With the two old men separated, the street fight ended with Mr. Weasley victorious.

No one pays attention to what losers think, not even Levin.

He knew very well that in the original novel, it was Lucius Malfoy who stuffed Voldemort's Horcrux diary into Ginny's stack of books.

Maybe he didn't know it was a Horcrux, but it was he who indirectly caused this year's basilisk incident.

But Levin had no intention of interfering in this matter, at least until he found a way to deal with the Horcruxes.

Who knows what dark magic Voldemort might be hiding in there.

Of course, if he learned the [Great Disintegration Technique] now,

Then he designated that the diary should be taken care of for a while.

But Lockhart is quite concerned about this dispute.

He even asked reporters: "Can you include the fight in the report? Let's say that Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy fought over buying my book.

Later, Levin also separated from the Weasley family,

He made an appointment with Ronald and others to carry out book copying plans at his house every day.

Hermione and Ciri also separated from him and went shopping separately.

Levin went to the Magical Creatures Store and asked the clerk, Miss Hayden, about the tail hair of the nine-tailed fox "550".

At Christmas, he spent 50 Galleons to ask the other party for information about various legendary magical creatures, especially the nine-tailed fox.

This time, Miss Hayden brought bad news and good news,

The bad news is that the poachers in the East were so bad that they mistook the Guan Hu for a nine-tailed fox. Naturally, they found nothing.

The good news is that a wizard in South America discovered the feathers of the legendary feathered serpent in the ruins of a Mayan wizard.

Now the price has reached over 1,000 galleons.

So what else can Levin say? Of course I buy it!

That's the feathered serpent. This magical creature has divinity and high intelligence. It can completely replace the tail hair of the nine-tailed fox as the main ingredient of the [Eternal Fox's Cunning Elixir].

To be on the safe side, Levin simply left 2,000 galleons and told her: If it wasn't enough, just write to him directly.

Considering the poor logistics speed in the wizarding world,

If all goes well, it is expected that Levin will receive the goods one month later.

Then after the semester starts, he can perform the second (wilderness ritual)

The Magical Creatures Shop is full of harvests,

But Levin came up empty handed at Slugjigs Pharmacy.

It is said that because a tornado hit the only Reem cattle sanctuary in the United States, there was no production of Reem cattle blood in the entire America this year.

The previous reservation has naturally come to nothing, and the main ingredient of [Eternal Bull Power Elixir] has disappeared.

However, Levin now does not plan to use Ream cow blood as the main ingredient.

Otherwise, would it be difficult for him to transform into a Rim cow in the wilderness?

That's too inferior.

Levin decided that if he wanted to change, he would become the fiercest.

Among magical creatures, there is undoubtedly only one creature that is most famous for its power, and that is the "dragon".

Compared with the more powerful fire dragons, the related breeding industry is more developed in the wizarding world.

If you want to transform into a fire dragon, the material you need is naturally dragon blood.

This thing is relatively cheap, and you can get a potion in just a few dozen galleons.

But Levin didn’t buy Dragon’s Blood,

He ordered "Dragon Heart" like Slug Jiggs's pharmacy,

And not one or two, but one or several.

In fact, Levin ordered one heart from each of the dozen or so species of fire dragons that have been identified today.

On average each dragon heart cost him 1000 galleons.

The reason why he needs so many dragon hearts is because Levin is not going to simply transform into a fire dragon.

He tried to trace the origin of the fire dragon's blood in reverse and transform into a real dragon.

A real giant dragon has four legs and two wings on its back. Not only is it extremely powerful, it also possesses a high degree of intelligence and unique dragon language magic. It is a creature that stands at the top of the species.

The fire dragons in the Harry Potter world are just unintelligent beasts with wings connected to their forelimbs, just like bats. They are essentially flying dragons.

But even flying dragons and fire dragons have the blood of giant dragons.

It's just that different types of sub-dragon species only inherit part of the dragon's bloodline.

Due to insufficient blood concentration, he lost the greatness and wisdom of the dragon and became a beast.

Levin's move is precisely to collect all the different dragon bloodlines in the entire Harry Potter world, eliminate the parts that are not dragons, and then combine the remaining parts to restore the gene pool of real dragons as much as possible, so as to obtain as close as possible Yu dragon's transformation.

For Slugjigs Pharmacy, this is undoubtedly a big order and a big project.

Fifteen or six dragon hearts need to come from different types, which cannot be done in a short time.

Therefore, Levin left a deposit of 8,000 Galleons and entered a new round of waiting.

After shopping, the three of them reunited and returned to the tower.

Early the next morning, Ronald, Harry and the Weasley twins eagerly visited the tower.

Harry was already aware of their copying plan, and he was unhappy with Lockhart being forced to be interviewed, so he happily brought his complete set of autographs.

It's just that there is a problem with [Copy 6].

[Scribe] Even the simplest circle spell is not that easy to learn.

Ronald gave up after trying it for a while, and Harry also learned the hard way.

On the contrary, the Weasley twins learned very well.

"Levin, I have a proposal!"

After successfully copying a copy of "Walking with Trolls" using [Scribe Technique], George said with great interest,

"I believe that throughout Hogwarts, we are not the only ones who are troubled by Lockhart. And we have the ability to solve this problem."

"We can use owls to contact those young wizards who have not bought Lockhart's books and provide them with copybooks at a lower price." Fred continued.

"The price of a copy can be one-third, or even one-fourth, of the original book. I have just calculated that, even so, after deducting the cost, each book will make 12-14 cents." George added.

"If you allow me, this business can be done." Fred suggested.

"You invented [Scribe], so you use the magic authorization as your capital, and you can teach us all the other work. We will split the income from each book 50-50 with you..." George said. His plan.

After hearing this suggestion, Levin just nodded after thinking for a moment:

"Sounds good, I'll allow it."

He himself is not short of money, but he doesn't mind a little more income. After all, relying solely on the Philosopher's Stone to make money is too blatant, and it might one day cause inflation.

"Great!" George and Fred high-fived each other happily.

After hearing about this, even Hermione and Harry became interested.

"I can also copy." Miss Granger raised her hand, "Can I join in?"

"And me!" Harry also took the initiative, "I will definitely learn this spell in the next two days!"

Even Ronald couldn't help but rekindle his desire to learn magic.

No way, this business sounds too feasible and he is too short of pocket money.

The twins discussed for a while and came to a decision.

There is a profit of 12-14 sickles for each book copied, half of which belongs to Levin, and the rest is almost 6-7 sickles.

This half of the profit is divided into two parts,

Part of this was the scribe's salary, which was 4 or 5 sickles depending on the length of the book, which Hermione and Harry were able to earn.

The other part is 2 siko as service charge for both of them.

In addition to copying books, the two of them also have to do product promotion, contact customers, purchase ink and paper, etc. This is the reward for this part of the work.

Everyone is very satisfied with this distribution method.

So that day, the twins borrowed the owls of everyone present and sent out advertisements to everyone they knew, inviting them to buy discounted copies of "The Complete Works of Lockhart"

Even Levin's Hermer and Harry's Hedwig had to run errands for them,

For several days, owls above the tower came and went in an endless stream.

Facts have proved that there are indeed a large number of young wizards who are very dissatisfied with Lockhart coming to Hogwarts to "sell books", and are happy to buy pirated books at lower prices.

So on the first day alone, they received orders for five sets of books.

This small book-copying workshop, based on Levin's tower, is in full swing.

And the five sets of books are just the beginning.

Every day that followed, the orders increased so much that George and Fred had to frequently go to the paper shop to buy copying paper.

This made Lysa, the Muggle girl in the paper shop, think for a while that the brothers liked her.

Seeing the enthusiasm of his friends, Levin also helped out and took the initiative to review and correct errors.

After all, people who cast magic are bound to make mistakes.

It is normal for copyists to copy something wrong.

Levin was responsible for using [Scholar's Touch] on every copied book to check if there were any errors.

Once the book is qualified, he will put his stamp on it.

When choosing his magic mark, Levin accidentally adopted the symbol of "Intellect".

Updated【5/4】, updated(20/37

It’s not easy to put a new book on the shelves. I’d like to ask for a wave of custom orders, a wave of monthly flower tickets, reviews and rewards. If you have tickets, please give them to me, the author. This is really important to me!

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