Starting from the second day, the hottest topic in Hogwarts became the Chamber of Secrets and the heir of Slytherin.

For several days, the students talked about nothing else but the attack on Mrs. Norris.

Filch's performance made everyone never forget this incident:

He often walked around the place where Mrs. Norris was killed, as if he thought the attacker would not come again.

Levin also saw him trying to scrub the writing on the wall with "Skoll's brand all-purpose magic stain remover", but in vain, the writing was still shining brightly on the stone wall.

In fact, the words written on this kind of magic can only be removed by magic.

The reason why this line of writing has remained is essentially because of Professor Dumbledore's instructions.

For the little wizards, it is equivalent to being reminded every time they pass by:

The secret room has been opened and the school is in danger!

Therefore, during this period of time, the students were finally a little more honest, and there were far fewer people going out for night walks at night.

At the same time, the little wizards are doing their best to find clues about the secret room.

There are even more people reading in the library.

However, the secret room is quite secretive, and only a few book owners in the library mentioned it in a few words.

Levin even felt that if senior Tom hadn't opened the secret room once when he was in school and killed a Myrtle,

I am afraid that the legend of the secret chamber has long been lost in the long river of history.

Levin himself also made some preparations to guard against the basilisk.

After visiting Larry and Daisy, Levin went directly to Hagrid's cabin on his way back to the castle from the Forbidden Forest.

In the original work, the culprit deliberately killed all the roosters raised by Hagrid in order to prevent the basilisk from causing an accident.

Therefore, he came here specifically with the intention of asking Hagrid for some roosters in advance and driving them himself.

The mastermind had access to Hagrid's cabin,

But can he interfere with Levin's demiplane?

However, when he arrived at the chicken coop in Hagrid's hut, he found that someone had already beaten him to it!

A figure in a black robe is standing in front of the chicken coop, doing something.

Levin could see that her hair was as red as flames, and her identity was obvious - she was Ginny Weasley who was controlled by the diary in the original book.

When Levin stepped into the chicken coop, there were already several dead roosters lying on the ground, and other chickens were clucking, flapping their wings in the fence, and escaping in all directions.

They wanted to get away from the evil red-haired killer in front of them, but they were blocked by the fence.

The fence that was originally used to protect them has now become an accomplice in killing them.

We can't let her kill all the cocks.

Levin quickly took action:


Levin chose to use instant spells to gain the upper hand, and he was also prepared to fight the opponent for several rounds.

He knew that the one controlling Ginny now was one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

Although the Tom in this diary is only a student, his abilities are no better than those of Voldemort during his victory.

But Levin himself is a little timid when it comes to fighting.

After all, he couldn't really kill Ginny,

So he estimated that the other party could still support him for a few times.

After casting the hypnosis, Guowen was ready for the second spell.

But to Levin's surprise, the Ginny in front of him was completely unprepared and fell into a deep sleep. She fell straight forward and fainted to the ground with a snap.

This situation makes Levin unhappy,

This scene made it seem as if he had attacked the school girl after he was tail-walking.

In order to prevent attacks from Horcruxes, Levin put an [Anti-Evil Magic Circle] on himself, and then stepped forward to check the opponent's condition.

Compared to the healthy Ginny we saw at the beginning of school, she was now pale and physically weak. She had obviously absorbed too much vitality.

But Levin found no trace of possession, and the diary was not with her.

However, when detecting her mind, it was found that her memory was intermittent and there were large gaps.

And the most recent memory is even more confusing.

It seems that the diary has more than just a way of controlling her by possessing her.

Now she comes to kill the rooster, probably because of the spiritual suggestion from the diary.

Fortunately, Levin arrived in time and there were still a few roosters alive, so he selected a few hens, plus all the roosters, and sent them into the courtyard of the tower using the [Mansion Technique].

There, he temporarily opened a chicken shed to raise these chickens.

After returning to Hagrid's cabin, Levin cast [Rejuvenation] on Ginny.

The little girl's face suddenly turned rosy,

This way, she won't be afraid of being sucked to death by the diary so quickly.

Then, while the hypnotic effect was still there, he hid Ginny in the straw in the chicken shed and went straight back to the castle.

Since he couldn't find the diary, he didn't plan to expose himself to avoid alerting the enemy.

As for Ginny herself, she came to kill the chicken only after receiving mental suggestion, and she was completely confused.

And Levin did not expose himself in front of her throughout the whole process,

Of course she couldn't find out that she was attacked,

When she wakes up, she will most likely think that it was an accident, or that the diary was responsible, and it will never involve Levin.

The next day, which was Saturday, happened to be the Gryffindor Quidditch match.

Levin quietly observed the situation at Gryffindor and found that Ginny had come to dine normally and no longer looked as sickly as before, looking very normal.

It seems that she still hasn't told anyone what happened to her - this little witch is worried that she is the descendant of Slytherin.

Due to the competition, the entire Gryffindor table was extremely quiet.

The young wizards of the Gryffindor Quidditch team sat huddled together, all of them looking nervous and taciturn.

All because the opponent they are about to face is Slytherin who has seven Nimbus 2001.

Everyone knows the importance of equipment, but Gryffindor's performance is similar every time. The morale before the game is so low that it seems that the result of this game is worrying.

As eleven o'clock approached, Levin followed the crowd to the Quidditch pitch. Today's weather was hot and humid, with the sound of thunder faintly in the air, and a heavy rain was about to come.

On the field, Gryffindor was almost defeated, but Harry was still trying his best to resist. Not only did he have to overcome the opponent's ferocious attack, but also the heavy rain and bad weather, and - that crazy swimming ball.

Levin heard bursts of laughter coming from the Slytherin stands, because Harry was in a very awkward manner dodging the Bludger, but he still had the energy to track the Golden Snitch in this situation.

"This guy looks pretty good!" Next to Levin, Cirilla commented to Harry, and Ravenclaw's captain Roger also agreed.

"Harry's flying skills are indeed not bad. If it were me, I would have been kicked off the broom! Malfoy is definitely no match for Harry. In this regard, only you two can crush him."

Roger spoke highly of Harry's flying performance today and regarded Gryffindor as a strong opponent of the Ravenclaw team. He felt that without Levin's escort, Zhang Qiu alone would not be able to deal with Harry.

While the three were discussing, exclamations came from the stands,

The errant Bludger finally hit Harry.

Harry's body slid to one side on the rain-soaked broomstick, with the knee of one leg still hooked on the broom and his right hand hanging unconsciously beside his body.

"He caught the Golden Snitch!" Roger yelled!

Under the hazy rain curtain, Harry rushed towards Malfoy who smiled sarcastically.

"He's going to bump into Malfoy, he's such a vengeful boy!" Levin said with a satisfied smile.

There was an exclamation from the crowd,

With a "bang" sound, water splashed everywhere, and Draco and Harry collided.

The two fell off the broom and slid for a distance in the mud.

Harry was pinned down by Draco, his arms hanging there at a very strange angle.

Draco on him did not suffer too serious trauma, but he was obviously a little frightened and was struggling to stay away.

The rain poured down on Harry's face mercilessly,

He lay on the ground groaning. Levin was called by Ronald and Hermione and rushed to the stadium.

Update [5/4], additional update [26/51], the sentiment was miscalculated and additional update

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