Seeing his teammates being knocked down, Flint finally couldn't bear it anymore and yelled: "Everyone, come with me, don't let her get too arrogant!"

No matter how much Malfoy curses, he is still a junior in the same house and a player on the team.

If he was beaten in front of someone and he didn't take action, then who would believe him in the future.

What's more, my family just donated a batch of Nimbus 2001 to the team.

Just for the broomstick's sake, they had to avenge Malfoy.

Chaser Adrian Pusey asked weakly: "Are you really going to take action? Levin Green is watching from the side. It is said that he has a good relationship with the girl.

When Flint heard this, he became furious: "There are so many of us. No matter how powerful Levin Green is, he may not be able to kill us all before his magic power is exhausted!"

The Slytherins thought he was right, so they all pointed their wands at Hermione.

Now, the situation became serious.

The three Malfoys are just three young wizards who have just entered the second grade. They have not mastered a few spells, but they take up a lot of people.

And now, including Flint, there are six or seven Slytherins, each of whom is in the fourth year or above and has mastered many more spells than the little wizards in the lower grades.

For Hermione, it is undoubtedly a big trouble.

Under Xili's gaze, Zhang Qiu took the initiative to approach Levin and asked, "Why, aren't you ready to take action now?"

Ever since she heard that Levin killed the Chimaera with his own hands, she had always wanted to see Levin's heroic fighting spirit.

But Levin still crossed his arms, looking confident: "It doesn't matter, Hermione can handle it."

Facts have proved that Miss Granger’s response is indeed amazing:

Facing the siege of six or seven people, she was not prepared to resist forcefully.

That's the stupidest way to fight,

All she saw was a wave of her magic wand:

"[Cloud and Mist Technique]!"

In an instant, the surroundings became filled with smoke, and the Slytherins suddenly lost track of her.

If you don't even know where your opponent is, how can you hit the enemy?

Flint tried to use the [Cyclone Curse] to clear the clouds and fog,

But how can the fog formed by magic be so easy to clear? It took a while to get the fog to disperse.

But there was no trace of Hermione in her original position.

"Where is she?"

"Where have you gone?"

Slytherin was confused and had no idea what was going on.

However, Levin's psychic powers could barely be detected, and Hermione was in a state of invisibility at this time, sneaking into them quietly.

"I'm here!"

Suddenly, the girl's voice sounded among them,

The Slytherins subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound,

They could see the girl's figure floating in the air

Then suddenly a white light flashed.

"[Glitter Dust]!"

The light burst out like a flash bomb, making several little snakes dazzle with stars in their eyes, tears in their eyes, and unable to see.

The opponent entered a blind state and temporarily lost combat effectiveness.

Then, the duel will enter garbage time.

Hermione fired her wand and subdued them one by one, tying them up with their clothes.

The number of green maggots on the pitch quickly increased from three to nine.

Maggots, you look at me and I look at you, and they all sigh,

They seem to have provoked some serious guy.

This time I'm embarrassed!

How should we deal with this kind of thing? Should we tell Professor Snape?

If you don't say it, they won't be able to swallow it!

Tell me, what should I say?

That they were beaten by a second-year Muggle-born wizard?

Or one against seven?

so hard!

As for the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, they looked at Hermione differently.

In their eyes, Hermione was full of light at this time, like a Valkyrie.

Especially Ronald, for him, the scene just now was too relieving.

Hermione chopped down the most hated Malfoy and all the senior students like a chopping melon.

He wished he was the one who did this.

So, regardless of the awkwardness he had with Hermione before, he took the initiative and asked, "Hermione, how did you do that?"

"I mean, why did you suddenly become so powerful?"

"That's because... Levin teaches well. I trained with him for a while during the summer vacation."

After saying that, she looked at Levin, who was smiling at her gently.

"To be so good in one summer vacation, this training must be very good." Ronald praised, "If only he would be willing to teach me.

Hermione completely agreed with this.

After seeing Ciri and Levin hunting Chimeras together, Hermione also realized her own weakness.

So she trained extra hard every day.

At that time, she spent at least two hours every day sparring with Levin

This kind of practical training is very painful at first.

If I hit her just a little harder, she would be in so much pain that she would be unable to walk.

But after becoming a little more proficient, she began to get better.

But after all, Levin is not an opponent on the same level as her.

Every time, she would be so tired that she was sweating profusely and exhausted.

You can fall asleep even if it touches the floor.

But she still looks forward to training every day,

This kind of training can make her truly feel full and satisfied.

Hermione is sincerely grateful to Levin for his hard work,

He allowed her to grow from an ordinary Muggle girl into a real witch.

With the Slytherin team being dealt with by Hermione alone, they could no longer hinder the Gryffindor's training.

As for Ravenclaw,

After all, they have no fundamental conflict with the Gryffindors.

In addition to Hermione and Levin's reputation, Wood simply allocated half of the field to Ravenclaw, and both sides practiced together.

Everyone is happy.

And what about the Slytherins?

They were hung by Levin in the auditorium, watching them practice, and were not put down until the evening...

This matter did not cause a big fuss, at least not to the professor.

Malfoy thought about complaining to Snape, but was held down by Flint and others.

They don't want to make a fuss known to everyone.

There was no way, for Malfoy, this kind of thing would be a big deal if it was too big. Anyway, it was not the first time that Malfoy was beaten because of his bad mouth, and his skin was already bruised.

But for them, as long as the professor is not involved, it is just a petty quarrel among students. When others ask, they will say it is a rumor, an exaggeration, or a bragging. In this case, they will be laughed at for a week or two at most. Others will forget about it.

But once it comes to the professor, it will be equivalent to the official conclusion of the matter.

And once identified, they might even be tied to the Slytherin Pillar of Shame, and would be pulled out and whipped by Gryffindors every year.

After that, the Slytherin Quidditch team developed a phobia of Hermione and would avoid her whenever they saw her.

This did give the Gryffindor Quidditch players some credit.

And Levin's reputation among the little wizards has increased a bit,

In the eyes of the little wizards, Hermione was able to challenge an entire Quidditch team just by getting guidance from Levin.

Then Levin has no idea how high he is going to be?

For a time, many people even thought that if Levin were to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, he would be much better than Lockhart.

They're playing Levin here,

But Levin still has to make a living under Lockhart.

After another Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, Levin came to Lockhart with a note.

"Professor Lockhart!"

Levin stopped him as he was about to leave the classroom,

"I want to borrow this book from the library. I hope to learn some knowledge about werewolves from it."

Levin handed the note to Professor Lockhart, "But this book is in the restricted area of ​​Library 3.0, so I need a teacher to sign the note - I believe that this book will help me understand you." The humanoid restoration spell mentioned in "Wandering with Werewolves".

"Ah, werewolf!"

Hearing this, Lockhart smiled enthusiastically, "This book is very exciting, isn't it? Indeed, you are very good at dealing with Chimeras, but when it comes to dealing with werewolves, I still have a little confidence. Of course, who And wouldn't object to me giving the best student in the grade a little extra help."

As he spoke, he pulled out a huge peacock brush, quickly signed a big cursive name on the note without even looking at the words on the note, and returned the note to Levin.

"But I have to admit that the magic spell to restore human form is too complicated, and I can't use it successfully every time."

Good guy, are you saying this because you are afraid of being exposed? Are you giving me a warning in advance?

But Levin doesn't intend to do this. This whole semester's restricted reading plan is directed at him.

Taking this signed note, Levin said goodbye happily and left. .

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