Chapter 151


Kunpeng’s body trembled, feeling caught, opened his eyes and saw a man in white clothes, with downcast arms and long hair, exuding a touch of domineering, “Master!”.

Kunpeng was shocked, seeing that familiar face, he showed an expression of ecstasy: “I was beaten again?”

Jiang Yuan glanced at Kunpeng, frowned, and said in disgust, “Why have you been suppressed every time you have been out for so long? You don’t even have a feeling of growth?”

“Do not!”

Kunpeng was full of grievances, and hurriedly defended: “Master, it’s not that I didn’t gain weight, but that the demon banner suppressed me. I can’t resist under any circumstances.”

“Summon the magic flag?”

Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows and sneered: “Okay, Nuwa, it seems that the lessons I taught you last time were not enough, treat my people as monsters!”

“It seems that the lessons you have learned are not enough, let’s go!”

“Yes Master!”

Kunpeng was full of joy. His master stretched out his hand to avenge himself. He traversed his own body and reshaped it into the original Kunpeng. It stretched for 30,000 miles and covered the sky. Jiang Yuan fell on Kunpeng’s back. The Kunpeng stayed at the highest point of Buzhou Mountain. All eyes turned to Taiyi and Dijun. The two took a deep breath and climbed onto the nine-story platform, one holding the chaos clock and the other holding a large seal, standing face to face. NS. Swear to heaven: “I, too!”

“Me, Di Jun!”

“As the god of the sun, I am ashamed of the global sunshine. I see that the world is in a state of chaos. Every life is ignorant. They despise the Heavenly Dao law. The principles and principles are unbalanced, and the five components are reversed. .”

“I want to guide the Yaozu to rearrange the order of heaven and earth, arrange the famous Rivers and Lakes, control principles and principles, and decide…”

It was just in one word, and a roar never rose up from Zhoushan Dynasty, “Boom!”

An explosive hollow body, twelve figures appeared in the middle of the sphere, one by one fierce and evil, exuding terrible murderous aura, some pale demon saints vomited blood, fell below, and the square was hungry and chaotic. “Twelve Ancestor Witches!”

The gods and demons present were very surprised. Some facts were that the Witch and the demons were hostile. At present, the demons need to determine a Heaven Court. It is definitely a tradition for the Witches to return, and it is absolutely abnormal if they do not return. The surrounding gods and demons, the twelve ancestor witches have returned, and the war is rekindling. It is definitely a higher requirement to stay away from them, so as not to suffer from undesirable incidents. “Emperor Taiyi, you beasts, how dare you build a nest on the back of God’s father? The nest, if he agrees, first bring out our ancestor wizard.”

Zhu Rong scolded Dai Luoluo and Di Jun angrily: “Building a bird’s nest?”

The faces of the gods and demons around him were stunned. Zhu Rong was very good at talking, so the three Sages, who were connected, led, and quasi-tick, all had their faces stunned. They needed to laugh, but because of the doubts about Nuwa’s face, they could not laugh. However, they all controlled it, the monster clan was furious, they sacrificed non-worldly treasures, and their fierceness was completely shaken. “Building a bird’s nest?”

Tai Yi and Di Jun’s face turned gloomy, they turned to the Twelve Ancestor Witch, with a cold smile, and said: “Dijiang Zhurong, I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

As soon as this sound came out, Taibai Venus bowed towards Nuwa on the cloud bed and announced: “I will raise your strength together to strike and suppress this group of ancestral witches!””good!”

Nuwa nodded. As the Sage of the Monster Race, she was obliged to do this. With a wave of her giant sleeves, maps of mountains, rivers, and tribes flew up and turned into a world, covering the twelve ancestral witches. “brush!”

Di Jiang’s face was solemn, and when he grabbed his small hand, a huge banner appeared in his hand. On the banner was a terrible demon, like Pangu, surrounded by a long river of abstract laws. With a wave of the banner, hundreds of millions of miles of void folded, wild ritual folded, heavy Shaped into a map of the mountain and river tribe, it fell into Nuwa’s hands, “Lingbao?”

All the gods and demons were shocked, could the ancestor witches really use spirit treasures now?

The twelve ancestral witches did not cultivate the primordial gods, but can they use non-secular treasures?

“Spiritual wealth?”

Tai Yi and Di Jun’s expressions have changed. The Twelve Ancestral Witch was already so powerful when he didn’t abuse the spirit treasure. Wouldn’t it be even more powerful if he used the spirit treasure again? “This is not Lingbao!”

Nuwa raised his eyebrows, and said calmly: “There are Xiantian Daoyun and Xiantian non-vulgar light on the Lingbao. The beautiful banner in Dijiang’s hand does not have these. It should be the exclusive Lingbao of the Wu clan.”

Hearing this, Madam Taiyi and Dijun breathed a sigh of relief, “As expected of Nuwa Sage!”.

Di Jiang’s face was plain and said: “The vision is absolutely extraordinary. This is often a unique treasure of the Wu clan. If you want to investigate Heaven Court, then do it!”


Nuwa glanced at Dijiang, nodded, and left the cloud bed. Dijiang greeted the eleven opposing ancestor witches, left the highest point of the Bu Zhoushan dynasty, and reshaped Pangu’s real body. He stepped onto the starry sky, and Nuwa fought. “continue!”.

Seeing the twelve ancestral witches leave, Tai Yi and Di Jun each sighed and turned to continue making a wish. “I am too one!”.

“My Dijun!”

“As the sun god, I am guilty of savaging the wilds. I see the wilds are in a state of disorder. Every life is ignorant. They ignore Heavenly Dao’s methods. The principles and principles are unbalanced. The five components are reversed. of.”

“I want to guide the Yaozu to reorganize the order of heaven and earth, dig out celebrities and Rivers and Lakes…”

Following his words, a related star wind suddenly appeared in the sky. The sound of the wind roared and stretched for several miles. The monsters on the square were blown to each other and the Cultivation Base was directly blown into the sky. “Who is it again?”

The eyes of the encircled gods and demons are very strange. As soon as the twelve ancestor witches arrived, they came to make trouble again. The scene of the past few days is very good. The three Sages, Tian, ​​Xiuying, and Zhunzhi also have curiosity in their eyes, wondering if I am here, “Who?”

Tai Yi and Di Jun turned around, their faces savage and vigorous, two groups of flames flashed in their eyes, and they looked at the door of the Hushan dialect Zhou. “call!”

The void vibrated, the air burst, and 30,000 miles below the mountain. Kunpeng roared, the wind swept in all directions, suspended in the air, “Kunpeng!”

The gods and demons around were shocked. This guy was crushed and dared to come back. He ate the center of the dragon and also the liver of Feng. However, when he saw a young man standing on top of Kunpeng, he was floating in white. Gone, long hair flying, clothes fluttering, eyebrows like Star, standing with hands on hips: “Jiang Yuan!”

Countless gods and demons all around exclaimed, what happened to the current plague?

Madam Taiyi just defeated Kunpeng, maybe Jiang Yuan came back to avenge Kunpeng?

“Jiang Yuan!”

Tongtian squinted his eyes, his face was cold, his fists clenched, he basically recognized the tragic situation of Dage and the second brother, and there was unspeakable anger and stubbornness in his heart, each Shouhe Juntie also squinted his eyes, his eyes flickering, I don’t know. What else can be assumed, “Jiang Yuan!”

Taiyi and Dijun’s expressions changed drastically, and their hearts trembled. They were very afraid of what they were about to return. They were not afraid of the twelve ancestor witches. However, they were afraid of the scourge of Jiangyuan. . “Jiang Yuan, what are you doing here?”

Suppressing the panic in his heart, Tai Yi exclaimed, “What are you doing?”

Jiang Yuan looked at Taiyi and smiled faintly.

“I came back to temper you!”

The sound was flat, but it left no doubts. “I’m really here to fight the real Taiyi!”

Several demon gods sighed softly in their hearts: “Mr. Taiyi, you don’t have to do anything to fight Kunpeng. You are often very smart. When you fight Kunpeng, you give Jiang Yuan an excuse to fight. Does Jiang Yuan understand that he is going to marry Chang’e?

Tai Yi was a little confused, and Di Jun’s face was even more ugly, “Huh!”

Jiang Yuan turned around, didn’t see Chang’e, looked at the real Taiyi, and smiled: “So you haven’t started Heaven Court yet, it seems that I came back early.”

“You bear it a little bit, when you become the Heavenly Emperor, I must beat you!”

Chang’e is in Taiyi’s hands, Jiang Yuan knows he can’t push too hard, otherwise Taiyi will jump to the dog’s incline and kill Chang’e, that is not what he needs, besides Taiyi and Dijun have already found out Assemble Monster Qi and started Heaven Court. Their anger will skyrocket, which is unhealthy for others, but for Jiang Yuan, they are smart, or decent things that he doesn’t know. For him, he is not afraid of others having excess anger, but He was afraid that others did not. “…”

Hearing Jiang Yuan’s words, the gods and demons in the audience were shocked. Tai Yi and Di Jun started Heaven Court. This guy really dared to mention this. He was not afraid that after Tai Yi and Di Jun started Heaven Court, the Cultivation Base would increase greatly. You killed, the three Sages, Tongtian, Jiying, and Zhunti, squinted and looked at Jiang Yuan. His words were true or false. “Establish Heaven Court?”

Di Jun looked at Jiang Yuan with a sneer on his face, and snorted without emotion: “Will you Jiang Yuan be so atmospheric? Speak in a very pleasant way, and you still don’t want to ask for the opportunity to sneak into the background.”

“If you want to try it, just do it, there is no need to be pretentious.”

All the monsters below were filled with righteous indignation, abandoned their non-vulgar treasures, blocked Taiyi and Dijun in front of them, and looked at Jiang Yuan with murderous eyes: “hypocrite?”

Jiang Yuan looked ashamed and said, “Am I so stingy?”

As a result, the surrounding gods and demons shook their heads and looked at him contemptuously, “…”

Jiang Yuan said without knowing what he said, and declared: “I prefer to beat people upright. Since I said that you should open the Heaven Court, you should open the Heaven Court as soon as possible, otherwise you will have no chance!”

Tai Yi and Di Jun looked at Jiang Yuan in disbelief, and felt a trace of displeasure in their hearts. Try it, if it is true, the two of them will win. After taking a deep breath, Tai Yi and Di Jun began to swear again: “My too!”

“Me, Di Jun!””As the sun god responsible for the wild sunshine, I see the wilds in a state of chaos, sentient beings are ignorant, do not respect the Heavenly Dao law, principles and rules are not balanced, and the five components are reversed.”

“I would like to guide the Yaozu to rectify the order of heaven and earth, arrange the famous Rivers and Lakes, control the principles and rules, establish the Heaven Court, ask all beings to be responsible, and suppress Qilin with the chaotic clock, and then suppress the Heavenly Emperor seal.”

“Heaven Court, to be established!”

As soon as the voice fell, the real person Taiyi and the real person Dijun discharged their own Cultivation Base and released Heavenly Dao in The Netherworld. Their Cultivation Base went from the ascending and breakthrough of the Sage criterion in the central stage to the happy completion of the Sage criterion. It did not stop there, and directly entered a brand new Realm with a common mixed composition, which was the initial stage of Sage.

The three of Tongtian, Xiying, and Zhunti were shocked. Many people were far beyond their expectations. They thought the Heavenly Emperor had done nothing. However, as soon as they felt that Taiyi and Dijun’s Cultivation Base level had reached the threshold of Sage, nine Heavenly Emperors. In the movie, who is messing with Sage, but they feel the pressure. “Sage?”

Zhen Yuanzi, Pluto, Fuxi, and various gods and demons all light up excited eyes. It turns out that they have always had the potential to prove the Dao without the purple energy of Hongmeng. At this time, countless masters are excited and see the proving Dao. hope,……….

The star evolves to open up the world, the axe and the blade are staggered, the heaven and the earth are destroyed, and the stars are shifted. The endless auspicious aura shining in the sky, Pangu’s mantra and the Pinyin characters of the Longevity Kingdom were stunned. Everyone looked at the highest point of the Huangshan Mountain, looking forward to Taiyi and Emperor Jun’s breaking the Cultivation of Sage. Base. The rules of Tianyuan and Tianyuan were revealed and congratulated them. Taibai Jinxing and Emperor Jun have become Heavenly Emperors, Heaven Court has been established, and Ziwa’s screaming eyes crooked on the crescent. His face is full of nodding colors, Heaven Court has been established, and the Cultivation Base of Taishang Laojun and Emperor Jun has also reached the elementary level of Hunyuan Sage. By his side, the wild world will be occupied by the demons in the future. “Humph!”

Pangu’s ruthless real body snorted, murderously flew, and ruthlessly snorted, carrying a giant axe, dashing towards Buzhou Mountain, the letters of the longevity kingdom hurriedly blocked, but Pangu’s real body was full of anger. The axe of the relevant degree smashed down and separated a huge starry sky space, exposing the vast world of geography, step by step, rushing to the highest point of Bu Zhou Mountain, the face of the alphabet and the word Hua changed greatly, and the god-level interception ability was activated. ,……


Taiyi and Emperor Jun absorbed all the benefits and luck of the emperor, and transformed into two Heavenly Emperors, suppressing the heavens and the world. “Meet the Heavenly Emperor!”

Countless monster races were full of excitement. They knelt on the ground and pointed at the idea of ​​Heavenly Emperor: “Welcome to Heavenly Emperor!”

The monster races in the Sun Temple are all excited and ready to move, and the monster races in every corner of the wild world are also full of excitement, facing the direction of the Invisible Mountain, moving endlessly and heading towards. “Boom!”

Infinite luck gathered from all directions to the seal of Heavenly Emperor in the hands of Emperor Jun. The seal of Heavenly Emperor turned golden yellow, and drastic changes took place. Heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, flowers, insects, fish, sun and moon stars. Birds and beasts appeared, because infinite luck came, a huge Qi Sea ocean of luck appeared, higher than the monster race, infinite, and rapidly increasing in all directions, by swallowing the last luck of luck, The ocean of luck has become 500 billion feet, such a powerful air of luck! The three people are a little jealous. The ocean of chance they get in holiness is only a few billion feet. Compared with the current, it It’s too small.

Jiang Yuan nodded, his eyes brightened, and with the base of this wealth, he could have a huge breakthrough. “Humph!”

Taiyi and Dijun each looked at Jiang Yuan, with a sneer in their eyes, and snorted without emotion: “Laugh, you won’t even be able to cry in the future!”.

Di Jun waved his hand towards the side, and the two immortals walked out with two girls wearing phoenix crowns. “Heaven Court has been established, naturally there must be a queen mother!”.

Dijun smiled softly and said, “There are three blessings today. First, our monster clan established the Heaven Court to rectify the order and regulate the principles and rules of the prehistoric world.”

“The second thing, my emperor today welcomes Taiyinxi and the gods as my dao companion, and makes her the queen of Heavenly Emperor!”

“Third, my brother Taiyi is another Heavenly Emperor, and Heavenly Emperor cannot live without a queen.

As soon as these words were spoken, the Yaozu began to cook. Many gods and demons had strange eyes, and they looked at Jiang Yuan.



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