Scamander returned the experimental report to the boy and said: "Okay, now that my personal request has been fulfilled, let's start the business.

"Next, I want to give you this certificate as well."

With that said, he handed Levin a certificate with a gold edge.

I saw it written in gilt font: Annual Discovery Award.

Levin was stunned for a moment, then took the certificate.

This is the first academic award he has received.

In his previous life, he studied engineering and did not pursue further studies in scientific research, so his experience in this area was almost unfamiliar.

"They originally wanted to award you the 'Rookie of the Year' award, but I stopped it."

Scamander said with a smile,

"I personally feel that your paper, whether it is the discovery itself or your groundbreaking experimental methods, is of great significance to the study of magical zoology, and no one will surpass you in the next few decades. Therefore, It’s really unfair to put you on the same stage as other newcomers.”

"For this reason, I took the initiative to apply for the 'Discovery of the Year Award' for you, which is also the highest award of the year in the "Annual of Magical Beasts"."

After listening to Scamander's slow introduction, the little wizards on the side were all shocked.

We are all of the same age, why are you the only one who is so showy?

While everyone is studying the content in the textbook, you can already engage in innovation and research!

Not only do you innovate and conduct research, but you also directly publish your research results in top journals in the discipline!

Your research results will not only be featured in top journals, but they will also be so good that they can compete for awards!

Even if your research results can compete for awards, you can skip all newcomers and compete with established scholars on the same stage!

Not only did you compete with veteran scholars on the same stage, but you also won in a crushing manner!

What a legendary experience this is!

After understanding Levin's achievements, not many people will still criticize him.

The gap is too huge, all the envy and jealousy are turned into nothingness, and even the sourness cannot be felt.

And now what is the focus among them, Wei Wen’s own thoughts?

After receiving the certificate, his first thought was not excitement.

Based on his current research on arcane magic, any piece of it would be a shocking result that could overturn the theoretical basis of the entire magic world.

If we take out a few more, it won't be a question of whether to reward or not.

The entire magical world is not worthy of awarding him an award. Any award should be named after him.

In comparison, a mere "Discovery of the Year Award" is nothing.

Rather than being happy, Guowen's real thought is...are you kidding me? Isn't this certificate issued too shabby?

He doesn't require the other party to issue an award as formal as the Order of Merlin.

But at least there has to be a sense of ceremony, right?

Doing this is like handing out banners to people, and you can do it casually.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

"Annual Magazine of Magical Beasts" is regarded as the top academic journal on magical zoology.

This kind of publication is equivalent to "Nature", "Science", etc. in reality.

The above two publications are not very formal when awarding some annual awards.

Of course, the Magical Beasts Annual is not as influential as the above two.

Because in the magical world, magical zoology itself is not as important as the most basic magic studies and transfiguration.

But the Magical Beasts Annual is still the top journal.

However, compared to the Muggle world, wizard's scientific research...or in other words, the top journal of magic research has one biggest shortcoming,

That is, the wizard population is much lower than that of Muggles.

This directly leads to the fact that the population of magic researchers among wizards is much lower than that of Muggle researchers.

It is normal for a top publication in a circle of dozens or hundreds of people to be simpler than a top publication in a circle of tens or millions of people.

"Magical Beasts Yearbook" is not the "Daily Prophet". If you don't have the spare money to do some fancy stuff, the bonus is only a symbolic 200 Galleons.

"This award is recognized by the entire magical world~". "Professor Flitwick quietly explained to Levin.

Oh, it dawned on Levin.

That's clear.

Academic journals such as "Transfiguration Today" and "Annals of Magical Beasts" attract scholars to a large extent because their authority has been recognized by the magical community.

You published a paper in Transfiguration Today,

Whether you are in the Ministry of Magic of the Underworld or Ilvermorny School in the United States, even if the person in charge here does not know you,

Just take out that journal and show it to him, and he will recognize your identity as a transfiguration scholar.

Whether it is communication or employment, it is convenient all the way.

Not to mention a wizard like Levin who won the Annual Discovery Award from the "Annual of Fantastic Beasts" magazine.

No matter where he goes, he will be treated as a guest by the local Ministry of Magic and the academy.

And this is how influence is built little by little.

Levin has even begun to consider that before he breaks through the legend and has the ability to protect himself,

Should I come up with some research results?

Submit more articles to various academic journals to accumulate influence?

"Now, let's take a picture," Scamander took out a camera and handed it to Professor Flitwick. "The next issue of the "Annals of Magical Beasts" will publish your paper and the award you won. "

At this moment, a familiar greasy voice came from the distance:

"What's going on? Why are there so many people here?"

I saw Gilderoy Lockhart pushing through the crowd and striding towards them,

Out of professional sensitivity, he always digs in wherever there are many people, and takes advantage of anyone who stands out.

Then he saw Flitwick, who was about to take a photo of Levin, and Scamander, who was in formal attire.

Lockhart obviously misunderstood. After seeing the camera, his eyes became excited: "Which newspaper are you from? Who are you interviewing? Why didn't I know there was an interview today?

As he spoke, he walked into the classroom and went straight to Levin, who was obviously the center of attention. He grabbed his shoulders familiarly and said cheerfully: "We meet again, Levin, who was interviewed by reporters." how do you feel?"

"Seeing my photos all over the newspapers makes you feel jealous, right?" He said self-righteously, "So you can't wait to make big news?"

"Come on, Mr. Reporter," Lockhart greeted Scamander with a smile, "You're lucky that I happen to be here. If it makes headlines, I won't be able to consider letting you take the photo. A photo of a couple!"

"Sorry, who are you?" Scamander was confused.

This old man usually lives in seclusion. If Levin's paper hadn't been so excellent, he wouldn't have left Dorset at all.

"Sorry, you don't know me? I am Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Defense League against Dark Arts, and five-time winner of the "Wizard Weekly" Most Charming Smile Award."

Scamander still shook his head. He has seen a lot of people with third-level medals. Who do you think you are?

Lockhart saw that the other person was not interested, so he turned to Levin next to him, saw the certificate in his hand, and read: ".] Regarding the anatomical analysis of the Chimaera..."

"Chimaera... I am very familiar with this magical creature. In fact, in my countless experiences of eradicating dark creatures, there was a scene where I killed a chimaera, but I haven't had time to write it into a book yet. ." Lockhart couldn't wait to brag without thinking.

"So you are the second wizard in history to kill a Chimera?" Upon hearing this, Scamander immediately stopped feeling sleepy and looked at him with interest.


Although Lockhart didn't know exactly what a Chimeramon was, he knew as soon as he heard this that it was no ordinary guy.

Even though he brags about it, he only dares to attack the more common ones like female ghosts, ghouls, and snowmen.

In this way, the bullshit won't be so exaggerated and can be easily exposed.

Who knew that if one of these things was killed, it would go down in history?

He thought he couldn't afford to brag about a guy of this level.

Don't brag about things you can't afford, this is one of the principles he has learned from years of deception.

This is also the fundamental reason why he has not been exposed for so long.

Yu (Wang Nuohao) was immediately frightened, pretending not to hear what the other party said, and then asked Levin:

"What newspaper are they?"

"The Magical Beasts Almanac."

"Magical Yearbook of Magical Beasts? I've never heard of the name. It seems to be a small newspaper."

Then his back straightened again.

Fortunately, it's not a big newspaper, so a little timidity won't hurt his reputation.

If the other party reports something, he can also use the excuse that "tabloids are chasing rumors for fame."

But after hearing these words, the little wizards burst into an uproar.

Forget about ordinary wizards who are unlearned and incompetent.

A wizard like you Lockhart, who deals with dark creatures every day, doesn't even know about the Fantastic Beasts Annual?

Levin almost asked: "Then do you know 'HowNet'?"

Seeing other reactions, Lockhart also felt that he might have made a serious mistake.

He didn't care what made the headlines, just found an excuse and ran away.

"Where did Professor Dumbledore find such a funny guy..." Scamander complained in a voice that could be heard by the young wizards, "He should be in the circus, not Hogwarts." "

Lockhart's reputation has improved slightly for a few days, but its deletions have declined again. .

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