time flies,

The three of them returned to school the day before school started.

The shadow of the secret room and the attacker was completely diluted as the entire holiday passed.

During the holidays, nothing happened at Hogwarts. Many people felt that everything was going to be over.

After waiting for a few months, after the mandrakes are harvested, the unlucky ones who were attacked will return to normal, and the identity of the attacker will most likely be revealed.

Even Levin is a little relaxed,

Who would have thought that I would have another baby just a week after returning to school.

On Saturday afternoon, Levin was reading in the corner of the library as usual.

In most cases, Miss Granger would be by his side so she could ask him questions at any time.

But today the other party unexpectedly did not appear in the library.

Maybe she has something else going on today?

At this time, Levin was reading a book "The Hybridization and Breeding of Magical Creatures" when he suddenly heard Mrs. Pince yelling and scolding.

The sound of footsteps getting closer and closer.

It sounds like the opponent's tonnage is not low.

Levin raised his head and saw a short and fat "647" running in his direction, like a running wild boar. It was Malfoy's follower, Vincent Crabbe.

Malfoy is so promising that he actually dares to send his followers to attack him?

Levin was confused, and just as he was thinking about how to give him a good look, Crabbe stopped in front of him and said calmly: "Levin, get to the bathroom on the third floor, something happened to Hermione."

"Third floor? Bathroom? Hermione?"

Three words in a row made Levin confused,

Also, why is it you, Crabbe, who came to tell me this news?

Levin almost imagined a bloody drama in which Malfoy secretly took revenge for being crushed by Hermione, and Crabbe came to report because of his conscience.

Of course, neither Malfoy's strength nor Crabbe's conscience is enough to complete the drama.

"Wait, you're not Crabbe...you're, Harry!"

Levin immediately thought of the plot in the original work,

Crabbe, no, it was Harry, who was shocked when he heard this: "You...how did you recognize me? There is something wrong with the effect of Xia Fang Decoction?"

Sure enough it was Harry, so it was obvious what happened to Hermione.

But Levin is still a little puzzled. Obviously Hermione didn't brew the polyjuice potion like in the original novel, so how did their transformation come about?

You know, Polyjuice Potion is not an easy potion to make.

Regardless of the complicated manufacturing process, the cooking time alone is as long as a month!

But now was obviously not the time to discuss this matter. Levin immediately stood up and followed Harry's Crabbe out of the library before Mrs. Pince discovered Harry.

As he walked, he comforted: "Don't worry, Harry, I'm just familiar with your tone and way of speaking, so I recognized you. Most people can't see your problem at all."

Outside the library door, they saw Goyle, who was probably Ronald's transformation.

"The time for the Polyjuice Potion is limited, so we went to find Malfoy.

Harry said goodbye to Levin and hurried away with Ronald.

Levin also rushed to the abandoned bathroom on the third floor.

Far away, he heard Myrtle singing happily,

I heard her knock on the compartment door and shout inside: "Granger, come out quickly!"

"I don't!" Hermione refused.

"If you don't come out, I'll call someone and let everyone come and see you!" Myrtle threatened. "I have been here for 50 years, and finally I have seen someone uglier than me!"

"No, don't..." Hermione's voice became increasingly panicked.

Just then, Levin stepped into the bathroom.

Seeing someone coming, Myrtle immediately shouted excitedly: "Come on, come here and have a look! It's so scary! There is a cat man here. I have never seen such an ugly guy."

She wished everyone could see how ugly Hermione looked now,

Combined with her own face full of acne, its purpose can be imagined.

"Shut up, Myrtle! Go away!"

As soon as the 2-level necromancy spell, [Command the Necromancer] was activated, the ghost Myrtle obediently shut her mouth and left Levin's sight.

In the bathroom, Levin immediately saw the compartment where Hermione was hiding - only this compartment was closed.

Levin walked over and pushed the door, but did not open it.

"Hermione, open the door, I'm hungry."

But only her quiet sobs came from inside.

"Open the door, don't worry, I can save you."

Hermione finally spoke and said intermittently: "No... No need, Polyjuice Potion only lasts for an hour... After a while... it will change back."

"Do you think this is possible?" Levin couldn't help but throw cold water, "Polyjuice Potion is not designed to transform animals, so you won't change back after an hour."

As a result, the sobbing in the toilet became louder, but Hermione was stubborn and refused to open the door.

There was no other way, so Shanwen had no choice but to take coercive measures:

"Myrtle has gone to call someone else. There is no use hiding. Miss Granger, you don't want your appearance to be seen by others, do you?"

This statement had an immediate impact.


The door lock opened in response.

Levin pushed open the cubicle door,

Hermione was seen huddled in the corner, covering her head with her robe, trying her best to hide herself.

Levin wanted to lift the robe, but the girl held it tightly and refused to let him take it away.

In this state, the last person she wanted to see was Levin.

"Don't...don't, Levin!" Hermione cried with trembling lips.

"Be good, be obedient! Keep me healthy!"

After all, Hermione's strength was no better than Levin's. She only had to let go after holding on for a while.

Then Levin saw her true appearance.

At this time, Hermione had completely changed. Her face and hands were covered with orange hair, her eyes had turned yellow, and two pointed triangular ears on her head came out of her hair, and they were still sticking out from under her robe. A slender cat tail...

To be honest, this is the first time Levin has seen this appearance. Although she has the characteristics of a cat all over her body, Hermione does not have a cat head like a real orc, but has the outline of a human skull and the shape of a cat. A combination of facial features.

This looks like a real Eurry!

Oops, it’s the feeling of heartbeat

It took him a long time to resist the urge to step forward and give him a hand.

Hermione was still crying and complaining: "M--Millicent must have a cat! What I took was not her hair [it was cat hair!"

But when she turned to look at Levin, she saw the boy's somewhat obsessed expression.

Ah this.........

Hermione couldn't describe the complicated emotions she felt at that moment.

What she was most worried about was that Levin would hate her after seeing her like this.

But when she discovered that Levin didn't dislike her, but was actually very moved by her, Hermione found it hard to understand.

Why is this person’s XP so weird!

"You, you, I hate you, don't look at me like that!"

Hermione grabbed the robe and threw it hard in Levin's face.

But she raised her hand and lost it for a long time but still couldn't bear to do it.

So, she pointed and turned her head away from looking at the boy's expression.

Levin thought she was still sad, so he hugged her gently and comforted her boldly: "Don't worry, Hermione, even if you become like this, I will still like you."

When hearing such words under such circumstances, most girls will be very moved.

Even though she was like this, the other party never left her. Hermione felt very relieved to hear such a confession.

But while being moved, she felt very strange.

"Thank you, Levin..." Her sadness eased slightly, and she twisted her body uneasily, "But, can you let me go a little bit, you pervert.

Ah this...

Levin was stunned,

How did you find out... No, it should be, why am I abnormal?

The kitten girl turned her head, looked at the boy who was trying to comfort her, and complained softly: "Really, why didn't I realize before that you actually like such weird things."

Levin reached out to wipe away the tears on the girl's cheek: "It's strange, it's strange. One of us is a cat girl, and the other is a pervert who likes cat girls. Doesn't this mean that we are a good match?

"Nonsense!" Hermione chuckled at these words, and the sadness of becoming a cat lady was swept away.

Levin also laughed,

He stood up and picked Hermione up as if he were a real cat.

Hermione twitched her cat ears and put her head on William's chest. Her slender tail gently hooked the boy's arm, and the soft cat hair tickled him.

Levin finally couldn't help it and took a deep breath in Hermione's cat hair.

She almost scratched her face with her cat claws. .

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