Chapter 152

Many gods and demons do not understand the existence of Chang’e, but many people do, especially those who participated in the Yaochi Fairy Association, have seen Jiang Yuan angry for Chang’e, crusade against Hou Luo, and offend Hou Tu. And moved to the ocean of your time and region. No one can say that 2 people are not standard. In fact, the real Taiyi needs to marry Chang’e, not only in front of Jiangyuan, but also in front of the gods and demons of the prehistoric world.

Not only is Jiang Yuan excited, Jiang Yuan’s face is also ugly, I need your daughter, what can you do to us, countless gods and demons look at Jiang Yuan’s black face, with pity, sympathy, and joking, you today There is Jiang Yuan, “Jiang Yuan!”

Looking at Jiang Yuan’s black face, Di Jun was equally happy: “If you want to form a movement, you shouldn’t be in a hurry, but what about witnessing the wedding for us?”

These words are even more shocking. The surrounding gods and demons are full of evil tastes. Looking at Jiang Yuan, marrying the girl the enemy likes, and asking the enemy to beckon him, these words are not only shocking, but also make people beat up. The face is still the kind that doesn’t need to die. “Ha ha!”

Real Taiyi laughed from ear to ear and looked at Jiang Yuan: “Jiang Yuan, I, Dage, is right. Chang’e and I used to be idols of heaven and earth, but you have a wedding wine glass for the promotion?”

“Wedding drink?”

The three Sages, Tongtian, Jiuying, and Zhunti, said with a smile, these words are too strong, watching their beloved, worshiping with others, and on this basis, they also invite each other to drink wedding wine, humiliate and slap in the face. This is even more bitter. For Jiang Yuan, all they need is hatred, or hatred. Seeing Jiang Yuan being defeated, the gods all know, “Woohoo…”

Chang’e was wearing a phoenix crown and trembling, she needed to speak, but her mouth did not speak, tears of despair appeared in her eyes, she shook her head reluctantly, which meant that Jiang Yuan ran away quickly, don’t worry. she. “brush!”

Jiang Yuan’s face was gloomy and his long hair was motionless. He stared at Chang’e’s desperate eyes, and felt guilty in his heart. He hadn’t been able to walk towards Chang’e just now, otherwise he would not fall into the hands of Real Taiyi. “fine!”

Jiang Yuan gave Chang’e a reassuring smile, but his heart was burning with anger. Since the day he was reborn, he has never been as angry as he is today. It is an earth-shaking related anger, a kind of anger that needs to be amplified. All the connections are angry. “Wedding wine?”

“You can’t drink it today, you have to wait a lifetime!”

Before he could finish his words, Jiang Yuan’s face became cold. With an exit, he overturned the world and landed on Chang’e’s side. He even needed to catch Chang’e. Then, “Dang!”

An extended bell rang, higher than his head, an extended flow of time-space continuity appeared, and the entire area stopped, causing Jiang Yuan’s body to rotate and fill the void, and ten thousand golden lights burst out beside Jiang Yuan. Like a ten thousand divine sword, Void turned back to him again, and simply paused, Tai Yi grabbed Chang’e, blocked her in front of him, and stared at Jiang Yuan with mocking eyes, “Looking for death!”.

Jiang Yuan’s anger exploded, his long hair flew up, and he headed towards Tai Luoluo, the chaotic power in his body began to circulate, his eyes turned silvery white, and the illusion-breaking eyes saw through the void. He shook his clenched fist, and the law of force was strengthened. Taro hurriedly used the Xiantian Lingbao Chaos Clock to resist. The Chaos Clock grew stronger with infinite divine power, staring at the void with a loud “Boom!” “Boom!”

Jiang Yuan’s clenched fist pierced the void and hit the Chaos Clock, the Xiantian treasure. The Chaos Clock made a muffled sound because the clenched fists stuck to the Chaos Clock. “Fighting cattle across the mountain!”

Jiang Yuan yelled and slammed his fist stuck to the Chaos Clock. The Chaos Clock was not injured. However, a golden fist emerged from the opposite side of the Chaos Clock. It was as fast as lightning, and it hit the real Taiyi. Chest. “puff!”Taiyi’s head spurted blood, and the whole body flew back. A blood hole appeared in his chest. The golden sun god’s blood continued to flow and burned into the void. This scene happened too fast, only in the daytime, once all the gods When the demon understood it, it was over. “…”

The surrounding four gods and demons stared with small eyes, and their hearts were very angry. This Jiangyuan was very fierce. With two fists, Taiyitian slashed respectfully and still passed through the chaotic clock. What a reasonable Fist? Technique, this is too optimistic. “Take a mountain thorn?”

Sage has an ugly face, Tongtian, Receiving, and Quasi-raising. What kind of refined fisting skills can be assaulted through the Supreme Treasure, but can the Force Avenue have such power? “Xiandi!”

Di Jun’s face changed drastically. His hand grabbed Taro’s existence. Taro flew back and vomited blood. He checked Taro and found that his wound was not serious. He breathed a sigh of relief. Taro threw the profound art away, and the overflowing blood flew away mechanically. The wound on his body was renovated and repaired in no time.


Jiang Yuan grabbed Chang’e, came to her side, unhurriedly untied the Restrictions on Chang’e, Chang’e’s body trembled, she or he fell directly into her arms, “Woo… …”.

Chang’e hugged Jiang Yuan’s waist tightly, and whimpered and said, “Jiang Yuan, I thought I would never see you again, I was so scared.”

Her voice was trembling, and her body twisted, like a frightened little rabbit. “never mind!”

In Jiang Yuan’s eyes, it is inevitable to feel distressed, and he feels even more guilty. He gently said to her: “Don’t be afraid, you continue to own the United States country. Whoever dares to bully you, I will beat him.”


Chang’e was still crying, still holding Jiang Yuan’s waist tightly, “Asshole!”

When Madam Taiyi saw Jiang Yuan’s arms around his own daughter, countless resentments rose in his heart and roared: “Jiang Yuan abandoned Chang’e, he is my emperor.”

Although he has become the Heavenly Emperor, his Heavenly Soul has not yet been completed, and his Heavenly Emperor has not yet been completed, his own daughter, under the command of Jiang Yuan, but Taiyi Zhenren feels very sensitive in his heart: “Dang!”

Taiyi urged the chaotic clock with all his strength, the chaotic clock turned into a mile-long ladder, and turned into an extended flow of continuous laws of time and space, suppressing the ease of the heavens and shooting towards the source of the river. “Your Majesty the Queen?”

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan arrogantly found Madam Taiyi rushing towards him, his heart was even more angry, a ray of sunlight flashed in his eyes, and he gently inserted Chang’e on Kunpeng’s back, wanting to freeze Madam Taiyi, Jiang Yuan sneered: “It’s time to fulfill the promise!”

“He said he wanted to hammer you, just hammer you!”


Jiang Yuan stepped out, stepping on the void, like walking on the ground, he was born out of the sky, came to the chaos clock, grabbed his hand, the three colors of purple, blue and silver flashed, and the Xiantian treasure of death hammer appeared in his hand, and the charm rushed towards his face. Come. With wind and thunderstorms, his whole body profound arts circulated and turned into a real body of ten thousand feet again. His entire body was like pure gold, and his breath was so huge that the void of his whole body could not be supported.” Click!”. ”

The void seemed to be cracking, and the cracks spread like a spider king. “The imperial spirit of Ninth Stage!”

The vitality of the Great Emperor Nine Heavens is the supreme heaven and earth. Xiantian suppressed the gods and demons, and the mighty pressure of the Heavenly Emperor suppressed the heaven and the earth. All the avenues of slavery and the all-encompassing Heavenly Dao law are trembling, as if connected with the ancient emperor squeezing the heaven and the earth. “puff!”

As soon as the vitality of the nine Heavenly Emperors came out, the surrounding gods and demons, as long as they were not Sage, even knelt down on the ground, even though the Cultivation Base was not high. They trembled, “Boom!”

Kunpeng carried Chang’e on his back and was pressed directly underneath, unable to lift his head, his face was full of worries and worries: “Nine Heavens the luck of the mysterious girl!”

The three Sages, Tongtian, Gujing-kun, and Zhunti, stood up abruptly, narrowing their eyes slightly, observing the vitality of the Nine Heavens mysterious girl on Taiyi, and felt a little panic in his heart. Under the yuan pressure system of the nine Heavenly Emperors, Jiang Yuan’s Cultivation Base could not be used. Now Jiang Yuan has suffered a big loss. Now Jiang Yuan is progressing and being completely blown out. “boom!”

Jiang Yuan felt that his body was sinking, and the Magic power in his body was stagnating. He was not at ease yet, the Associate Former God Emperor pressed him on his body, forcing him to kneel and surrender. “brush!”

Jiang Yuanmian didn’t change his color, his mind was agitated. There was a colorful vine in his body with seven Calabash of completely different colors. The divine light bloomed, exuding the breath of half-step chaos and gods, directly breaking the nine heavenly emperor’s yuan pressure system. . “What shit Heavenly Emperor, I’m fighting Heavenly Emperor!”.

“Open the world!”

Jiang Yuan yelled, and the spear in his hand burst out. With his uninterrupted waving, the spear quickly grew larger, turning into a scale of hundreds of millions of kilometers, turning into an aspect of the chaotic world, and exploding. The spear shattered hundreds of millions of kilometers of void, and exploded heavily on the huge chaotic clock higher than his head, “Boom!”

With a thunderous collision, the infinite void bends like broken glass, the time-space system is bent, the chaotic clock turns slightly and flies back. “Open heaven!”

Jiang Yuan made persistent efforts, waving the Magical Item in his hand and shooting towards the Taiyi real person. A chaotic world appeared directly on the Magical Item. The clear vitality rose and the opaque vitality descended. Real B shot it, “Kill!”

Tai looked terrifying, his Cultivation Base had passed the initial stage of Sage, he had gained the vitality of the nine Heavenly Emperors, he was already the Heavenly Emperor, he thought he was no longer a human being, and he had not adjusted his opponent Jiang Yuan. , He drew the Chaos Clock, the long flow of the law of continuity of time and space appeared, and the Chaos Clock suppressed the eternal ease. It blew on the orb rebuilt by everyone with a bang, and the law of control was shattered. The orb rebuilt by everyone directly blew the chaotic clock, and the ball burst, but the speed did not change. It blew on the Taiyi real person. The ball burst, but the speed did not change, blowing on the real Taiyi, “Puff!”. “.”

Tai Yi’s body was broken into stones around, and the lower body disappeared. The golden blood fell like raindrops, and the blood kept pouring from his mouth. He flew back, and the vitality of Nine Heavens mysterious girl poured out of his body. After coming out, the surrounding flesh and blood flew back, Taiyi recovered as before, “Open the sky!”

In the third step of Jiang Yuan, the Magical Item in his hand decayed on Tai Yi again, and a world appeared on Magical Item. The Five Elements ingredients were derived, like five good fortune dragons, which blasted Tai Yi with a huge shocking power, like a fairy. Majestic Taiyi was smashed by Jiang Yuan again, and the flesh and blood were filled. The vitality of Nine Heavens mysterious girl emerged, and the flesh and blood were organized and reappeared on Majesty Taiyi. His face was as pale as paper, “Even if I hammer you, I will also Hammer you!”. ”

Although he hit Taiyi, Taiyi was ready to wake up quickly. Tai Yi’s face was full of hostility, so the hatred in his heart towards Jiang Yuan could not be washed away with the water of the world. The gods are not only on the face, but also in the heart.

The expressions of the three Sages froze suddenly. Jiang Yuan was only a mid-level quasi-sage. The nine Heavenly Emperors could not suppress Jiang Yuan. The nine Heavenly Emperors only handed over the blood and destiny between heaven and earth. Jiang Yuan is the head of the male immortals. However, he was only verbally recognized by the teacher. He was not recognized by the heavens and the earth. Jiang Yuan either resisted the suppression of the Nine Heavens mysterious girl, or his blood was higher than the Nine Heavens mysterious girl. “call!”. ”

Taiyi was panting heavily, his face full of hostility and sarcasm, he raised his head and laughed: “Haha, Jiang Yuan, I even protected the vitality of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, I am immortal, you can’t kill us! ”

“I can’t kill you?”Jiang Yuan sneered, and quickly said: “If I can’t kill you, I will destroy you!”.

With a move in his heart, he solidified the three talented skills, and with a wave of his giant sleeves, the three divine lights of gold, purple, and infinity flew out and rushed directly to the real Taiyi in front of him. “stop!”

Di Jun reacted, his face was blue, his face was terrifying, and he roared, urging the Heavenly Emperor seal, turning into a golden Qinggong, and ramming Jiang Yuan, “Boom!”

Jiang Yuan didn’t pass through at all. He did not hurriedly hit a hammer, and a world appeared on his mace. He stamped the Heavenly Emperor with great difficulty. The sun and moon star stamped on the Heavenly Emperor, the earth, mountains and rivers, all gods are idols. After turning, he blocked Jiang Yuan’s mace. The person on his body was a few miles away, but unfortunately it was too late. Although the tri-color light of gold, purple, and blue could not escape even though Madam Taiyi used his magical powers to evade, he looked at it because the three lights were on him. Practiced on the body. “Absorbing a billion zhang of vitality, a first-order Sage, a life span of one million yuan!”

Real Taiyi trembled, his face turned pale, he spouted a mouthful of blood, and his breath dropped. The Cultivation Base was born directly from Sage to the late stage, “My Cultivation Base……”


There are inhaling sounds around. Rumor has it that Jiang Yuan defeated Daddy and early Sage. Many people don’t believe it. They saw Taiyi’s Cultivation Base being defeated, and they believed it. Sage’s Cultivation Base was often defeated. The source must be very powerful. However, other gods and demons sympathized with Taiyi, and finally achieved holiness, became the Heavenly Emperor, and reached the pinnacle of life. He only possessed this pinnacle for only 3 seconds, so Jiang Yuan defeated him brutally. It was too miserable. “What reasonable magical power is this?”

The two Sages, Zu Yue and Zhunti, were shocked and looked at Jiang Yuan with contempt.

Emperor Jun angrily supported Taro with worry on his face. Looking at the quasi-holy who was born at Taiyi Cultivation Base, two true star chimneys were spit out in his eyes. When Emperor Jun was noisy, Taro found that Own was lost and desperate, and his eyes became He was blood-red, his face grim, crazy and terrifying, he roared: “Jiang Yuan, I will definitely kill you!”.

The real Taiyi gave up everything, and there was only one thought in his heart, killing Jiang Yuan, the chaos clock rang with infinite brightness, and the celebrities of the universe appeared on the clock, growing infinite divine light, reflecting the heavens, a demon saint. Appearing in the air, densely packed, and filled with the entire sky, there are several demon saints, and each demon saint is an old bustard of cultivation Jin Xianluo”

The real Taiyi yelled, each demon saint took out a Star banner, followed the black color, and drew the void land, the light of the universe fell and turned into the starry sky. “Universe star, out.

The celebrities in the sky fell like icy debris. The celebrities, gods and demons in the surrounding sky had already changed their colors. They had powerful and distant divine power to avoid, and the three sages of connecting to the sky, receiving, and quasi-raising also changed their faces slightly. Not in the clouds, avoiding the cover of celebrities in the sky, “It’s really big!” ”

“The Big Million Golden Fairy got the news from the Star Array. The difficulty level of this Array has increased by 100 times. Not to mention Sage, even Sage dare not confront it directly.”

“There is another purpose, Jiang Yuan is willing to fight his Cultivation Base, but the 1 million Luo Jinxian, let him fight unhurriedly, he will fight if there is more, and he has to face specific attacks from Star.”

“Yes, although Jiang Yuan is not dead this time, he is also dead!”

The three Sages looked at each other and Jiang Yuan again, showing a trace of satisfaction.


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