My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 124 Harry Potter And The Study Of The Scarlet Letter

"What happened? What happened?"

Without even a moment of mourning for Malfoy's tragedy, the one who immediately came to the battlefield was - Administrator Filch!

He shouldered his way through the crowd. Then he saw Mrs. Norris, and he stumbled back a few steps, grabbing his face with his hands in horror.

"My cat! My cat! What's wrong with Mrs. Norris?" he screamed.

Then his bulging eyes caught Harry's eye.

"You!" he screamed, "You! You killed my cat! You killed it! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to—"

Levin looked at the desperate administrator and reminded with some pity: "Mr. Filch, Mrs. Norris is not dead, she is just petrified!"

Filch trembled: "Really? You swear! No, no, Mrs. Norris, it, it has..."

At this time, the students pushed aside one after another, and Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall came too.

"Headmaster, Headmaster Dumbledore! Look at Mrs. Norris!" Filch's entire hope was placed on the white wizard.

Dumbledore glanced at the students around him, then glanced at the writing on the wall, then approached the stiff Mrs. Norris and looked at it carefully.

Behind him, Filch was at a loss as to what to say, "Principal, Mr. Green said it's not dead. What Mr. Green said is true, right?"

Dumbledore nodded: "It's still alive."

With that said, he rescued the petrified cat.

"Come with me, Filch," he said softly, "Oh, and Mr. Green, Mr. Potter, and Mr. Weasley, I need your help with something.

“The others go back to rest first.

Lockhart stepped forward eagerly.

"My office is closest to here, the principal - it's right here - you can -

"Thank you, Gilderoy."

The silent crowd parted to let them pass.

Lockhart was very excited and hurriedly followed Dumbledore, looking very proud.

The moment Dumbledore said yes, he had already figured out how to orchestrate himself into a dominant position in his hands.

Professor McGonagall and Snape followed.

Hermione didn't leave, she followed closely behind Levin.

Arriving at Lockhart's office, Dumbledore put Filch on the desk and, while inspecting it carefully, asked the little wizards about the situation.

Behind him, several young wizards made eye contact where they couldn't see,

Harry opened his mouth and silently told Levin and Hermione: "I have nothing to do with this."

But he soon didn't dare to do this, because he found Snape standing behind them, half hidden in the shadows, staring straight at him. "That malicious look made him very uncomfortable."

Harry remembered Levin saying that Professor Snape's hairline was a bit dangerous...

He was willing to give his hair to Snape and let him make a beautiful wig, just asking him to let him go.

Of those present, the most active one was naturally Lockhart.

He circled around Dumbledore, making suggestions and talking non-stop.

"It must have been killed by a spell... I guess it was the Transformation Torture Curse. I have seen others use this spell many times. It's a pity that I was not there at the time. I happened to know the method of undoing the spell, which could have saved the life." its......"

Dumbledore said nothing and continued to Lady Liz,

"...I remember something very similar happened in Ouagadougou," Lockhart continued, "A series of attacks are recorded in detail in my autobiography." At that time, I provided various amulets to the people, and the problem was solved immediately..."

However, his words were interrupted by Dumbledore.

"Mrs. Norris is petrified." He concluded.

"Ah, I think so too," Lockhart immediately agreed, as if the person who spoke three minutes ago was one of his cousins, "No one knows the petrification spell better than me.

Levin and others covered their mouths from behind and almost laughed out loud. Harry laughed the most.

He was tricked by Lockhart in Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

But then he suddenly discovered that having such a professor can be quite enjoyable sometimes.

But immediately, Harry knew he was wrong,

Because the firepower was transferred to him again,

"It must have been Harry!" Filch accused, "You saw what he wrote on the wall!"

"Harry, what did you do to Filch!"

After Lockhart was slapped in the face by the speed of light, he also noticed that the students were laughing at him and immediately cooperated to deflect the conflict.

"I didn't touch it at all!" Harry shouted. "When I arrived at the scene, it was already on the ground.

"Please allow me to interrupt, Headmaster." Snape said suddenly.

"Of course." Dumbledore nodded.

"Maybe, Potter just wasn't supposed to be in that place at that time."

Harry couldn't believe that Snape would actually speak for him.

But immediately, he realized that he had thought too much.

"But we did encounter a series of doubts. Why on earth did he go up to the corridor? Why didn't he attend the Halloween party?"

"I went to Nick's death anniversary party... there were hundreds of ghosts there, and they could prove I was there——"

Harry was busy trying to prove it, but Wu Chen didn't have a ghost present at the scene.

Suddenly, he looked at Levin:

"By the way, we were with Levin and Hermione before we attended the death anniversary party, and they could prove it.

Levin nodded: "Yes, I watched them attend the death anniversary party with my own eyes.

"But after this, why don't you come to the party?" Snape said, his dark eyes sparkling in the candlelight. "Why the upper corridor?"

"Because————because————" Harry lied: "I'm tired and want to go to bed."

"No dinner?" Snape chased him, "I think the food provided by ghosts at the party is probably not suitable for living people."

…Please give me flowers…

"Because of you we... we were full! We had a piece of brown bread!"

Ronald said loudly, and he took out a thumb-sized crumb of bread from his pocket.

The brown bread that has been stored for a long time is as hard as a brick.

"Stop eating the delicacies at the banquet and insist on eating black bread..."

Snape's sneer deepened.

"Because...because I like brown bread," Ronald said without hesitation, "Black bread is the best."

As he spoke, as if to prove this point, he threw the piece of hard black bread into his mouth and started chewing it.

Levin could hear the sound of raw bricks being chewed.

In the end, it was Dumbledore who had the final word.

"Harry is innocent until proven guilty, Severus."

Then he looked at the aggrieved Filch,

"It requires the most profound black magic to cause petrification, and it is impossible for second-year students to do this.

Behind him, Levin shook his head secretly.

In fact, he can do just that.

Having mastered the [Transformation School Specialization], after reaching LV11 wizard, he quickly mastered the two six-ring spells [Petrification] and [Removing Petrification].

This is not a temporary stiffness caused by [all petrification].

It is similar to the petrified demonic eye of Medusa, and the "full-body-bound petrified seed" that was hijacked by ancient demons.

The kind that cannot be changed back until no one breaks the curse.

But that doesn't stop him from being a second grader.

Of course, even if he could [remove petrification], he didn't intend to be exposed just like that.

The hand I showed at the Halloween dinner just now is enough to gain exposure for a period of time.

Of course he needs this kind of hot-button event to maintain his reputation among the little wizards.

But he doesn't need to show up twice in a short period of time.

Mrs. Norris is not worthy of his rash action.

Unless the threat of petrochemicals continues to rage and the school cannot come up with a response in a short period of time,

At that time, panic had accumulated to a certain level, and this was a good time to take action.

As for now - teasing Dumbledore should be done in moderation.

Dumbledore continued to comfort Filch: "Mrs. Sprout planted some mandrakes this term. Once they grow up, I have a potion that can bring Lady Norris back to life."

"I'll make it," Lockhart interjected. "I must have made it a hundred times. I can make the Dera Resurrection Potion while I'm dreaming - no one can do the Jamandra Resurrection Potion better than me."

I understand, I understand, you all understand, why don’t you go to the United States to compete with a man named Trump who “understands Buddhism in the West”?

Levin groaned inwardly.

Sure enough, the slap in the face came.

"You don't need to do that," Snape interrupted, "I'm the Potions teacher!"

"That's a shame," Lockhart couldn't help but shook his head, "Snape, you will regret it."

But finally everything came to a preliminary conclusion, and the four Levins were able to leave and return to the dormitory to die.

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