My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 128 Lockhart’S Plan To Save His Respect

With the arrival of the first winter snow, the temperature dropped rapidly, and the entire Hogwarts was covered in silver, looking particularly clean and dazzling.

Perhaps because of the cold, the little wizards like to hide in the common room, because the huge fireplace burning the warming spell makes the whole room as warm as spring.

Before you know it, Christmas is coming.

During lunch on Thursday, there was an additional piece of parchment on the notice board at the door of the auditorium.

"Duel Club?" When the little wizards saw the name, they immediately became excited.

"Is the school going to have a dueling club again?" a sixth-grade student asked in surprise, "The last time I heard about this club was the last time, and it has been closed for almost ten years now!"

The little wizards around looked very excited, discussing the contents on the parchment.

"The last time the club was held was ten years ago, when the Death Eaters were defeated due to the death of the Dark Lord. This shows that the original intention of holding the club before was to prevent Death Eaters. When the Death Eaters disappeared, the club was cancelled. Now it is restarted The club seems to have a lot of meaning."

Among the crowd, Levin analyzed carefully.

"Are you sure you're not being alarmist?" Levin's roommate Steve shuddered.

"Who runs this club? Could it be Professor Flitwick? I heard that the dean was a fighting competition champion when he was young." Kevin, another roommate of 200, looked forward to it.

But Levin immediately poured cold water on it: "This club was established with such great fanfare that I was afraid someone wouldn't know about it. I guess it's definitely Lockhart."

"It can't really be him!?"

Levin has a good reputation in Hogwarts. After hearing what he said, many young wizards believed him and were immediately disappointed.

After experiencing this series of overturns, the only people supporting Lockhart are his die-hard fans.

Of course, even if Lockhart's name dissuades the interest of many students, there are still many young wizards who are interested in it.

Even if Lockhart isn't great,

But they can always compete in the Duel Club, right?

Duels are not allowed in the corridors of Hogwarts, and many young wizards have long been broken.

In fact, Levin also has some expectations for this,

Levin had to endure Lockhart's proud face and ask for his autograph every week, and Levin couldn't stand it anymore.

Maybe this time he could get a chance to see Lockhart beat up.

So, at eight o'clock in the evening, Levin came to the auditorium on time.

The long dining table disappeared, and a gilded stage appeared along one wall, lit by hundreds of candles floating above.

The ceiling became as dark as velvet again, and almost all the students from the school were here, crowded together, everyone holding their own wands, their faces full of excitement.

Most students don’t know who founded the club and are looking forward to the next activities.

Finally, with everyone's ardent expectations, the door of the auditorium opened.

Lockhart took the lead and walked in with quick strides.

Wearing a purple robe, he walked out of the red carpet in a few steps. As he walked, he opened his arms towards the little wizards on both sides, revealing his white teeth and iconic handsome smile, as if there were invisible cameras. Like filming him.

Seeing his exaggerated appearance, the little wizards were about to laugh or applaud.

Then he saw Snape following him,

The old bat was wearing black clothes that had not been washed for half a year, his steps seemed to be floating, and he had a cold smile on his lips.

Originally, Lockhart proposed to partner with Professor Flitwick as a mentor, but this task was taken over by Snape.

On the subject of wanting to beat up Lockhart, he coincidentally wrote Levin.

Lockhart waved everyone for silence, then shouted: "Come around, come around! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Great!"

"It's like this. Professor Dumbledore allows me to open a dueling club and fully train everyone in case you need to defend yourself one day. Protect yourself in the same way that I have used countless times - for details on this, please see my published works. ." Lockhart never misses an opportunity to promote his books.

"But we've already bought all his books!" Steve reminded in a low voice.

(cdeb) "But it's a pirated version." Kevin added with a smile.

Both of them were Levin's clients in the beginning.

"Next, please allow me to introduce my assistant, Professor Snape!" Lockhart said, grinning widely. "He told me that he himself knows a little bit about dueling and is willing to help me before class. Make a small demonstration."

"But don't worry, after I finish demonstrating with him, I will return your Potions Master intact to you!"

Lockhart's joke, which he thought was humorous, successfully made Professor Snape's lips purse.

Levin almost laughed out loud,

He was very self-aware that he would never hurt Snape.

But on the other hand, we don't know whether Snape will return Lockhart intact.

Soon, the two began to demonstrate.

First, turn your back to the other person and walk forward to create distance.

Then he turned around and raised his wand in salute.

At least Lockhart bowed, doing so many tricks with his hands that he almost lost his wand.

But Snape just shook his head impatiently,

Then, the two professors raised their wands like arrows to their chests.

The two distanced themselves, took stances, and raised their wands.





Snape's spell was so fast that he couldn't hear it clearly, as if it was finished in a blink of an eye.

Lockhart didn't even react because his body posture didn't change before he was hit.

The whole person flew upside down for three to four meters, fell to the platform with a "plop", and stared at the sky with dull eyes...

Fortunately the carpet was thick, otherwise I would have suffered a concussion from the fall.

His wand flew high into the air and then fell into the crowd.

Malfoy and several other Slytherin students applauded.

Many girls were jumping up and down, covering their mouths and screaming, worried about their idols.

Hermione rolled her eyes: "That's it...that's it? If I had known better, I wouldn't have come. This training method is far worse than your original training.

Levin crossed his arms and nodded boredly.

Then I heard Zhang Qiu ask with red cheeks: "When will you hold training classes, Levin. Whether it is public classes or private classes."

Recently, this fellow's offensive has become more and more enthusiastic, which makes Levin feel overwhelmed.

It was Hermione who stopped her: "Levin is very busy. He has to go to the library to read, so he has no plans to start classes."

Miss Know-It-All stared at the other person with an unkind look.

The Chinese girl didn't take it seriously: "It doesn't matter. If you don't have time at school, you can do it during the holidays. How about this Christmas holiday?"

Good guy, why are you waiting here?

Hermione said that the abacus beads fell off her face. .

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