Not to mention the tragic encounter that Harry and Ronald are about to face,

In the auditorium, the Halloween banquet began soon. The entire auditorium was decorated with lights and candlelight. There were gold plates on the table, which showed a golden halo under the candlelight and looked very attractive.

Just when the little wizards were salivating, misty singing suddenly sounded in the auditorium, suppressing all the noise.

Suddenly, the hall became quiet.

Everyone looked around, looking for the source of the singing.

As a burst of smoke filled the air, a row of skeletons in gorgeous clothes emerged from under the floor.

They twist their skeletons exaggeratedly to the music.

Many timid little witches were frightened and screamed by the sudden appearance of the skeleton, but they soon realized that this was a group of performers from afar.

Dumbledore's promise to invite the skeleton dance troupe came true.

Suddenly another high platform rose up among the skeletons, and several skeletons dressed as Japanese women were on the high platform.

That song comes from her,

However, during the singing process, the empty-looking jaw opened and closed, which looked very funny.

The weird skeleton singing, combined with the mechanical skeleton dance, creates a weird, eerie and joyful atmosphere.

But obviously, the little wizards are not interested in this relatively boring dance.

Just when they were drowsy,

The singing on the stage suddenly changed 180 degrees,

The ethereal and dull music suddenly became lively and rhythmic,

The singer's lyrics have also changed from antique-like old songs to novel ones:



At the same time, the dancing postures of the accompanying skeletons became more dynamic,

Although it still has the inherent mechanicalness and stiffness of the skeleton, there is a beating rhythm in the machinery, making people unable to help but dance along with it.

The little wizards immediately became excited and looked at the stage in surprise.

Many senior Muggle wizards said that they seemed to have heard this song before.

Only Dumbledore, who was sitting at the teacher's table, frowned: "I remember that this is not the music I ordered... By the way, what is the name of this song? It sounds pretty good.

Then he saw Levin on the long table of Ravenclaw waving his wand towards the skeleton dance group like a conductor.

Although he didn't know how he did it, Dumbledore felt relieved immediately.

At least it was the students in the college who caused the accident, not some guy with ulterior motives.

On the long table, Levin continued to wave his wand, directing this whim (cbec) performance.

Through the [Dead Corpse Controlling] of the Necromancy School, as well as [Magic Mouth Technique] and [Phantom Sound Technique],

He successfully controls the skeleton dance troupe to perform his own performance.

The skeletons move in unison, dancing mechanically to the beat of the music.

Stand on tiptoes, twist hips, turn around, step, twist neck, turn around, look back

The magical dance moves make many little wizards imitate them.

The skeleton singer also sang the lyrics loudly:




The dynamic lyrics have already made many wizards sing along,

What was originally a dull performance has turned into a disco scene.

Finally, these exciting ten minutes passed,

Until the music ended, the little wizards were still tapping the golden plate with their knives and forks, whistling, and clapping their hands.

The skeleton dance troupe saluted around them and then went back underground.

There was thunderous applause in the auditorium,

Ravenclaw received a lot of applause from Levin, and many of them had discovered that Levin secretly changed the performance.

"What wonderful music! Thank you to the Skeleton Dance Company and thank you to Mr. Green for the performance."

Professor Dumbledore appeared in the middle of the stage. He pointed at the non-existent tears in the corners of his eyes and said with emotion.

The applause was even louder, and the little wizards were surprised to find that this academic master was not only a versatile person, but also a very cool guy.

Levin accepted everyone's praise with a smile,

He felt that relying on this skill, he would definitely dominate the entertainment industry in the magical world after graduation.

"Then let's celebrate and let go of eating!"

With the joy after the performance, the Halloween dinner officially began.

Everyone ate to their heart’s content,

While Levin was enjoying dessert, he couldn't help but think of the two unlucky little guys who attended the death anniversary party.

Nowadays, they must be facing a table of rotting kitchen waste and have to chew raw black bread to satisfy their hunger.

Come, they may have to face an even more unlucky fate,

After the dinner, Levin followed the bustling crowd out of the auditorium and stepped onto the stairs.

Suddenly, the lively and chirping sounds disappeared, and the students in front stopped and saw a terrible scene.

Between the two windows, on the wall a foot high from the ground, there were some writings daubed on it, glimmering under the light of the burning torch.

The secret room has been opened. Those who are enemies of the heir should be alert.

Under the sign, Mrs. Norris, the administrator Filch's beloved cat, hung her tail from the torch bracket, her body as stiff as a board, and her eyes wide open and staring.

In the corridor, there is a pool of water.

Harry and Ronald stood alone at the end of the wall, looking panicked.

But that kind of appearance gives people the feeling that everyone has gained something.

"not me……………"

Harry hurriedly wanted to explain,

Before he could finish speaking, Malfoy squeezed his way out of the crowd.

His cold eyes became vivid, and his usually bloodless face turned red. He looked at the typed words, and then glanced at the little wizards around him.

Then he saw Hermione, the Muggle girl who had embarrassed him so much.

"Those who are enemies of the heir, be careful! You will be next, Mu..."

Malfoy suddenly found himself speechless, and then he realized that everyone around him suddenly became huge... No, he should have shrunk.

Then he looked at his hand, which was a brown-green hand with mucus, and there was poof between the fingers - he was actually turned into a toad.

Then he saw Levin standing out from the crowd, walking up to him and grabbing him from the ground.

Malfoy's two followers tried to rush forward, but Levin did not turn around or even use his wand.

A pool of thick oil suddenly appeared at the feet of the two followers, and they fell down on the spot, just like they did last time on the court.

Sure enough, you haven’t learned your lesson.

Looking at the trembling toad in front of him, Levin sneered: "Don't be afraid, I won't kill you. I'm just curious, who gave you the courage to speak like this in front of me for the second time, huh?" !”

Malfoy opened his mouth and tried to explain, but all he could hear was a "croak".

Even so, the boy heard what the other party wanted to say.

He just shook his head: "Your good-for-nothing dad can't control me, even if he is a school director."

"I hope this is the last time I hear the word mudblood from your mouth, otherwise..."

Levin said, using his wand to make a gesture on the toad's belly.

"Just prepare to be a toad for the rest of your life."

As he said that, he tossed it casually,

Malfoy, who was transformed by [Maleficent Transfiguration], returned to his human form.

He immediately screamed in panic, pissed himself, picked up two followers and ran away.

At this moment, there were bursts of footsteps behind him.

It's the professors who are coming. .

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