The tides at Hogwarts change as quickly as the wind,

Within a few days, the "Annals of Fantastic Beasts", a niche academic magazine, became popular among the young wizards at Hogwarts.

Walking on campus, you will see a little wizard holding a book almost every few steps.

Everyone rushed to read the articles inside, especially Levin's "Anatomical Analysis of Chimaera Beasts and the Formation Mechanism of Its Dark Magic Power", regardless of whether they understood it or not.

Then in the communication with colleagues, he mentioned a few awkward terms in the paper, such as "pericardiophrenic artery", "atrial isovolumetric systole", etc., as if not doing so was not enough to prove that he understood.

During lunch time, Harry was eating lunch with Ronald and Hermione at the long Gryffindor table, and he saw Hermione spreading a copy of the "Fantastic Beasts Yearbook" on an empty dinner plate.

She kept holding the magazine after eating, and occasionally picked up a pen to write something on it.

"I said Hermione, could you stop holding that magazine all the time!" Ronald said impatiently, "I really don't understand what's so good about that kind of book."

"Of course, everyone is reading the "Annals of Magical Beasts" now. If you read Levin's paper, you will realize how little your previous understanding of magical creatures was."

Hermione retorted sharply,

"Even Mr. Scamander highly praised this paper, especially the experimental methods used in 340. There are many thought-provoking methods that cannot be learned in textbooks.

"Don't you study with Levin every day? Doesn't it seem to him that you are hiding something secret?" Harry asked doubtfully.

"Levin is not that kind of person!"

Hermione frowned and asked Levin's defense seriously,

"It's just that some theories are too advanced and I can't master them yet... In fact, 'being able to understand' and 'being able to see through the theory behind' are two different things. In the process of writing this article, he conducted many experiments that I They all participated in it personally, but that doesn’t prevent him from writing this article, but I can’t.”

"This article actually has your credit?"

Ronald said sourly, and he didn’t know where the target of his sourness was.

"If it were me, I would also strongly appreciate that article."

Harry poked Ronald.

Ronald said unhappy: "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?!"

"Of course that's not right! I just recommend this article purely from the academic field, and it has nothing to do with whether I participated in it or not!"

Hermione stared at him fiercely, and Ronald felt as if he was being stared at by Professor McGonagall.

"Mr. Weasley, if I were you, I would try my best to write articles like that instead of saying weird things!"

Hermione snorted, turned away from talking to Ronald, and continued to draw in the magazine.

Harry had a headache and was afraid that the two of them would quarrel again - this happened often since the first night of school - and quickly changed the subject: "Hermione, what are you writing?"

After Ronald heard this, he couldn't help but leaned over, and then said in surprise: "Why did you draw a heart on Levin's name? I saw Parvati Patil would do this on Lockhart's class schedule."

When her little secret was revealed, Hermione closed the magazine suddenly and blushed angrily: "This is none of your business!"

After saying that, he stood up and put away his books.

"Goodbye! I'm going to the library!"

She glared at Ronald and left in a hurry.

When Hermione walked away, Harry whispered: "Ronald, you shouldn't ask that question, that's too stupid.

"I'm just curious. Why is she so sensitive? Parvati was like this before." Ronald curled his lips and said.

"You provoked Parvati before?" Harry was speechless.

"It's just a glance. Don't you think there's something wrong with Hermione, Parvati and the others? Or are girls so sensitive?"

Until this moment, Ronald didn't realize what he had done wrong, and even tried to persuade Harry,

"It's not like us. You see, we usually have so much fun and we never quarrel like that."

Harry sighed,

If it were in the past, he wouldn't think there was something wrong with Ronald.

But recently, he suddenly wanted to draw a heart on the name of the girl named Zhang Qiu.

Therefore, he began to feel the same way about certain things.

Seeing that Harry didn't speak, Ronald said to himself: "Forget it, just be angry when you're angry, since she won't copy her homework for us anyway."

Harry was even more speechless,

Do you want (biaa) to listen to what you are saying.

Have you forgotten how you passed your first grade exam?

He shook his head, and finally took out a copy of the "Magical Yearbook of Magical Beasts" from his bag.

"No, Harry, you actually read this magazine?"

Ronald felt betrayed for a moment.

But Harry said without realizing it: "I just suddenly discovered that I am still very interested in magical creatures."

The reason was certainly not as simple as Harry made it sound.

At breakfast today, he saw with his own eyes Zhang Qiu holding a copy of the "Magical Yearbook of Magical Beasts" asking Levin for his autograph, and asking him questions.

That was the treatment he dreamed of.

It seems that Zhang Qiu also likes this magazine very much.

If he can understand it, there won't be no topics to talk about when he has the opportunity to chat with Zhang Qiu in the future.

So he borrowed a copy from George and Fred,

Unexpectedly, when he turned to Levin's article with a long title, he was embarrassed to find that he couldn't understand it at all.

In fact, this is also a problem faced by most young wizards, including Zhang Qiu.

There is a huge gap between them and Levin.

Only certain senior students could see the excellence of this piece of paper.

For example, Ravenclaw’s prefect Penello,

She had patted her thigh more than once, envious of Xili's decisiveness.

"Why wasn't I as shameless as you before?"

She leaned on Xili's shoulder and pretended to cry,

"It would be great if I could be so shameless as an old cow eating young grass."

Then he turned around and was spanked by Shirley.

Because I really couldn’t understand it, the Fantastic Beasts Almanac craze passed quickly.

Harry no longer has to worry about how to have a common topic with the goddess in his heart when he can't understand the paper.

And soon, he got the opportunity to write about a goddess face to face.

This year's Quidditch season is coming,

Since last year's game, Ravenclaw has been motivated by Levin and is determined to defend the Academy Cup and Quidditch Cup under Levin's leadership.

Ciri was particularly concerned about this matter, and she urged Roger to apply for permission to use the Quidditch training ground earlier.

"Your method is really great, Levin!"

On the way to the stadium, Roger was happy and disappointed at the same time.

"Same as you said, with just a few compliments, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart will gladly donate his signature and not care where you use it. I don't understand.

Why would my mother be obsessed with this guy? "

Levin is also very satisfied with this result.

In Ravenclaw, Roger is known as a loudmouth,

After this news spreads, many young wizards will definitely go to Lockhart to get signatures.

There should be many visitors to the Restricted Book Zone this year.

When the time comes when he uses Lockhart's signature to go to the restricted book area, there shouldn't be any surprises.

He was thinking like this as he came to the Quidditch pitch,

As a result, I saw from a distance that there were already people there,

A total of two groups of people were facing each other in the center of the stadium. .

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