Seeing that the box was full of acquaintances, the twins were not polite. They took two bottles of iced pumpkin juice from the snack pile and drank it down.

They checked almost all the carriages along the way and were almost exhausted.

"Hey, how come Harry is missing?" Levin asked pretending to be surprised.

"That kid, can you get lost on a train?" Xili shook her head. This was the first time she had encountered such a road idiot.

"No, I'm not lost." Ginny quickly explained, "Harry crossed the platform with us, and I was the third from last to cross the wall. Harry was right behind me at the time, so there was no way he could have gotten lost.

"So, you didn't realize anything was wrong until you got in the car?" Hermione asked somewhat reproachfully.

Ginny's face suddenly turned red: "I'm sorry, our family got up late today and arrived at the station five minutes before the train departed. At that time, everyone was in a hurry and didn't have time to say goodbye, so I didn't wait until I got on the bus. Found Harry missing."

"Have you searched all the carriages?" Hermione continued to ask. As a friend, she was already starting to worry.

"It's not finished yet, but it's almost done." George interjected.

"We started looking from the rear of the car until we reached this carriage, and there were still at most three carriages left," Fred explained.

At this moment, a faint voice sounded in the carriage: "Did you just say that you were third from the bottom?"

Everyone looked and saw that it was Luna who was speaking.

When everyone was chatting about Harry, 680 buried herself behind the magazine and seemed very insignificant. Who would have thought that people were listening carefully all the time.

"You mean..." Ginny reacted immediately, "Yes, I was the third to last pit stop.

"What about the last one?" Luna asked.


Her jumping question made Ginny unable to react.

"What she means is, since you are the third to last and Harry is the second to last, then who is the first to last.

Levin sighed and explained to the girl thoughtfully.

"After all, if the second-to-last Harry doesn't catch up, then the last-to-last will still be watching, right?"

"Yes, there is also the last one." Ginny clapped her hands suddenly, "Then who is the last one?"

She suddenly looked at herself, then at her twin brother, counted on her fingers, and suddenly her eyes widened:

"Where's Ronald?"



Everyone: ""

You guys have been looking for Harry for a long time, but you didn't even find out that Ronald was missing too.

These Weasleys are too exaggerated.

Although Ronald has no sense of existence, he is Ginny's brother and the twins' brother.

You can't just ignore it, can you?


"Dang Dang Dang!"

At this moment, there was a sudden knocking sound on the car window. (bhec)

Levin and everyone turned their heads,

Outside the train window, an owl was flapping its wings and following the train closely, tapping the glass with its beak from time to time to attract the attention of people inside.

It's Homer!

Levin quickly stood up, opened the car window, and put it in.

Helmer flew into the carriage briskly, threw a roll-shaped object in front of Levin, and then stopped on the owner's shoulder to comb his feathers.

Levin didn't rush to look at the goods, but took out a strip of beef jerky from his pocket and put it into the little guy's mouth.

He scooped out a small spoonful of water from the snack packaging box and handed it to it.

"What is your owl bringing you at this time?"

Shirley asked curiously.

"Let me's the Daily Prophet," Levin replied. "Normally it doesn't come at this time. It's probably a temporary addition."

"Yeah, let me see."

Xili took the initiative to open the Daily Prophet and scanned the pages. She soon revealed an intriguing smile.

"Hermione, maybe you should take a look at this. y

She handed the newspaper to the little witch beside her.

"It looks exciting, as expected of you Gryffindors."

Hermione took the newspaper strangely and followed Ciri's direction and read it,

Almost instantly, her expression changed.

The worry just now turned into panic, and his face began to turn pale.

"What's wrong, Hermione? What happened?" Ginny asked concerned.

"Harry... Harry and Ronald, they secretly drove away Mr. Weasley's car! And they actually... dared to drive to Hogwarts, being watched by Muggles along the way. Be clear!" Hermione said loudly, the anger evident in her tone.

After hearing this, the three Weasleys were also shocked.

The headline in the newspaper read: "Muggles are shocked when Ford Anglia can fly"

Hermione read to them the content of the report: "Two Muggles in London were convinced they saw an old car flying past the Post Office Building... In Norfolk at noon, Mrs. Hetty Bellis was drying her laundry... .Mr Angus Fleet, of Peebles, reported to the police…”

In short, they are all Muggle eyewitness information.

"The efficiency of the Daily Prophet is really fast!" After hearing this, Levin couldn't help but shake his head and sighed, "How come Muggles' daily newspapers are so timely? They usually report on yesterday's events.

His emotion left people speechless.

Is this the time to lament the newspapers?

"Oh, bah!"

Ginny wailed,

"They're in big trouble."

"This is so cool!" George and Fred said in unison.

"That's not cool at all!"

The person who spoke was Percy Weasley. As a prefect, he had just patrolled all the way here.

"A total of six or seven Muggles witnessed this incident, and they spread the news. I don't know how many staff the Ministry of Magic will send out, and how many forgetting spells will be cast to erase everyone's memories! The worst is Dad, he Works in the Misuse of Muggle Articles Office, but his own son...just think about it, he's going to be censored!"

Percy, who aspires to work in the Ministry of Magic, knows the ropes best.

Now both Ginny and Hermione were worried.

"Levin, do you think they will be fired? Will they go to jail?" Hermione asked Levin for help.

"of course not."

Levin patted her shoulder comfortingly,

"When something like this happens, just think of Dumbledore, honey... You know the principal's attitude towards Harry. Think of the previous awards ceremony. Dumbledore's status in the wizarding world is higher than you think. High. So, nothing will happen to them."

But this is also one of Levin's dissatisfaction with Dumbledore.

This is purely an act of privilege.

When he saw the little witch finally relaxed, Levin showed a malicious smile again:

"However, just because they are fine at the Ministry of Magic, does not mean that they are fine at Hogwarts. I believe Professor McGonagall will give them fair treatment.

"Oh no! We may be deducted so many college points before school starts, damn it!" With a swipe, Hermione's face turned pale again.

But obviously, among the little wizards present, she was the only one who had done this.

Levin and Ciri are both Ravenclaws, and the Weasley twins themselves are big scorers and don't care about the Academy Cup.

As for Ginny and Luna, the two first-year students weren't even sorted.

Night is gradually falling, and the bus will arrive at the station soon.

The witches and wizards took turns leaving the box, leaving room for the other side to change into their school uniforms and cloaks.

After that, the train slowed down and finally stopped.

The little wizards were pushing and shoving, and they rushed to the car door and got down to a dark and small platform.

The group of people followed the crowd out of the car and said goodbye to Luna and Ginny.

These two freshmen need to embark on a path that all freshmen must walk again.

And they, a group of old fritters, got on the self-driving carriage.

Of course, this is not true. In fact, there is a gray-black, skinny Pegasus pulling the cart.

That is one of the subspecies of Pegasus, the Thestral.

This kind of flying horse is invisible to most people, and only those who have seen death can see them.

This is their first time entering Hogwarts as old students.

They were sent to the castle auditorium, where a sumptuous dinner had been prepared to welcome new and old students.

Not long after, the freshmen also came to the auditorium one after another.

This year's branching has begun. .

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