Time passed by in a hurry, and in the last week of summer vacation, the small workshop completed the last business, completely ending the book copying career.

Although this period of time was not easy for everyone except Levin,

But everyone is happy to be able to earn a galleons on their own.

Now, it’s time for the exciting penny split.

Levin's profit was of course the highest, totaling over 300 Galleons.

Of course, compared with the cost of purchasing potion materials, this amount of money is only a fraction.

But for the Weasley family, it was equivalent to two or three months of Arthur's salary.

But Levin can make this money without having to do anything,

This is enough to illustrate the value of knowledge.

As the initiators of the entire business and the implementers of most of the behind-the-scenes work, the Weasley twins are the hardest working and most rewarding.

The two of them each received more than 80 Galleons.

Of course, we also have to deduct publicity and logistics costs.

To put it simply, it is a letter and a raw meat king to reward the owls.

Actual income is slightly lower,

But this is far more than their pocket money in the past year.

The remaining three, Hermione, Harry and Ronald, are just scribes, earning a hard-earned salary.

Hermione has the best mastery of [Copying], and can copy books quickly and well. Naturally, she earns the most, a full 60 galleons.

To this end, she copied more than 170 books.

Harry earned 40 galleons,

For pocket money, Ronald, who was still a little tired of learning, learned the art of copying. He caught the opportunity and made a small profit of more than 20 galleons.

After dividing the money, of course everyone went back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

Improve your life with the money you earn.

"It was a pleasure working with you, Levin."

Before leaving, George said to Levin.

"Next time we have similar business, we will come back to you.

Fred also announced loudly.

Although Levin only provided the license for spells and made half of their hard-earned money,

But the twins knew very well that without the [scribal technology] that greatly reduced the cost of copying books, this business would have been impossible to start.

Today's wizarding society is actually a stock society.

There has been no fundamental progress in productivity, so everyone is doing existing business and only involving in existing fields.

Newcomers who want to enter these fields will probably not be able to compete with the veterans who have been iterating for dozens or hundreds of years.

If you want to get rich, the only way is to innovate.

Create new technologies and create new demands, or develop blue ocean industries yourself, or directly reduce the dimensionality of vested interests in red ocean industries.

This is how you can start a successful business.

When it comes to new technologies, we naturally have to rely on talented players like Levin who can create new magic at will.

What's more, Levin is not just good at technology.

In the process of running this business, George and Fred, who were just starting out, naturally made many mistakes.

Things like miskeeping accounts, tight delivery schedules, and buying too much or too little raw materials often happen.

It was only thanks to Levin's advice that there was no big problem.

In the eyes of the twins, Levin is not only a future investor and technical support, but also their business mentor.

"Actually, I am very happy to cooperate with you." Levin also encouraged. "I think you are very talented in this area. If you work hard, you may be able to do a lot of business in the future."

He was naturally very satisfied with the Weasley twins.

In the original book, the twins were able to start a business on campus by themselves, and they even ran a "Weasley's Magic Wheezes" after graduating from school, and it was prosperous.

This proves that they not only have great vision and business acumen, but also have excellent alchemy, potion technology, and innovation capabilities, making them excellent investment targets.

The twins were very happy to hear Levin's comments and immediately revealed their plans:

"Actually, we want to do some new business in the school." Inzhi said.

"But there is only a plan at the moment." Fred also said.

"We'll come back to you when we have a plan, Levin."

“Of course,” Levin nodded, “I look forward to future cooperation.

In addition to the [scribal] business, Levin also gained something else during this holiday.

For example, he spent time going to the Burrow to exchange technology with Arthur Weasley on transforming Muggle products, and successfully made televisions, game consoles and other household appliances appear in the tower.

The modified electrical appliances do not need to be plugged in and are completely driven by magic power. However, they can search for Muggle signals, and they can use both paid and free channels for free.

The same goes for game consoles.

As for computer and Internet functions, this part is too complicated and has not yet been conquered.

In addition, he also met several neighbors in Ottery St. Catchpole Village under the introduction of the Weasley family.

For example, Cedric Diggory and his family from Hufflepuff,

And Luna Sangjia - they had met on the seaside in Cornwall.

September 1st is the first day of school again.

Levin took Ciri to Platform 9 through the [Any Door].

Before leaving, he completely hid his demiplane in the void, leaving only a piece of flat land where the tower originally existed.

In this way, no one can find where their home is.

Only the English themselves can reopen the passage to the tower.

If you want to return to the tower elsewhere, you can only rely on the [Mansion Technique].

However, the level of this spell is not low, and neither Hermione nor Ciri can master it.

Levin is already thinking about creating magic items that would allow them to return to the tower if necessary.

At the platform, it didn't take long for Levin to wait for Hermione, who was driven here by her father, Mr. Granger.

Looking at the back of his daughter happily leaving behind the boy, Mr. Granger couldn't help but feel a little sore in his eyes.

The little cotton-padded jacket she has had for twelve years has begun to no longer fit her body!

The three of them walked into the platform and got on the bus.

Then start looking for empty cars along the corridor.

But this is not simple,

Most of the carriages are already occupied,

Although there are probably only one or two little wizards in these carriages, Levin doesn't want to get together with people he doesn't know.

After walking about two cars, Xili, who was leading the group, glanced into a certain box and turned around and said, "Okay, there is a slightly empty one here, and only Luna is alone."

She opened the door and Shi Shiran walked into the box [Levin and Hermione followed.

"Hello, Luna," she greeted, "are you the only one here?"

Luna nodded and said in a daze: "It seems like this. There were many students who wanted to come in before, but they just took a look and left."

Levin looked closely and immediately understood what was going on.

I saw the little witch in front of me. She was wearing a necklace made of butterbeer corks and had her wand inserted behind her left ear. She looked weird and her beautiful face was blinded.

Plus, when she read "The Quibbler," she actually held the magazine upside down.

No wonder few people dare to come in, for fear of meeting weirdos.

But they are not afraid of this "freak",

The other party came to visit the tower once during the holidays, and everyone knew each other.

Levin took out a large book "Fundamentals of Computer Science" and read it intently.

The computer knowledge he mastered in his previous life was too advanced for computers more than thirty years ago (good Wang Zhao), and it was of no help to him in studying computer principles and turning them into magic.

If he wanted to successfully transform a computer, he needed to learn it all over again.

Hermione and Ciri started chatting. After this summer vacation, the relationship between the two of them had grown closer unknowingly.

Luna looked at them from the upside-down magazine.

Soon, the train started moving, and when the food cart passed by, Hermione took the initiative to stop the cart and bought a large amount of snacks.

Having earned pocket money for the first time, she couldn't wait to enjoy the fun of treating guests.

The peaceful train journey was finally broken after several hours.

After a burst of noisy footsteps, the door of the box was pushed open violently.

The twins and Ginny poked their heads in.

Their looks are hurried,

Especially Ginny, who looked like she was about to cry.

"I didn't see them here either!" There was a cry in her voice.

"What's wrong?" Hermione looked at Ginny confused.

"Harry... Harry is gone." Ginny burst into tears.

The current attributes of the protagonist have been updated related to the work, so I won’t include the word count in the main text. .

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