Dark Lord Grindelwald became the head of magical security and the director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in the United States, Percival Graves, and infiltrated into the United States.

Grindelwald was not a Disguise Magus, nor did he use Polyjuice Potion. Instead, he directly used the Human Transfiguration Technique to continuously partially deform his face and body, and then turned into another person.

Of course, this kind of transformation requires a powerful level of transformation.

But Levin, who is proficient in the school of transfiguration, also has alternatives in this regard.

In arcane magic, level 2 [Transformation] can temporarily complete the human body transformation effect.

Level 4 [Transformation] can transform the character into another species in a short time.

The 5-level [Malicious Transformation] can even force an enemy to permanently turn into a small animal.

The 8-ring [Transform All Things] can deform things at will. The duration is determined by the similarity before and after the deformation. If the similarity is high, such as turning a sheep into a wolf, it can be permanently deformed.

The 9-ring [Full Transformation] can be permanently transformed at will.

Compared with Harry Potter's transfiguration, transfiguration magic is relatively more certain and more controllable.

In Hermione's current state, wanting to change back to her original state would be equivalent to turning a cat person into a human.

Although Levin cannot master the 8-ring [Transformation of All Things], the difference between humans and cat-people is far lower than the difference between wolves and sheep.

So Levin endured the reluctance and pointed at Hermione with his wand:

"[6th Ring·Transformation]!"

The transformation technique that has been upgraded to level 6 is the strongest transformation technique that Levin can master now.

I saw that the hair all over Hermione's body began to fall away, the cat's claws turned into five fingers, and her nose and mouth returned to their human appearance.

"Great, you did it!"

Looking at her bare hands and touching her smooth face again, Hermione cheered and her tail involuntarily rested on Levin's arm.



Hermione turned around and discovered to her surprise that her tail had not changed back.

Suddenly, she felt something was wrong and hurriedly took out the mirror.

Sure enough, he still had those fluffy ears on his head.

"Levin, do it again, your spell has barely changed yet." The girl grabbed the boy's arm and said coquettishly.

But Levin shook his head: "No, my transformation spell has been used.

After hearing this, Hermione panicked: "But... I still have my ears and tail!"

"I know, I did this on purpose." Levin said, puffing up his chest proudly, and explained, "Although I have removed most of the cat girl elements from you, I still retain some of the cat characteristics. Only in this way can you Remember, you did something wrong."

"Anyway, this state will last for at least a month before I change you back."

"You're not here to teach me a lesson, you're just here to appreciate yourself, pervert Levin." Hermione complained softly,

But looking at Levin's righteous expression, the girl still gave in.

"Okay, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have hesitated to drink the potion I didn't understand.

"But, this is all to solve the problem of the Chamber of Secrets. I also want to sneak into Slytherin and trick Malfoy."

As she said that, the girl shyly stuck out her tongue, her cute look exactly like a real cat girl.

Seeing Hermione acting coquettishly, Levin sighed, "Next time, at least tell me in advance.

Then he asked casually: "Speaking of which, you didn't brew the Polyjuice Potion, so where did you get the Polyjuice Potion?"

"Ronald provided it." Hermione said a name Levin had never thought of.

"Ronald? Him?"

The boy was stunned,

That stupid Weasley can actually brew Polyjuice Potion?

"Of course I helped, at least the last part of the work was done by me," Hermione added, "Harry was responsible for stealing the raw materials and the initial brewing of the decoction was mainly done by Ronald."

As she spoke, she also revealed a piece of news that Levin had not noticed: "You don't know, Ronald's performance in class has been great during this period of time. He has never asked me to copy homework again, and he even got a certificate from the last Transfiguration class." That’s Professor McGonagall’s compliment.”


Levin still finds it incredible,

Ronald in the original book is not so beautiful, right?

On the contrary, due to the broken wand, Ronald had trouble in various courses throughout the school year.

Even if the Ronald in this world made a lot of extra money using [Scribe] during the summer because of him, and had enough money to buy himself a new wand,

But the progress shouldn't be so great - especially when it comes to brewing Polyjuice Potion.

Levin would rather believe that it was Neville who made the decoction.

The butterfly effect he brought didn't have such a big impact on Ronald.

Levin felt that he smelled a conspiracy.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of Hermione and Harry, Ronald was not a bad student in the first place, and it was normal to work hard to achieve this grade.

So Levin's suspicions were put to rest.

Hermione was transformed back into a human by him and did not need to be hospitalized. She just had to pay attention to hiding her ears and tail for the next month.

Harry and Ronald came back soon,

Naturally, their cliché actions were in vain.

For a whole hour, they only heard Draco complaining about why Harry was the heir and not him, and "secretly" complaining about Harry and Ronald from beginning to end.

And they not only have to endure the other party's face-to-face accusations, but also have to nod and scold themselves in order to prevent exposure.

That was frustrating, you can see in retrospect.

As a result, Drake suffered retribution the next day.

He was attacked at the corner of the corridor and turned into a stone statue.

This caused an uproar at Hogwarts——

Because this is the first pureblood to be attacked,

Originally, people thought that the monster in the secret room wanted to get rid of the Muggles and Squibs in the castle, but even if it failed, it would only affect the mixed-blood wizards.

Now even the pure-blood wizards are suffering, it's so heartbreaking!

Especially since Malfoy is the son of the school director!

You have to hit hard!

Update【5/4】, additional update【27/51】

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