The two sides in the confrontation were the Quidditch players from the two houses of Gryffindor and Slytherin.

"Haha, what kind of weather is it today? Even Ravenclaw is here!" Marcus Flint, Slytherin's Quidditch captain, sneered.

"This is our training time! We woke up very early! Please get out!" Oliver Wood, Gryffindor's Quidditch captain, yelled angrily.

Marcus Flint was bigger than Wood,

He replied with the sly air of a troll: "It's a big place here - Wood."

At this time, the Gryffindor female team members, Alia, Angelina and Katie also came looking for the sound.

There were no girls among the Slytherin team members. They stood side by side in a row, squinting at the Gryffindor team members with exactly the same expression.

"But I've reserved the stadium!" Wood said sharply, "I've reserved it!"

"Oh," said Flint, "but I have a specially signed note from Professor Snape. I, Professor Severus Snape, have given permission for the Slytherin team to train on the Quidditch pitch today.

Train their new Seekers. "

Levin watched them noisy from behind and found it very interesting.

Especially Gryffindor and Slater,

Their captains, Wood and Flint, literally mean wood followed by flint. No wonder the two quarreled as soon as they met.

"What a coincidence, we also have Professor Gilderoy Lockhart's specially signed permission!" Roger interrupted not to be outdone, "Wait, you have a new Seeker? Who is it?"

A smaller boy appeared from behind the six tall team members, with a proud smile on his pale pointed face.

It was Draco Malfoy.

But what Levin noticed were the brooms in their hands.

Seven brand-new, smooth and shiny flying broomsticks, with seven lines of beautiful gold characters "Nimbus 2001", dazzled the team members' eyes in the morning sunshine.

"The latest model, just came out last month,"

Flint said nonchalantly, lightly dusting off a bit of dust from the top of his broom.

"I believe it is much faster than Harry and Levin's Nimbus 2000 series."

"As for the old-fashioned sweeping seven stars,"

He glanced at the two teams maliciously,

Sweeping Seven Stars is indeed the mainstream, and the Weasley twins have even older Sweeping Five Stars.

"These brooms, use them to sweep the floor."

For a moment, the training ground was silent.

Levin and Shirley looked at each other, and both showed the brooms in their hands.

How do you know I changed to Nimbus 2001?

Wood's face became even paler. The two main opponents actually started to replace the latest brooms.

Krypton gold rich people are so outrageous, can this game still be played?

Malfoy stared into Harry's eyes, licking his dry lips, his eyes burning.


The distance between him and Potter is even closer!

Although one of them is a Gryffindor and the other is a Slytherin, they are separated from each other by the academy.

But on the court, he can communicate with Potter about his playing skills.

When the game starts, they can chase each other to their heart's content in public, and have physical collisions and exchanges on the broomsticks in simple and easy-to-understand terms until they are dripping with sweat.

This awkward Slytherin boy has been trying to be friends with Potter since the day he entered first year.

But because the method was too naive and the pure-blood shame Weasley hindered him, he has always been "unable to love".

But in Malfoy's heart, Potter is actually the same person as him, and they should be friends!

Just when his thoughts were wandering, the annoying Weasley suddenly appeared.

Hermione and Ronald came together to visit Quidditch practice.

After receiving training from Levin, Miss Granger was finally able to appreciate the fun of Quidditch.

"What's wrong?" Ronald asked Harry strangely, "Why don't you play ball? Why are there three teams here?"

"I'm the Slytherin team's new Seeker, Weasley,"

Malfoy showed off proudly, hoping to defeat his opponent in this way,

"Just now everyone was admiring the brooms my dad bought for our team."

As he said that, he looked at Ronald with evil intentions: "So, what are you doing here? Weasley? This is the territory of Quidditch players, and you are not welcome here!"

"Listen, Weasley, there is going to be a Quidditch match at Hogwarts. Harry and I will both be attending, but guess who won't be invited?"

Ronald's face turned red with anger at his words,

He really wanted to play ball with Harry, chase each other to their heart's content in public, and have physical contact and communication on the broom in a simple and easy way until they were dripping with sweat.


But unfortunately he has neither talent nor money, so he can't do this at all.

If it was in the past, if it couldn't be done, it wouldn't be possible.

But now Malfoy actually became a Quidditch player,

The thought of Malfoy being able to chase each other on the field with his Harry, having physical contact and communication on the broom in a simple and easy-to-understand manner until he was sweating profusely, made him so angry that his liver ached.

Malfoy's triumphant appearance really attracts hatred.

At least Hermione couldn't stand it.

"At least none of the Gryffindors have to pay to join the team," Hermione scoffed bitterly, "They get in purely based on ability."

Being poked in the painful spot, Malfoy's proud face turned red, and he became angry and said: "No one asked you, you stinking little mudblood."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong.

It seems that there are rumors that the mudblood has a good relationship with the guy from Ravenclaw!

Although that person was also a Mudblood, he was someone he couldn't afford to offend.

Unfortunately, it's too late to regret.

After he said these words, it was like a depth charge.

Flint had to rush in front of Draco to prevent someone from jumping on him and fucking him.

Alia screamed: "How dare you!"

Even Ronald, who only quarreled with Hermione every few days, subconsciously took out his wand.

Zhang Qiu looked at Levin nervously, fearing that he would do something terrible.

.........Please give me flowers...

She had been paying attention to this handsome fellow member for a long time and knew about Hermione's relationship with him.

Just a few days ago, Scamander confirmed in front of everyone that Levin killed a Chimera with his own hands and escaped unscathed, completing a feat that no wizard in history has been able to accomplish.

If he puts the means to deal with the Chimera on Malfoy, then he will have to become Malfoy-chan.

Now I can only hope that as a Muggle born, he doesn't know what "Mudblood" means.

However, in her eyes, Levin looked serious at this time, frowning, staring at Malfoy closely,

Obviously he knows how dirty this sentence is.

But he just crossed his arms and had no intention of taking action.

"Is it difficult for him to have a conflict with Hermione?"

Zhang Qiu guessed with some surprise,

But soon, she understood the real reason.

Levin didn't take action because he felt he didn't need to do so.

Because Hermione took matters into her own hands.


Before anyone could react, a red light passed over Flint's shoulder and hit Malfoy's face.

His wand and Nimbus 2001 flew out, and he stumbled.

But it's not over yet,

Hermione waved her wand again,

"[Activated Rope]!"

Malfoy's clothes immediately seemed to come to life, twisting on their own, and quickly tied up the original owner.

At this time, Malfoy lost his weapon and could not move his hands and feet. He could only twist around on the ground like a green maggot.

Seeing Malfoy being attacked, his two little followers couldn't stand it anymore.

As Slytherins, Crabbe and Goyle do not have the cunning of Slytherins. Their IQs are very worrying, but they are very tall and strong.

Their families have been attached to the Malfoy family for generations.

Their fathers licked Lucius Malfoy,

And they are Draco's followers,

Now that they saw their boss suffering a loss, they subconsciously rushed forward.

Facing the two men's surprise attack, Hermione showed no fear.

"[Grease Technique]!"

A thick pool of oil appeared under their feet,

The two big fools both slipped and fell.

Hermione resisted the urge to add a [Burning Hand] and used [Activated Rope] twice more to tie up the two of them.

Fortunately, she was calm enough, otherwise they would have been imprisoned in the school doctor's office.

Hermione's wonderful performance shocked everyone around her,

In less than ten seconds, Hermione completed three kills by herself.

Is this still Hermione?

"No wonder you didn't take action.

Zhang Qiu looked at Levin with more complicated eyes.

He knew very well that Hermione from last semester was not at this level.

She heard from Prefect Penello that Levin bought a house in the village of Ottery St. Catchpole during the summer vacation.

Miss Granger spent her summer vacation with him,

Now that she has such fighting power, it is all due to this boy. .

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