Levin's feat of creating a natural temple to purify negative emotions was not only unanimously welcomed by the two female companions, but also praised by the four portraits.

Divination professor Rackham had previously hinted that the reason why Levin Animagus is a synthetic beast composed of representative creatures from the four major academies is because he has the beautiful qualities of the four major academies.

If he said this before, it was out of encouragement and hint to Levin,

So now in the portraits of the four professors, Wei Wen has really become a symbol of the beautiful qualities of the four major colleges.

Simply put, Levin's courage to face their challenges is enough to prove that he has the courage, courage and boldness of a Gryffindor;

His series of self-created spells and witty responses in battle reflect Ravenclaw's erudition, wisdom, shrewdness and intelligence;

His ability to not be limited by the advice of professors, insist on his own opinions, and lead his companions along the way shows that he has the ambition, shrewdness, cunning, and leadership of Slytherin.

In the end, he was able to ignore the danger of the seal and take the risk to build the temple in order to eliminate the huge threat to Hogwarts. It can be seen that he has the diligence, kindness, loyalty, honesty and fairness of Hufflepuff.

In short, a bunch of rainbow farts made Levin feel embarrassed.

He even began to think about whether he really did this out of the greatness of his heart.

Rather than looking for a spiritual foundation to create a heroic spirit that can serve oneself.

Of course, it’s no wonder that the four portraits praise Levin so much.

It was really too much trouble that Levin solved for them.

It can be said that this huge evil magic is the reason why the guardian inheritance has been cut off for a long time, and it is also the source of a series of tragedies over the past hundreds of years.

And the four of them had their own sins in the process of creating this trouble.

They personally cultivated Morgana, but failed to guide her well in her growth, which ultimately led to tragedy.

They must be found guilty of negligence.

Now, Levin has solved all their worries.

It is no exaggeration to say that Levin is a great benefactor to the Guardians.

Since Levin is a great benefactor, the conditions imposed by the great benefactor must be implemented unconditionally.

As a result, the four of them not only agreed to teach Levin all the techniques for making ancient magic golems, but

He also promised that before the next Guardian is born, this map secret room and the cave under the secret room will be completely open to Levin for his use.

In other words, Levin's secret base at Hogwarts +1.

Now, he only has two years left to wait before getting a heroic spirit of his own.

After this exciting journey of ancient magic, the three people's campus life returned to peace.

Class as usual, get out of class as usual,

Add points to the college as usual, go to the restricted book area to borrow books as usual,

Twice a week, Quidditch training as usual,

On weekends, we went to the Forbidden Forest for a night tour as usual, to see the unicorn Lari and the centaur druid Daisy.

In the blink of an eye, late autumn has arrived, and a strange cold wave suddenly hits from East Greenland.

A chill began to spread throughout Hogwarts.

Due to the cold wave, a cold suddenly broke out among the students and professors, leaving Madam Pomfrey in a hurry.

Not only Professor Snape, but also Levin was roped in as a strongman to help brew the potion.

According to Snape, the little wizards can drink it.

But if you have to find one of them that is okay, then Levin Green's potion is probably worthy of Muggles and Squibs.

Levin: You are quite a nice person.

In order to fight the cold, they need to brew a refreshing potion,

This potion has an immediate effect, but people who drink it will have smoke coming out of their ears for several hours.

Lockhart, whose reputation had declined, stood up again and tried to teach Madam Pomfrey some "recipes" to treat colds, such as disinfectant.

He even claimed: "No one knows colds better than me!"

Then, he himself caught a cold,

So Snape rewarded him with a bottle of concentrated version of the refreshing potion, which made Lockhart's head work as a train for two or three days.

This is also the first time Levin has seen the old bat so pleasantly.

Under the influence of the cold wave, the weather in Scotland has also become particularly bad.

Hogwarts seems to have suddenly entered the rainy season.

Raindrops as big as bullets pattered on the windows of the castle and did not stop for several days.

The water in the Black Lake rose, causing a muddy flow in the flower beds. The pumpkins planted by Hagrid swelled to the size of a flower shed.

He planted these to hang in the auditorium on Halloween.

Soon, Halloween arrived.

When the sweet pumpkin smell fills the entire castle, it means Halloween is coming. The students in the school are happily preparing to participate in the Halloween party.

The auditorium was decorated with live bats as usual at this time.

The huge pumpkins planted by Hagrid were carved into lanterns, and there was also a small castle that could accommodate a person sitting in it.

The most interesting or terrifying thing is that there is a spider web hanging on the top of the auditorium's porch, with a giant black spider "lying" on it, twitching its hairy legs from time to time.

Steve secretly told Levin that Dumbledore had booked a skeleton dance troupe to entertain everyone at the dinner.

Levin was speechless when he heard this. A bunch of skeletons were dancing. What's so good about ribs?

Dumbledore just likes fancy things.

But soon, he had an idea and came up with a brilliant idea.

Among the eight schools of arcane magic he mastered, most of the schools' spells were used by him in learning and combat.

Only necromancy spells he didn't use often.

It’s a waste that the expertise of [Necromancy School Specialization] provides so many necromancy spells.

Because most of the spells of this school deal with death and the undead, it is easy to ruin your reputation if you apply them rashly.

While discussing the Skeleton Dance Company, the two walked into the auditorium and happened to meet the Gryffindor trio, chatting with ghosts.

"Hey, Harry, don't forget to see you in the underground classroom at seven o'clock in the evening."

The ghost of Gryffindor, Nearly Headless Nick ordered.

When Nick walked away, Harry began to sigh: I had completely forgotten about the death anniversary party. "

Some time ago, Harry was punished by the gatekeeper Filch for accidentally bringing muddy water into the castle. Fortunately, with Nick's help, he escaped.

As a price, he was invited to attend Nick's death anniversary party.

"Actually, Nick also invited me to attend the death anniversary party of Mrs. Togre (Helena), and he also told me that there would be a performance by the Headless Horseman Hunters," Levin said, holding back a smile, "but I refused. ."

It seems that Harry and Ronald are the only fools who were fooled by Nick.

"Can I not go? Just say I have a stomachache." Ronald regretted hearing what Levin said.

Harry nodded in agreement.

Is it that the food made by the house elves is no longer good, or is it that Dumbledore's jokes are no longer cool?

The most important thing is that he can see Zhang Qiu in the auditorium from time to time, which is the happiest thing.

"Since you promised, you must keep your promise." Hermione reminded.

"That's easy for you to say. You don't have to go anyway." Harry muttered dissatisfied.

"I didn't say yes then!" Hermione said, taking Levin's arm, "right?"

She didn't want to give up the steaming feast at the wonderful Halloween party and choose to go to the cold basement with two useless men to spend the night with a group of ghosts.

Just thinking about this scene gave her a headache.

Seeing his friend abandoning him and preparing to walk into the golden auditorium with Levin,

Harry and Ronald were even more uncomfortable.

Before leaving, Levin threw them two pieces of black bread.

"This is.…………"

Harry took the rough bread with a puzzled look on his face.

The elves at Hogwarts are good at cooking, and the food quality at Hogwarts far exceeds that of the entire Great Yin.

Being used to the delicacies of Hogwarts, Harry said that he would not even eat black bread dogs.

"Take it first, Harry. You'll need it later."

Levin said in a gloating tone,

These two little fools didn't know that the ghost's banquet could not contain living food.

In fact, ghosts like to enjoy food with strong taste because of their lack of taste.

Stinky tofu and durian are both children’s favorites.

What they like most is burnt or moldy food because it has a strong smell.

"By the way, when the time comes, help me see if there is the famous Louis XVI in the Headless Horseman Hunters."

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