Hermione was very bold when she took the initiative to join the investigation team.

But on the way back to the break room from the office, he kept his hand tightly around Levin's arm.

It seems that he is afraid of being suddenly attacked by someone.

That gesture made Harry and Ronald look sideways frequently.

It seemed that Filch's incident still scared her.

Levin felt the other person's fear, so he did not stop her from this intimate behavior.

The real unlucky ones, on the other hand, know nothing about future troubles.

Thinking of this, Levin couldn't help but look at Harry, and the Boy Who Lived was stunned.

He was surprised, why was Levin looking at him with pity again?

No, why should I say it again?

In fact, while in Lockhart's office, Levin felt that Dumbledore could actually guess the source of the attack.

At least he could guess that this matter must be related to Harry Potter.

It turned out that "813" was because of no other reason, Harry's level of lying was too low.

"I was too sleepy, so I just went back to bed", I knew it was nonsense as soon as I heard it, especially Ronald, who is greedy, how could he give up the Halloween party for brown bread?

If he believes this, he might as well believe that Levin is Qin Shihuang.

In fact, the reason why Harry did not return to the auditorium to participate in the banquet was because during the process of returning to the auditorium, his "Parseltongue" heard a whisper that no one else could hear.

At Dumbledore's level, even if he couldn't determine what happened, he should be able to see the problem.

If he really cared about the safety of his students, he should have questioned Harry further.

As long as this information can be asked, the source of the attack can basically be determined, and the subsequent troubles in the original work will not happen again.

However, he does not

He insisted on taking this opportunity to train the Boy Who Lived.

Levin was surprised by this,

As Headmaster, shouldn't Dumbledore's first concern be the safety of his students?

Even putting aside the safety of the students (what do you call that?), isn't Dumbledore afraid that Harry will be broken by the whetstone?

From Levin's perspective, it was normal for Harry's knife to be broken by an accident.

Not everyone is as big, thick, and hard as Levin.

In this weird atmosphere, the four of them arrived at the door of Gryffindor's lounge.

When leaving, Hermione lowered her head, her knuckles on her hands turned white, and tightly grasped Levin's clothes, not letting him go.

"What's wrong?" Levin asked softly.

Hermione was shaking all over, suppressing her tears and whispered:

"I've been feeling uneasy tonight. I don't understand... Levin, do those pure-blood families hate us Muggle-born wizards so much?"

Levin sighed slightly, no wonder Hermione was so weird along the way,

It turned out that the impact of what happened tonight on her was not as calm as it seemed.

Being cursed by powerful black magic in Hogwarts, even if it is a cat, is still scary.

"Pure-blood wizards, like Muggles, are a large group. There are good and bad individuals among them, so we cannot generalize them."

Levin comforted him warmly:

"There are some Muggles who think they are noble and would rather risk the world's disapproval to slaughter everyone else as animals, right?"

"So, you want to tell me not to be biased against others because of temporary feelings, right?"

Hermione's eyes flickered and she looked at Levin.

The boy shook his head: "No, what I want to tell you is that in this world, the most important thing is your own strength.

"If you are weak, others will bully you for various reasons and names, such as you are a Muggle, or you are a heretic."

"But when you are really strong, others will not dare to do anything to you, and can only secretly slander you. They will accuse you of discrimination, they will complain about your domineering, but they

—I can’t do anything to you. "

Ah this…………

Hermione was shocked by the boy's somewhat destructive words.

She subconsciously wanted to retort: ​​"But wouldn't this be too overbearing?"

Levin shook his head: "If it were me, I would rather be called overbearing than be unable to call the other person overbearing after being bullied."

"What's more, if you think this kind of thing is overbearing and the world is unfair, then you should make yourself stronger."

"Because only the strong can make the rules,"

"If you are strong enough, you can naturally make it illegal to discriminate against Muggles. You can follow your wishes and the world will become fair and just."

"You are lying!"

That's what Hermione originally wanted to say.

Levin's words subverted her outlook on life.

But her experience with Levin told her that what he said was right.

For example, Malfoy dared to call her a mudblood, but no one in Slytherin dared to say that to Levin.

And after today, Malfoy will probably not dare to talk to him like this again.

This is all deterrence based on Levin's strength.

"I...I understand."

Finally, the little witch nodded vigorously,

"I will work hard to make myself stronger!"

"Then come on," Levin touched her curly hair, "But don't worry too much, because before you become stronger, I will still be by your side.

After watching Hermione return to the Gryffindor lounge, Levin left immediately.

But he did not return directly to the Ravenclaw Tower. Instead, under the cover of [invisibility], he went to the abandoned girls' bathroom on the third floor.

This is where the secret room opens in the original work.

At this time, Ghost Myrtle was not in the bathroom,

Levin quietly came to the sink,

After a brief search, Levin found the faucet with a small snake carved on the side.

According to the original work, just use "Parseltongue" to say "open" to it to open the passage to the secret room.

Levin tried:

"Turn on."

Then he realized that he was using human language,

The Parsnip didn't trigger.

He figured it out after a little thought.

Levin's [Animal Talk] is not Parseltongue after all,

As a spell, [Animal Talk] has fixed trigger conditions.

He must talk to the corresponding animal,

Dead objects cannot trigger [Animal Talk].

Seeing that there was no result, Levin returned to the dormitory obediently.

It seems that it is better not to think about the 0.8 convenience of directly entering the secret room to solve the trouble once and for all.

In this case, let's leave this troublesome matter to Dumbledore's savior.

As for him,

As for the basilisk, just take care of it if you encounter it.

If you haven't encountered it, just pretend it doesn't exist.

Anyway, for Levin today, this is not a big trouble.

If someone around him is petrified, he also has the ability to break the curse, so he doesn't need the "Mandrake Resurrection Agent" at all.

Even if they were unlucky enough to be stared to death by a basilisk, they could be revived directly with the (rejuvenating elixir) made from the Philosopher's Stone.

The only thing I need to worry about is that I have to rush to the scene as soon as possible after they die.

Prevent their bodies from being discovered by others before they are resurrected.

Otherwise, in order to avoid the [Rejuvenation Elixir] being exposed, he would have to use it liberally and forget it.

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