Without even a moment mourning Harry's injury, who immediately came to the court was———— Gilderoy Lockhart.

Lockhart said loudly to the anxious students gathered around him, "Don't worry, Harry, I'm just about to fix your arm!"

"No! Just leave it like this, thank you..." Harry tried to stop him.

"Lie back, Harry," Lockhart comforted him and gave him a soothing smile. "This is a simple spell. I have used it countless times and no one knows how to heal arms better than me."

Lockhart said, rolling up his emerald green sleeves: "Everyone, please stand back!"


Harry begged weakly, he had already seen through the other person's true level.

In the end, Mr. Levin was kind-hearted and couldn't bear to see his friend suffer in vain, so he secretly used [Counter Spell].

So, just after Professor Lockhart twirled his wand and chanted the spell, he lay on the ground in an extremely embarrassed posture.

This fall made him look very embarrassed. His originally clean coat was stained with grass blades.

But Lockhart no longer had time to care about this, because he found that he couldn't feel his right leg at all. He looked at the trouser leg of his right leg, and then discovered to his horror that his right leg was like a thick meat boot. No matter how he moved his legs, there was no reaction at all.

His magic had an accident. Not only did it not have the effect of setting bones, it also hit himself:

He had the entire bone removed from his right leg.

Seeing his miserable condition, the little wizards around him took a deep breath. Harry even more lamented his good luck.

Photographer Colin Creevey took crazy photos of Professor Lockhart.

Originally he just wanted to take pictures of his idol Harry, but now he has an unexpected reward.

"Professor Lockhart has been hit by his own spell! Everyone, send them to Madam Pomfrey!"

Levin shouted loudly and took the opportunity to finalize the matter.

So, this time it was Lockhart's turn to drink a full can of Bone Spirit and then stay in the school doctor's room unable to move all night.

But the next day, an unexpected news came. Colin Creevey was attacked last night and his whole person was petrified.

"I heard that he went to visit Professor Lockhart and brought him letters of condolences from his classmates."

In the auditorium, Zhang Qiu took advantage of breakfast time to share gossip with Levin, "I heard that Colin was holding a camera when he was attacked. I wonder if he caught the attacker.

Unlucky children, whether in the original novel or now, who worship the wrong person will bring bad luck to themselves.

"I heard from the seniors that Slytherin built a secret room in the castle. When his true heir comes to the school, he can open the secret room and release the horrible things inside, so that it can purify the school and remove all unworthy ones. Someone who studies magic.”

Hermione also provided the information she had obtained. The girl's eyes were a little melancholy, and she was obviously thinking about her bed identity.

Levin understood her concerns very well, so he quietly gave the girl an amulet.

Four spells are fixed on the amulet: [Detect Hostility], [Level 3·Protection from Evil], [SMS], [Teleport Rune]

Among them, [Detect Hostility] allows her to sense before being attacked.

[Level 3·Protection from Evil] The ring-raising technique is specially used to enhance the effect. Although this spell cannot completely stop the basilisk, it can make the basilisk feel uncomfortable when it is close, causing it to subconsciously stay away from the amulet.

[SMS] and [Teleport Rune] are both one-time use and require Levin to replenish them after consumption.

[SMS] will automatically send a warning message to Levin when the owner of the amulet is attacked.

The [Teleportation Rune] allows Levin to teleport directly to the scene, making it easier for him to buy work in time.

Except for the [Teleportation Rune], this thing does not contain too advanced magic. Even the [Teleportation Rune] is one-time use, so it is very simple to make. Levin made a lot of them in one go.

But even for batch products, Levin does it very delicately.

He followed the aesthetic style of ancient magic guardians and designed the amulet to be made of entangled silver metal vines. It looked very artistic, and the pattern of "Intellect" was outlined on the front of the amulet.

After the last pirated book, Levin began to regard this pattern as his trademark.

The amulet was given to Ciri and Hermione, and even Larry and Daisy from the Forbidden Forest were given one.

After the Weasley twins saw the amulet from Hermione, they specifically approached Levin to cooperate with him.

It just so happened that after Colin was attacked, rumors spread in several colleges.

Especially those young wizards with Muggle origins, most of them have become suspicious.

Many people now always move together in small groups, as if they are afraid that if they act alone, they will be attacked.

Under this circumstance, without telling the teacher, the students began to buy and exchange amulets, amulets, and other devices to protect themselves that they thought were useful.

This was the business the Weasley twins wanted to do.

With Levin's technology, isn't it much more reliable than these purely metaphysical amulets?

They are now in fourth grade and have taken alchemy classes for two years. They feel that they are quite knowledgeable in this area and already want to try the waters and start a small business.

As a result, they hit it off with Ye Wen.

Levin simplified and simplified the amulet,

[SMS] and [Teleport Rune] should be simply removed.

[Detect hostility] is also set to only target magical creatures, and protection from evil) cancels the open loop.

In other words, the entire amulet only requires two constant 1-level spells, one of which is a castrated version of the effect.

Compared with the complexity of the original two 1-level spells, one 2-level spell, and one 5-level spell, the manufacturing difficulty is greatly reduced, and the materials required are also much cheaper.

The cooperation method is also similar to last time.

Levin provides technology and adds an additional amount of start-up capital.

The rest of the manufacturing, publicity, sales, and after-sales work are all completed by the twins.

The final profit is shared equally between both parties.

In addition, Levin also ordered a large number of plain glasses from Muggles and entrusted the twins to sell them together.

Glasses cannot block the death gaze of the basilisk, but there is still a cure for being petrified. Not everyone can have the resurrection service of being stared to death.

Soon, the twins were making a fortune from their amulet business.

[Detect Hostility] Since it only targets magical creatures, it will not show its effect for a while.

But the [Protection from Evil] function showed its face for once.

A Hufflepuff Quidditch player participated in a Quidditch match against Slytherin after purchasing an amulet.

During the game, he was surprised to find that Slytherin's foul tactics rarely hit him.

There were even fewer Bludgers hitting him.

After the game, he learned that those Slytherin players would feel a headache every time they tried to hit him with a Bludger or foul him.

Now, the amulet became popular,

Quidditch players see it as the best way to prevent foul play, while others count on it to combat school violence.

As a result, Levin's amulet became popular for reasons other than the attack.

On the contrary, the sales volume of the plain glasses he purchased has been mediocre.

Levin was unimpressed.

He is not like the Holy Mother who will feed anyone who dies a bottle of [Elixir of Rejuvenation].

But he still had the most basic kindness towards the young wizards at Hogwarts.

He sincerely hoped that few people would die due to the butterfly effect this semester.

Every time he thought about this possibility, Wembledo felt dissatisfied.


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