After that, Levin continued to focus on the stove.

Under the influence of [Acceleration Spell], the buns were steamed quickly. They waited for Levin to open the lid of the pot and jumped into the plates one by one, happily waiting to be eaten.

During breakfast, Cirila sat down at the dining table quite naturally, as if nothing happened just now.

She ate four big steamed buns with soy milk and praised the delicacy of Levin's hometown.

After eating, she happily opened Christmas gifts with Levin.

As Ravenclaw's Quidditch savior for three consecutive years before Levin, Cirilla had quite a few friends in Ravenclaw.

Everyone on the team sent gifts to the two of them, most of which were Quidditch magazines and posters about broom maintenance props.

Her best friend, prefect Penelo Crevat, gave her a pair of practical sports gloves.

But the most valuable thing was the gift Levin received.

As the "uncrowned king" of Ravenclaw, Levin naturally has many admirers and fans.

Therefore, the gifts he received this year were far beyond what a normal person would receive, and the packaging alone filled up half of the porch.

All the chocolates were ignored. No one dared to eat them anyway. Levin didn't like it, but he was worried that there would be love potions in them. The little witch liked this the most.

What Harry and Ronald gave were the same old snacks, and with their abilities they could only give this.

The Weasley twins' gifts were quite thoughtful. They were a copy of the wizarding fairy tale "Toadstool Tales" and their recent income and expenditure statements.

The gifts from the Tonks were men's cologne and hair conditioner - they didn't know that Levin, a native of Dragon Country, had no need for the former.

Tonks herself gave Levin a looking glass. If there is a suspicious person around, this magical prop will light up and rotate.

Gianna also sent a gift, a box of handmade gingerbread cookies and a sweater that can automatically sing "Tinker Bell" when worn.

After reading it, Levin realized that this was the special gift for the Winter Veil Festival in World of Warcraft.

It seems that the other party is homesick.

What Hermione sent was a greeting card, which mentioned that the real gift would be given after the meeting.

Levin felt that Cirila's eyes were much sharper,

As for Zhang Qiu's next gift, she also sent a greeting card, saying that she would bring the gift with her when she visited.

Cirilla's expression has darkened,

Fortunately, there is no third greeting card like this, otherwise today will definitely not be easy.

Unlike last year, professors also gave gifts this year, but most of them were extension books on corresponding subjects.

The most special thing about Snape was that he actually gave Levin a bezoar.

Bezoars are essentially clumps of undigested material that accumulate inside a goat's digestive system.

Although this stuff has detoxifying properties, Levin still felt unlucky after receiving it.

As for Levin's gift, it was actually given last night, which made Helmer very tired.

His gifts this year are all handmade wallets with space expansion spells inside.

Due to the difficulty of the Space Expansion Spell, this thing is a very precious gift for most wizards.

Depending on the closeness of the gift recipient, the space in the wallet will vary.

The biggest one is naturally Hermione's, with a full cubic meter of space.

As for the one given to Gianna, Levin also included a greeting card with "Happy Winter Veil" written on it, which must have been a comfort to her.

Cirilla's gift is another silver sword.

"This is Arcane Sword 2.0," Levin proudly introduced. "The work of attaching the [Iron Armor Curse] to the blade has been completed. Now you can try to use the sword to cut spells!"

After Levin finished sending it, he looked at Cirila expectantly.

"So, what is my gift?"

"Your gift..."

The girl stood in front of Levin with a pretty face, her hands behind her back, as if she was hiding something behind her back.

Just when Levin was looking forward to it, the girl suddenly stepped forward,

The slightly cold lips touched her directly.


Levin was surprised at first, and then enjoyed it submissively.

After three full minutes, the two separated.

So, this is your Christmas gift?" After a while, Xiwen said slowly.

"How's it going? Are you dissatisfied?" Xili shrugged and said coolly.

"Of course I'm not satisfied!" Levin was furious, "I'm only 12 years old, this should be considered a gift from me, right?"

"So?" Xili raised her eyebrows provocatively, "I only have this gift, do you want it?"

"Of course I want it," Levin licked his lips, "But one is not enough, I have to collect a few more."

Just as Levin was repeatedly accepting gifts, there was a knock on the door.


Opening the door, Levin realized it was Luna!

The girl wrapped herself in a thick coat and walked through the snow gate.

...asking for flowers 0

Levin could feel that behind him, Ciri once again entered the gloomy state of opening gifts.

Although he didn't receive the third greeting card from a girl asking for a personal visit just now, there was one in front of him who came to visit without a greeting card.

"Humph, you were busy for so long before, but now you must feel that everything is worth it."

Cirila said angrily before letting Luna in.

She is always straightforward and rarely says weird things [What else can Levin do?

After entering the house, Luna directly handed over a large package.

"This is a Christmas gift for you, a cake I made.

When the female witcher discovered that she also had a share of this gift, she suddenly felt embarrassed.

Levin took the opportunity to poke her: "I just came here to say thank you. Didn't you also work hard to stand up for her at that time? Why are you thinking so wildly now?"


"Because I have seen through your true nature." Shiri glanced at Levin, but she treated the junior student honestly and warmly.

It is worth mentioning that Luna's cooking skills are indeed excellent. The cakes are not only delicious, but also look good.

Perhaps because she was raised by her father alone, she seems to be good at any skill that allows her to entertain herself and take care of herself. For example, she plays well with Circe, the evil witch bird of the Levin family.

However, she didn't stay at Levin's house for long, and soon left singing songs. She also had to give out Christmas gifts to several other neighbors.

If Luna's arrival was just a false alarm for Cirila,

Then the guests arriving in the next few days are the real threat.

On the second day of Christmas, Zhang Qiu came to visit and brought a lot of Dragon Kingdom specialties that ordinary people couldn't get. The two even organized a pure Dragon Kingdom style dinner together.

It must be said that her presence greatly eased Levin's nostalgia for his hometown.

But what gave Ciri the most headache was the last visitor, Hermione Granger.

The arrival of Miss Granger means that the unscrupulous world of two people is completely over, and she has to live a life of three people again.

However, even the life of three people is still very warm compared to being alone in the past few years and the wandering before time travel.

Cirila felt that she was already a little addicted to it,

If she hadn't still been thinking about the fate of her adoptive father and mother, she would probably have said: "I am happy here and don't miss Shu."

The picture shows Lu Shina.

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